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270 to Win, 2020 Edition

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4 hours ago, DanteEstonia said:

What I'd like to see-




What I'm going to get-


I think Biden will hold every state Clinton won, hell win Pennsylvania, Mich and Wisconsin along with Arizona. 

Florida, Georgia, Texas, North Carolina and Ohio are interesting but I think Joe only wins 2 of those.


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5 hours ago, DanteEstonia said:

What I'd like to see-


What I'm going to get-


Texas is an unlikely Blue although it is dangerously far from where it was in 2016 for the GOP.  Yes, the two recent polls that just came out show it dead even in the PPP poll and Trump by 1 in the Quinnipiac poll, but Texas is part of the GOP red wall ... for now ... although it's a long cry from its 10-point stature in 2016.  If, however, you are right that Texas goes Blue, again, I think it's a very long shot at best, then the Democrat EVs will not just nest around 282 ... it would be around 375+.  If Texas goes Blue, there's no way that Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Florida, along with possibly OH at a minimum don't also go that way.

1 hour ago, Ultimate Warrior said:

I think Biden will hold every state Clinton won, hell win Pennsylvania, Mich and Wisconsin along with Arizona

Florida, Georgia, Texas, North Carolina and Ohio are interesting but I think Joe only wins 2 of those.


I think you are correct in holding the states that Clinton won.  At one point, there was talk about the GOP peeling off NH, but that seems to have gone by the wayside. There will several states that have to be defended as well as reclaimed for Trump.  It was already foregone that Michigan and Pennsylvania were already in the "need to be reclaimed" area and they were going to be money states anyway given the thin margins in 2016.  Wisconsin was less of where the GOP focus was going to be, but it now has to be there based on what's happening with AZ.  There's going to have to be money spent in AZ to not only reclaim a presidential state, but to try to hold that Senate seat ... which is looking lost at this point.  Georgia's going to also be another one with lots of money poured in based on the two Senate seats that are up this time around and Trump and Biden splitting the polls since April 4-2 in favor of Trump, but never more than by 2 compared to a 5-point margin in 2016 with a well-seated Isakson running for re-election ... and also before the funny business with the governor's election.

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3 hours ago, foxbat said:

Texas is an unlikely Blue although it is dangerously far from where it was in 2016 for the GOP.  Yes, the two recent polls that just came out show it dead even in the PPP poll and Trump by 1 in the Quinnipiac poll, but Texas is part of the GOP red wall ... for now ... although it's a long cry from its 10-point stature in 2016.  If, however, you are right that Texas goes Blue, again, I think it's a very long shot at best, then the Democrat EVs will not just nest around 282 ... it would be around 375+.  If Texas goes Blue, there's no way that Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Florida, along with possibly OH at a minimum don't also go that way.

I think you are correct in holding the states that Clinton won.  At one point, there was talk about the GOP peeling off NH, but that seems to have gone by the wayside. There will several states that have to be defended as well as reclaimed for Trump.  It was already foregone that Michigan and Pennsylvania were already in the "need to be reclaimed" area and they were going to be money states anyway given the thin margins in 2016.  Wisconsin was less of where the GOP focus was going to be, but it now has to be there based on what's happening with AZ.  There's going to have to be money spent in AZ to not only reclaim a presidential state, but to try to hold that Senate seat ... which is looking lost at this point.  Georgia's going to also be another one with lots of money poured in based on the two Senate seats that are up this time around and Trump and Biden splitting the polls since April 4-2 in favor of Trump, but never more than by 2 compared to a 5-point margin in 2016 with a well-seated Isakson running for re-election ... and also before the funny business with the governor's election.

Johnny Isakson retired. Loeffler took over for him. 

Perdue is running. In his 2014 election, he won by 7.68 points.

Loeffer seems to be in deep trouble.. And if Biden is successful at getting within 3-5 points.. Georgia's Senate seats could be open for the taking. 

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3 hours ago, foxbat said:

Texas is an unlikely Blue although it is dangerously far from where it was in 2016 for the GOP.  Yes, the two recent polls that just came out show it dead even in the PPP poll and Trump by 1 in the Quinnipiac poll, but Texas is part of the GOP red wall ... for now ... although it's a long cry from its 10-point stature in 2016.  If, however, you are right that Texas goes Blue, again, I think it's a very long shot at best, then the Democrat EVs will not just nest around 282 ... it would be around 375+.  If Texas goes Blue, there's no way that Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Florida, along with possibly OH at a minimum don't also go that way.

I think you are correct in holding the states that Clinton won.  At one point, there was talk about the GOP peeling off NH, but that seems to have gone by the wayside. There will several states that have to be defended as well as reclaimed for Trump.  It was already foregone that Michigan and Pennsylvania were already in the "need to be reclaimed" area and they were going to be money states anyway given the thin margins in 2016.  Wisconsin was less of where the GOP focus was going to be, but it now has to be there based on what's happening with AZ.  There's going to have to be money spent in AZ to not only reclaim a presidential state, but to try to hold that Senate seat ... which is looking lost at this point.  Georgia's going to also be another one with lots of money poured in based on the two Senate seats that are up this time around and Trump and Biden splitting the polls since April 4-2 in favor of Trump, but never more than by 2 compared to a 5-point margin in 2016 with a well-seated Isakson running for re-election ... and also before the funny business with the governor's election.

Its going to be interesting as well to see how black voter turnout is. It was down 7 percent from 2012 and 6 percent from 2008..it is believed in Wisconsin that black turn out dropped almost 19 percent (74 to 55.1 percent). Trump won Wisconsin by 22,748 votes...In Michigan.. Trump won by 10,704 votes...black turn out was down there. ..In Pennsylvania.. 1/3 of registered voters in Philadelphia did not vote.. And not good either. 

The focus must remain in holding all states HRC won, improving black voter turn out in Miluwakee, Detroit and Philadelphia which killed Clinton and trying to win over moderate Republicans and Independents. 



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16 hours ago, Ultimate Warrior said:

The focus must remain in holding all states HRC won

This is a biggie, because HRC $ucked at playing defense.

16 hours ago, Ultimate Warrior said:

improving black voter turn out in Miluwakee, Detroit and Philadelphia which killed Clinton

A lot of things killed Clinton, but the over-reliance on this is one factor. 

26 minutes ago, TrojanDad said:

Shame Uncle Joe labeled 10-15% of the country as not very good people....

He's not wrong. 

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20 hours ago, foxbat said:

Texas is an unlikely Blue although it is dangerously far from where it was in 2016 for the GOP.  Yes, the two recent polls that just came out show it dead even in the PPP poll and Trump by 1 in the Quinnipiac poll, but Texas is part of the GOP red wall ... for now ... although it's a long cry from its 10-point stature in 2016.  If, however, you are right that Texas goes Blue, again, I think it's a very long shot at best, then the Democrat EVs will not just nest around 282 ... it would be around 375+.  If Texas goes Blue, there's no way that Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Florida, along with possibly OH at a minimum don't also go that way.

A lot of people compare TX to AZ politically, and AZ is now a purple State. If the Dems can win Maricopa County, AZ is blue. 

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2 hours ago, DanteEstonia said:


Jeff Flake, Jeb and George Bush, Lisa Murkowski, Colin Powell, Jim Mattis and John Kelly have been reported to voting for Biden or considering it. 

I was thinking of those suburbs moms and dads. 

Edited by Ultimate Warrior
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1 hour ago, Ultimate Warrior said:

Jeff Flake, Jeb and George Bush, Lisa Murkowski, Colin Powell, Jim Mattis and John Kelly have been reported to voting for Biden or considering it. 

I was thinking of those suburbs moms and dads. 

Great for short-term gains, bad for long-term results. 

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I really think Trump will lose the election. I probably would have not said that 1 month ago, but he has self destructed after the GF thing in Minnie. It's too bad, because I don't think Biden is capable from a business/economics standpoint to continue growing the US economy that Trump has been able to do. He will suck up to China and get pushed around by North Korea and Iran, Putin will eat him alive. 

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4 hours ago, psaboy said:

I really think Trump will lose the election. I probably would have not said that 1 month ago, but he has self destructed after the GF thing in Minnie. It's too bad, because I don't think Biden is capable from a business/economics standpoint to continue growing the US economy that Trump has been able to do. He will suck up to China and get pushed around by North Korea and Iran, Putin will eat him alive. 

Trump was given the keys to a Ferrari in regards to the economy and wrecked it. 

Trump is Putin's bitch and does whatever he wants anyway. 

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1 minute ago, TheStatGuy said:

Trump was given the keys to a Ferrari in regards to the economy and wrecked it. 

Trump is Putin's bitch and does whatever he wants anyway. 

Trump didn't wreck the economy. He has made the U.S. dollar stronger and stock market soared when he took over from the community organizer. 

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1 hour ago, psaboy said:

Trump didn't wreck the economy. He has made the U.S. dollar stronger and stock market soared when he took over from the community organizer. 

The "community organizer" took over after a bozo from Texas wrecked the economy. What SUBSTANTIVE policy decision did Trump make that led to increased employment, particularly factory employment, in the Midwest?

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1 hour ago, DanteEstonia said:

The "community organizer" took over after a bozo from Texas wrecked the economy. What SUBSTANTIVE policy decision did Trump make that led to increased employment, particularly factory employment, in the Midwest?



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Hey, as I said, Trump have have very well lost the upcoming election this past month or so. You honestly can't tell me you want bigger federal government and involvement with higher taxes though. I just don't see Biden being the answer here. 

Elected with high hopes in 2008, Obama managed to save the economy from recession, but his policies failed to create higher growth rates.

Tax reform and middle-class policies largely failed to make any positive impact. His health reforms, which were thought to revolutionize the American health insurance sector, left a massive public debt.

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18 minutes ago, Howe said:


That arena where the rally will be in holds 19,000 lol. 

There's an old saying: the empty can rattles the loudest.


The Trump campaign has long admitted that its rallies are a tool for harvesting cell phone numbers and email addresses of people who sign up to attend. Those people then are then bombarded with emails and text messages asking for campaign donations and targeted with ads on Facebook and Instagram.

Tulsa has a little over 400,000 people in it and Oklahoma itself has 4 million.

Getting 1 million people to sign up isn't too hard but getting the 1 million to show up lol good luck..


And landslide? Hes less popular at the moment then he was on election day 2016.. By a whopping 12 points.. Btw.. Shouldn't he be campaigning in a state hes struggling in? I mean there's at least 10 states i can think of. 

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