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The Joe Biden Presidency Thread


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President Biden’s Magical Thinking in the Middle East: https://www.cato.org/blog/president-bidens-magical-thinking-middle-east


According to a new report in the Wall Street Journal, the Biden administration is close to finalizing a proposed treaty with Saudi Arabia that would include a formal US security guarantee for the kingdom and assistance from the United States in facilitating a civilian nuclear program, if Riyadh normalizes relations with Israel.

The treaty, the “Strategic Alliance Agreement,” is supposedly modeled on Washington’s security pact with other partners, such as Japan and South Korea, and would therefore require a two‐thirds majority vote in the Senate for approval. However, Saudi Arabia has insisted that to move forward Israel must end its military campaign in Gaza and rhetorically commit to a “pathway” toward a two‐state solution with Palestinians, something Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly rejected.

Though its future is uncertain, this effort by Washington should be denounced for what it is: an extension of a failed US Middle East policy.

President Biden’s unceasing drive for this “mega‐deal” is rooted in the same magical thinking that has repeatedly brought the United States to ruin in the Middle East. This deal would achieve nothing for the United States, binding our regional policies to a principal source of instability in the Middle East, while planting the seeds for future disorder.

Saudi Arabia is not an ally—no amount of concessions to the kingdom will change this. Failure to abandon this disastrous agenda risks formalizing Washington’s commitment to a cycle of turmoil that will continue to impact the region—and undermine US interests—for generations.

Is it still all about the oil?


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Hunter Biden was convicted Tuesday of all three felony charges related to the purchase of a revolver in 2018 when, prosecutors argued, the president’s son lied on a mandatory gun-purchase form by saying he was not illegally using or addicted to drugs.

Hunter Biden stared straight ahead and showed little emotion as the verdict was read after jury deliberations that lasted only three hours over two days. He hugged his attorneys, smiled wanly and kissed his wife, Melissa, before leaving the courtroom with her.

President Joe Biden issued a statement shortly after the verdict, saying he would accept the outcome of the case and “continue to respect the judicial process as Hunter considers an appeal.”

Now Hunter Biden and presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, the president’s chief political rival, have both been convicted by American jurors in an election year that has been as much about the courtroom as about campaign events and rallies.


Hunter Biden faces up to 25 years in prison when he is sentenced by U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika, though first-time offenders do not get anywhere near the maximum, and it’s unclear whether she would give him time behind bars. The judge did not set a sentencing date.

“No one in this country is above the law,” special counsel David Weiss, the prosecutor who has led the long-running federal investigation into the president’s son, told reporters after the verdict. “Everyone must be accountable for their actions.”



Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, suggested they would appeal, saying they will “continue to vigorously pursue all the legal challenges available.” In a written statement, Hunter Biden said he was disappointed by the outcome but grateful for the support of family and friends.

The jury’s decision was read swiftly after an announcement that jurors had reached a verdict. First lady Jill Biden and some other family members who sat through much of the trial did not make it into the courtroom in time to hear the jury’s decision. After the verdict, Hunter Biden left the courthouse holding hands with the first lady and his wife. They did not speak to reporters, got into waiting SUVs and drove off.

Joe Biden steered clear of the federal courtroom in Delaware where his son was tried and said little about the case, wary of creating an impression of interfering in a criminal matter brought by his own Justice Department. But allies of the Democrat have worried about the toll that the trial — and now the conviction — will take on the 81-year-old, who has long been concerned with his only living son’s health and sustained sobriety.

Hunter Biden and Trump have both argued they were victimized by the politics of the moment. But while Trump has continued to falsely claim the verdict was “rigged,” Joe Biden has said he would accept the verdict and would not seek to pardon his son.

The president said in his statement Tuesday that he and the first lady will always be there for their son with “love and support.”

“So many families who have had loved ones battle addiction understand the feeling of pride seeing someone you love come out the other side and be so strong and resilient in recovery,” President Biden said. Hunter Biden has said he’s been sober since 2019.

The president was scheduled to give a speech on his administration’s efforts to limit gun violence at a conference hosted by the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund in Washington. After the verdict was announced, the White House canceled press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre’s scheduled briefing and announced that Biden would spend Tuesday evening with family in Delaware. He leaves Wednesday for the Group of Seven leaders conference in Italy.

Jurors found Hunter Biden guilty of lying to a federally licensed gun dealer, making a false claim on the application by saying he was not a drug user and illegally having the gun for 11 days.

And his legal troubles aren’t over. He faces a trial in September in California on charges of failing to pay $1.4 million in taxes, and congressional Republicans have signaled they will keep going after him in their stalled impeachment effort into the president. The president has not been accused or charged with any wrongdoing by prosecutors investigating his son.

The prosecution devoted much of the trial to highlighting the seriousness of Hunter Biden’s drug problem, through highly personal testimony and embarrassing evidence.

These convictions just highlight the abject failure of our uni-part.. errr two-party political system.


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I will agree with your summation Muda.  Political.

Is the point that NY State actually changed an existing law, then manipulated the charges brought from a misdemeanor state charge to a felony, then hand-picked an impartial judge missed by everybody?  That conviction WAS a political maneuver from the Biden DOJ that nobody can ever convince SF otherwise.

The Hunter Biden conviction would never had happened if the sweetheart plea deal offered by the special counsel (Biden DOJ again) would have went through and got past the Federal Judge appointed by Trump.

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1 hour ago, swordfish said:

I will agree with your summation Muda.  Political.

Is the point that NY State actually changed an existing law, then manipulated the charges brought from a misdemeanor state charge to a felony, then hand-picked an impartial judge missed by everybody?  That conviction WAS a political maneuver from the Biden DOJ that nobody can ever convince SF otherwise.

The Hunter Biden conviction would never had happened if the sweetheart plea deal offered by the special counsel (Biden DOJ again) would have went through and got past the Federal Judge appointed by Trump.

This verdict is a smoke screen.  They’ll use this verdict to justify an “unbiased judicial system.”

This gun charge is just the tip of the iceberg with this guy.

They may even go as far as to use this to justify punishing Trump with jail time.

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From a weekly newsletter I subscribe to:


There is now talk going around that the Dems will not replace Biden as their candidate, but will replace Harris with Hillary Clinton. The belief is that Biden could not make it through a second term and the VP will take over. Nobody in the country wants or likes Harris and the party does not want her to be the first female US President, that role was already reserved for Clinton, a real fan favorite amongst liberal women and gay men. In fact she was a presenter at the Tony Awards last Sunday to a thunderous standing ovation of the Broadway elite.

The possibility still exists that Biden will fail so miserably at the debate with Trump (if it is allowed to proceed) then Hillary will take his place as the Presidential candidate. That scenario creates all sorts of issues because it means a “straight” white woman will be pushed into place over a POC in Kamala Harris making the party look racist. The party looks racist by dropping in Clinton as VP, but not ridiculously so. Besides, some sort of emergency or accident might sideline Harris and her replacement being another woman seems less offensive.

Also putting Clinton in the top spot requires a different VP anyway as the party is not going to have two women running as it is unbalanced. So Harris would be ousted then too. If Biden was replaced with Gavin Newsom, you still have a problem with Harris. Thus moving out Harris from the get-go is the most effective maneuver. When analyzing the original Harris choice for VP in 2020, you have to conclude she was the equivalent of a “poison pill” put in place to assure Biden remains at the top of the ticket. She makes complex changes difficult.

That said, the Democratic Party has no real problem swapping out VP's. Roosevelt, for example, had three different VP's, Garner, Wallace and Truman. So getting rid of Kamala has precedent.



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