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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by WWFan

  1. Pre-orders available if interested. Also pretty sweet a WW kid makes the cover. Congrats to Holden. Now I await my copy to help me pass time till kickoff
  2. 12 hours and not a single "wolfs" comment. Board is slipping
  3. per Josh Lewis Twitter Darrin Russell (current girls basketball coach) has been named new AD. Keith Nance (Superintendent and previous OC) named Head Football coach tonight at school board meeting. Congrats to both Men and think both are great hires. Looking forward to continuing Bowsmans vision and legacy and seeing all sports programs continue to get better.
  4. per Twitter Blair Thompson (current Salem DC) has been named HC. Josh Lewis of Salem leader tweeted it out.
  5. 2015 West Washington @ Paoli. WW won 52-34. WW RB Landon Mcpheeters had 13 rushes for 297 yds and 7 Tds. Small ball and player nobody but WW fans remembers but man that team was good.
  6. I personally love watching spread offenses. WW runs exclusively from shotgun and still had a 2000 yard rusher 2 years ago. Last year was more balanced but still run 1st. WW ran a wishbone when I was in HS. I prefer the spread. If you prefer the other then I dont think it's wrong. Just enjoy the game. I dont think this is an RPO hate thread as it is a passing game hate thread. I enjoy balanced. Just as some dont wanna watch 70 passes I dont wanna watch 70 runs. But also as stated in original post indiana has a ton of guys ready for D1 in the OL....but maybe that's because they are quicker, leaner more spread oriented guys. Would the ratings be as high if looking for 330 pound road graders?
  7. WW recently had a open meeting about it, but haven't heard anything else.
  8. Salem HC has stepped down per their twitter account. https://twitter.com/salem_fb_lions/status/1232746269652783104?s=19
  9. Sounds like I need to visit when WW travels there this coming fall.
  10. I wonder if the HHC will offer Silver Creek to replace them and then leaving Madison to end up in MSC.
  11. West Washington is currently discussing the possibility. Hopefully soon we shall know. I'm alllll for it
  12. Haha. Same!! My dynasty league feels stacked. Won title and own 2nd pick. (Traded Kittle mid season after having Waller and Mark Andrews)
  13. Good work Darren Waller. As a Raiders fan I'm glad hes clean. Haha
  14. Merry Christmas to you too coach!! Didnt want ya to feel left out. Haha
  15. I would totally believe that if Texas State wasnt the Bobcats. 🤣🤣
  16. Would require a shake up of the MSC. They all only have 1 non conference game and Brownstown isnt going to drop Seymour
  17. Incase you're new to tanka he makes every thread about cameras or wolfs. It's not a metaphor....its his legit obsession with end zone cameras. Just laugh but dont take it as anything more then a man who loves Endzone cameras and Brian Moore more then anyone should.
  18. Well....so I only looked at half. Haha.
  19. Find it interesting they list him as a FB. Wonder if IU plans to bulk him up and play him there. Also curious what his 40 is. If they think he can get around 250 and can run they could switch to TE down the line. Regardless recruiting/scouting isnt an exact science. Time will tell. Someone will always say "I told you so" in couple years, but I tend to trust the people who do it for a living.
  20. Always cracks me up. No matter how many threads get started on contraction always new fish getting mad. Yet this thread has more post then talking about nice subjects such as Mr Football and Top 25 programs of all time. Welcome to DTs side of the forum. You may hate the subjects but it always leads to chatter and from now until August it's what keeps me coming back. PS...no I dont support the whole contraction movement him and muda march with but I support the entertaining threads that follow. Enjoy the offseason!!
  21. Holy crap.....the article has West Washington playing at Washington. Guess I should read more often!! Didnt have greatest of seasons lately but a 3A school can't hurt to play for 1A.
  22. Ah. Thanks man. We've been struggling with week 8 for years.
  23. Tell City is 2A...regardless I wonder is WW will try and add them assuming they have week 8 open. We already play PC.
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