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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by WWFan

  1. Should be an interesting season. Valley lost a ton. I'm curious how they bounce back. Not sure how much paoli lost but they have their running back still so I'm sure they will be good. Should be an interesting season.
  2. Coach Thompson is good. We haven't beat them since 2016. Last years beatdown was worst I can remember. I wont cheer for them but can't deny they are trending in right direction. Makes me sick....😂😂
  3. Well well well..... look who's back. As far if any of us are still around? Uh...couple of us. 😂
  4. You dont want me talking to myself in the PLAC thread? Well then.....
  5. @DT you know what type of offense Kling runs? I can't find it anywhere
  6. Would you have reps for all levels and areas or big school/big city focus?
  7. Honestly torn if I miss you guys or not. 😂. I still read most Linton threads. Wouldve been interesting to see our 2019 2020 match ups unfold but I seen alot of our most talented teams fall to Linton. 2004 was fun game. 2012 was a good team that ran into such a good defense. But 2015 was my favorite. Was one of my first years on the board and it was me vs 100 fans in the game thread. Game was much closer then the final score of 35-14 as Linton scored 2 late as we got gassed. I remember fans talking about how Linton hadn't allowed 100 yd rusher all season and Landon McPheeters wasn't gonna be different. Had over 100 at halftime if I remember correctly but wasn't enough. I moved out here from Louisville in 5th grade so I wasn't around during WW 93-94 runs so my only 2 regionals we had at that point were both loses to Linton. 19-20 would've been 2 more great games I think. But we may have lost and still been searching for those SS appearances we finally got with you gone. 😂. Of course now we are rebuilding so I really don't wanna see you guys. Maybe in a few years. Holden Bowsman (Phillips son and QB of those SS teams) is now first year on coaching staff. So when he makes his movie moment of winning state as a coach for his father we have to beat Linton on the way. 😉
  8. Our plac/mid southern thread is more of hanging on a thread. Be like 3 or 4 us come season. Now I demand you change your mind!! 😂
  9. I remember when we played them in semi state (2 years ago) their coach was excited about their soph class (will be seniors). Just never know who sticks around. Yes I agree that schedule is much better but didn't seem to matter couple years ago. That team was talented as hell obviously.
  10. Agree Lutheran from south. Not sure it'll be close (admittedly don't know what CC returns). Just to talk about someone different ill be watching Providence closely. Coming from 2A they have a good style. I assume they replace Perry Central in sectional 48. They could be a quietly good team and they play a good schedule.
  11. Nah....it just got changed to "Red Zone Defense wins championships" 😂😂
  12. I'm in. I'll start my door to door sales pitch soon
  13. Uh....I could for maybe 1 team....maybe. We were young. Graduated 6 seniors. I think 2 were starters (Clayton Holloway and Cameron VanCleave). Both lineman. Valley lost alot. Grimes and Chase both gone. I wanna say 11 seniors. Alot of starters. Their basketball team is doing well tho. I think the team could be exciting IF Soph to be QB Deon Edwards sticks to football. He's a major talent but heard he may focus on basketball. I like Valleys system so I'm sure they will be ok.
  14. https://www.tmnews.com/story/news/local/2022/02/16/mitchell-high-school-hires-new-varsity-football-coach-kevin-king/6797013001/ Little more about him. Coached at Trition Central approx 10 years ago. Unsure where he's been since.
  15. Figured we could start this for the 4 of us. Haha. Yesterday Mitchell's Facebook posted Kevin Kling as the new football HC. Not sure if anyone knows anything about him but if you do feel free to share. Good luck to the man. The new facilities they are building look amazing including the turf.
  16. Do all privates get the 1 class bump or just 1A to 2A...rest remain enrollment based?
  17. But you have said no private should be in class A. I'm not here to stir that pot...its a fight I refuse to partake in but more curious how YOU would have all classes shaped up to once all things are done how you think they should be. Just curiosity for me to see the whole picture and not just pieces here and there in different threads.
  18. I mean this is all seriousness when I say this but you need to just upload file of how you would do all teams in all classes. Use whatever success/private bump you wanna and split em up in whatever classes you would sort by. Let's see the whole picture and see how much people would really complain
  19. They lose 18-14. Good close game from what I followed on Twitter.
  20. Been talking about them in the 1A thread for a few weeks. They are big. They did have some luck against Valley (6 fumbles all recovered by offense for NCF) plus Valley lost their best player in game against Tecumseh. The defense is good. It's gonna he hard to run up the middle against them. Valley scored on a Pass and a punt return. Went nearly 2Qs without a first down.
  21. I just wanted to make sure we got in above the Orange County schools. 🤣
  22. Bow down peasants! I'm the king now. I look forward to defending this next season. Shall all your teams get worse while WW gets better. 🤣🤣
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