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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by WWFan

  1. O i know why he does it. I swear to God I do!!! But I dont read the Sagamore so explains why I never see them anywhere else.
  2. This is definitely sarcasm everyone. He does this every year and honestly I feel like I never see him post anywhere else. So I end up laughing every time. Haha
  3. Not to my knowledge. WW has been on 4 day weeks (all weds virtual) for awhile now. From sound of the announcement it seems more of preventing something prior to tourny.
  4. Salem/WW has been cancelled. Per the announcement it was a joint decision. Sucks as its our best test and prep for the tourny. Hopefully both teams are ready for next week
  5. How dare you. We are gonna beat them so bad they will give us a share of the MSC title. Holden has 600 total yds which will be a shame because he wont play the 2nd half. I do that right? Im new to blind homerism.
  6. Probably because we don't argue in here. People find us boring. Haha.
  7. Think we just lost alot of our fans on the board. Think obviously the Salem/WW game is going to be good. Our seniors have gone 28-5 last 2 years and this year. 2 of those loses are to Salem and have scored 6 pts each of those games. They definitely seem to have our number.
  8. I would even just say seed top 2 and blind draw the rest. If its about preserving the best match up to the end then they should get there. If #1 is upset by #3 in the first round then they just weren't as good as paper said.
  9. This 100%. Too many people get in a thread they don't agree with just to spout insults and not even attempt a debate or discussion. I often read alot of threads but never post because I may agree or disagree but don't feel like butting heads about it with the "youre stupid because you don't agree with me" crowd
  10. Ethnic means more then race. Dont think its anything "yikes" worthy.
  11. Haha. Im aware. Just wanted to attempted to beat others to the joke. As a fan of a 1A school in the corn with 1 state title appearance DT will come for my school looooong before yours. You may just get the New Pal treatment currently going. Haha
  12. Oof. Salem seems to be our kyrptonite no matter how good we are.
  13. Wasn't there talk of PLAC and Southwest conference merge before? Maybe that can start again. Seems like scheduling is difficult since MSC went to 8 conference games so a larger PLAC would help eliminate so many non conference match up that we struggle to find
  14. Looks like they added Calumet Saturday at brownsburg
  15. Madison is going independent i believe. But I understand size and travel but seems silly to split Valley and Paoli to keep a team whose football team seems fringe. Crawford could join a basketball conference and go independent in football.
  16. Assuming this is football reasoning (since no mention of Orleans or Austin) why in the world would you drop Valley for Crawford?
  17. Springs Valley/tecumseh has been removed from Harrells. Anyone know why?
  18. The local newspaper down here does a pick em every week. This was the hardest game for me to pick. I think we eventually chose CE. (I do these picks with an elderly man I used to work with). How do you feel about tonight's game?
  19. According to Harrells Springs Valley has South Decatur listed as an opp this week (on the road). South Dectaur currently listed as playing 2 games that day. Haha. Unsure if typo or if Anderson Prep has been replaced with Valley. Maybe one of the lurking SV coaches can give some insight...😂 👀.
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