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Trans Totalitarianism: Time For Moral Panic


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Be gay if you want - The overwhelming majority of the US population really don't care a person's sexual preference/orientation until it's waved in their faces non-stop by the fringes. 

ISF has 2 very good friends whose wonderful kids have grown into adulthood and are gay.  One is trans (born female - but is identifying male) the other is just a gay guy.  Both are wonderful people who just want to live their lives with their significant others.  Both mainstream, well educated and have enviable careers, but neither want to be affiliated with this fringe left-wing assumption that they are marginalized because of who they are.  Neither has been back to a "Pride" event for years because of the "debauchery"  they both described as being very uncomfortable.  My only issue is remembering to call the cute little girl Mrs. ISF & I remember all the years growing up - "He" instead of "She".  Admittedly it is easier now that "He" has a full beard.  (Which is more than ISF can grow - mine is very scraggly and not at all attractive) 


(Bloomberg) -- Anti-LGBTQ protests targeting brands like Target Corp. and Bud Light have cast a broader chill across corporate America. For the first time in years, company mentions of “Pride Month” and other LGBTQ terms were on the decline in regulatory filings and earnings calls, a Bloomberg News analysis found.  

References to “Pride Month” in filings, presentations and transcripts from April to June at more than 900 of the largest US companies dropped almost 40% from this time last year, the first decline in five years. Other LGBTQ terms showed similar declines, the analysis found.

“We’re in a toxic stew of a backlash against LGBTQ people, primarily trans people,” said Bob Witeck, a consultant who helps companies such as Walmart Inc. and Marriott International Inc. craft LGBTQ-friendly policies.

Protests against brands with LGBTQ-themed merchandise or marketing campaigns escalated ahead of this year’s June Pride Month. Target reported violent attacks against employees and beer drinkers boycotted Bud Light for its work with trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney. Witeck referred to this rise in violence and anger directed at the community as the “Spring of Ugly.” 

While some companies, like Target and the Danish food ingredients maker Chr. Hansen Holding A/Scapitulated to the threats, many others went ahead with unchanged Pride Month plans. But, Witeck said, “they were less vocal about it.” 

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  • 2 weeks later...



The Dossier has acquired a new Department of Defense (DOD) memo that goes into great detail on the topic of “care of service members who identify as transgender.”


The document, which is not classified but has long remained unavailable to Americans, is being published here for the first time for public consumption.

The 34 page memo details the enormous perks granted to service members who identify as transgender.




At the beginning of his tenure, President Biden ended President Trump’s ban on people who identify as transgender serving in the military. Since then, the Biden Administration has granted more and more benefits to this cohort, leading to dudes like this being celebrated by the Defense Department.




Anyway, here’s some of the “highlights” found within the document:

  1. Taxpayer funded “care” for transgender service members includes:

  • speech/voice therapy

  • cross-sex hormones,

  • laser hair removal,

  • voice feminization surgery,

  • facialcontouring,

  • body contouring,

  • breast/chest surgery (“upper surgery”)

  • genital mutilation surgery (“lower surgery”).

  • Psychological counseling

  1. Service members who identify as transgender may receive a waiver for grooming and uniform standards.

  2. Service members who identify as transgender may receive an indefinite waiver for physical fitness standards. This waiver often becomes a de facto permanent situation, and the transgender identifying service member just has to renew the exemption request every six months.

  3. Service members who identify as transgender will be considered “non-deployable” for up to 300 days while taking hormones for their “transition” period. Again, given that these hormones are often required for life, this may render the transgender identifying service member as permanently unable to deploy.

The United States military is facing its worst recruiting environment since 1973, when the conscription era ended and the current all-volunteer force was formed. As the Defense Department memo makes clear, the U.S. military in 2023 represents more of a social welfare and social justice program than an entity purposed with defeating an aggressing army.

Agreed.  Today's military is not something I can recommend to more and more of today's youth.

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Poll: 44 Percent of Millennials Want To Make Misgendering a Crime



"Referring to someone by the wrong gender pronoun (he/him, she/her) should be a criminal offense," millennials say in a new poll. Americans, particularly younger Americans, often lament that our country has such problems with policing and mass incarceration. But when it comes to decriminalizing or lessening penalties for things that put people in cops' crosshairs, few want to give an inch unless the crime in question involves cannabis. Meanwhile, way too many express enthusiasm for creating criminal prohibitions on anything they wish wouldn't happen.

Case in point: a new Newsweek poll on misgendering. In the poll—given to 1,500 eligible voters in the U.S. in early July by Redfield & Wilton Strategies—people were asked whether "referring to someone by the wrong gender pronoun (he/him, she/her) should be a criminal offense."

A shocking percentage of younger survey respondents said that it should.

Younger millennials were the most likely to support criminal penalties for misgendering, with 44 percent of 25- to 34-year-old respondents in favor and just 31 percent saying misgendering should not be a crime.

But support for criminalizing misgendering was also strong among older millennials and Gen Z, though the younger group was less gung-ho about it:

  • Some 38 percent of 35- to 44-year-old respondents said it should be a crime, while 35 percent disagreed.
  • Some 33 percent of 18- to 24-year-old respondents said it should be a crime, while 48 percent disagreed.

Among survey respondents overall, 19 percent said misgendering should be criminalized. Nearly two-thirds—65 percent—said it should not be criminalized, while 12 percent neither agreed nor disagreed and 4 percent said they didn't know.

Calling people by their preferred pronouns is certainly the kind thing to do, just as it is to call people by their preferred name or honorific. Conversely, deliberately misgendering someone is a jerk move.

But the purpose of criminal law isn't to punish people for being jerks, and it's a perverted society that thinks everything offensive or bad must be criminalized.

In this particular case, criminalizing misgendering would also run into First Amendment concerns. Forcing someone to use particular pronouns under threat of criminal penalty would be government-compelled speech, which our Constitution frowns upon.

The Newsweek survey results are disturbing, but we may be able to chalk some of it up to social desirability bias. People want to answer survey questions in a way that makes them look good. Asked the pronoun crime question in isolation and the abstract, some respondents may have responded affirmatively as a means to signal disapproval for misgendering people and support for transgender acceptance. Faced with a specific, real-world proposal to criminalize misgendering, perhaps (hopefully!) not quite so many people would be on board.

Guess I'm going to jail then.

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I am normally "over-polite" with yes Maam, Thank you Maam, "how can I help you maam" utilizing respect whenever I can as my father taught me.  "Showing and living respectful will never get you in trouble" was one of his mantras.  SF is still the same guy, but just hoping my next "yes maam" or "yes sir" doesn't get me in trouble or offend someone......

May need to remember that First Amendment argument......

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  • 4 weeks later...

‘Gender Hybrid’ Children?



Gender ideology is growing increasingly extreme, particularly as it applies to children. Now, we are being told that children can identify as one gender on “top” and another on the “bottom,” or can be half boy and half girl. Worse, this clear break from biological reality is being supported by adult mental-health professionals steeped in gender ideology. From the Fox News story:

A California hospital executive and professor claimed children can identify as a mythology-inspired creature and claimed that this category of children love mermaids, according to a presentation reviewed by Fox News Digital. . . .

Ehrensaft [the director of mental health and chief psychologist at the UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital’s gender-development center] made what some may consider fringe claims about gender ideology, including that kids can identify as “gender hybrids” which include a mythology-inspired creature called a “gender Minotaur,” and that kids can change their genders by season and can have different identities depending on their location.

What are the supposed hybrids?

  • Gender Prius: Half girl and half boy
  • Gender Minotaur: One gender on top and a different one on the bottom
  • Gender by Season: One gender during the school year and another over the summer
  • Gender by Location: At home, one gender, elsewhere another

Contrary to the story, readers should resist the temptation to dismiss these views as fringe. “Fringe” today in America is holding to the view that children are of the sex in which they have been born and that the proper approach to treating gender confusion is to conduct an in-depth and at-length mental-health exploration of the child’s emotional state (as some European countries now insist). Indeed, expressing such opinions can be dangerous and could cause a parent to lose custody of their gender-dysphoric child or medical professionals to be branded “transphobic” and have their careers threatened.

But on the gender-ideological left, there is no longer such a thing as “fringe.” After all, ten years ago, who would have thought that we would allow doctors to cut off the breasts of 14-year-old girls who feel they are boys — and that showing images of teenagers with two scars on their chests would become a celebrated phenomenon? Who would have thought that doctors would perform facial-reconstruction surgeries on teenagers to masculinize or feminize their appearances? Who would have thought that one of the highest officials at HHS would praise a “gender inclusive biology curriculum” for children that eliminates the word “mother” and replaces it with “gestational parent” or “egg carrier”?

No, Ehrensaft — the official at the UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital mentioned in the Fox News story — is not fringe. She is very credentialed, frequently published in medical journals, and holds a position of great power and influence. She is also a professor at UCSF School of Medicine, specializing in pediatric “gender-affirmative care for transgender and gender-expansive patients.” I suspect she received these high-prestige positions because of her no-longer-fringe opinions, not in spite of them.

“Gender Minotaur.” “Gender Prius.” Our poor children.

Our poor children indeed.  And just when I thought the gender-obsessed left couldn't get any nuttier.


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2 hours ago, Muda69 said:

‘Gender Hybrid’ Children?


Our poor children indeed.  And just when I thought the gender-obsessed left couldn't get any nuttier.


Honest question...does Joey really believe this nonsense or is he just pandering to a small portion (though it seems he thinks its a much larger portion that it really is) of his base?

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1 hour ago, temptation said:

Honest question...does Joey really believe this nonsense or is he just pandering to a small portion (though it seems he thinks its a much larger portion that it really is) of his base?

At his age I'm sure this nonsense just confuses Mr. Biden.  But his DNC handlers just tell him to nod, smile, and eat ice cream.



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  • 1 month later...

Outrage over high school trans runner rising to 4th in girls' division after placing 172nd in the boys': https://www.foxnews.com/media/outrage-high-school-trans-runner-rising-4th-girls-division-placing-172nd-boys


Parents and students were outraged over a transgender runner competing with the girls in the Maine XC Festival of Champions on Saturday.

Maine Coast Waldorf School high school sophomore Soren Stark-Chessa previously competed in the boys’ category for the school one year prior. In the 5k division, Stark-Chessa ranked approximately 172nd among males in the state. After transitioning, however, the runner shot up to 4th place in the girls’ division.

High school track mom Katherine Collins from Winterport, Maine, later spoke with "Fox & Friends"  about the event, calling out the "unfairness" of the race.

"It’s all a matter of unfairness. The men are bigger, stronger and faster than women," Collins said.


She also criticized the Maine Principals Association for allowing the transgender runner to compete based on its "Gender Equity and Inclusion Policy."

"Obviously, there is an unfair advantage, but they’ve allowed this. Last year, in outdoor track, in the Class-C state meet, two boys participated. One podiumed and was moved on to the New England track meet. So a girl was put aside and not allowed to medal and not allowed to participate in a higher level because of this boy," Collins explained.

The policy declares that "all students should have the opportunity to participate in MPA activities in a manner that is consistent with their gender identity, unless such participation would result in an unfair athletic advantage or would present an unacceptable risk of injury to other student athletes."

Although Stark-Chessa placed only fifth in the event, Collins argued that it was only because of the top-ranking girls competing.

"The only reason that this boy did not win the meet on Saturday is because Greene has some of the strongest female athletes in the nation. The first two girls who finished the race on Saturday…the first-place winner ranks number 8th in the country and the second-place winner ranks number 15th in the country. If it wasn’t for these top-ranked girls who are faster than most girls in the whole United States, this boy would have won the entire girls’ cross-country meet," Collins said.

In a comment to Maine podcast host Shawn McBreairty, an anonymous female runner also commented, "It is not fair to a female who has trained hard. Males are biologically faster than females, with testosterone. They need to run under their biological gender." 

The Maine Principals Association did not respond for a comment to FOX News Digital.

We are going to see more and more of this, I'm afraid.  These "Gender Equity and Inclusion Policies" are baloney, plain and simple.


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  • 1 month later...

When will this "make believe" world of of gender fluidity we are supposed to accept finally meet reality?  I mean eventually reality and truth will assert itself everytime......Right?


A  female student-athlete reportedly had two of her teeth knocked out during a high school field hockey game last week after a shot struck by an opposing male player deflected off a teammate’s stick and caused the facial injury.

According to reports, the incident happened during the first round of the field hockey state playoffs between two Massachusetts high schools — Dighton-Rehoboth and Swampscott — on Thursday.

***Warning: Some viewers may find the video below to be disturbing.***


Dighton-Rehoboth Superintendent Bill Runey wrote a letter to families reported by local media, saying a male athlete on the Swampscott girls’ field hockey team took a shot that left “significant facial and dental injuries” to one of the team’s female athletes, which required hospitalization.

“When I stepped onto that bus last night when our girls got back to Regional Road, what I saw on their eyes was trauma,” Runey told a local NBC News channel.

Runey said the unidentified injured student, who had worn a mouthguard and headgear at the time of the incident, has since been released from the hospital.

Swampscott Public Schools Athletic Director Kelly Wolff told local media the player who took the shot is a “4-year varsity player and co-captain, who, per MIAA [Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association] rules, has the exact same right to participate as any player on any team.”

“In our MIAA Tournament field hockey game Thursday, a player on the visiting team suffered an unfortunate injury on a legal play after being struck by a shot that deflected off her teammate’s stick,” Wolfe said. “We are sorry to see any player get hurt and wish the Dighton-Rehoboth player a speedy recovery.”

Under section 43 of the MIAA’s 2023-2025 Handbook for Rules and Regulations Governing Athletics, students “shall not be excluded from participation on a gender-specific sports team that is consistent with the student’s bona fide gender identity.”

Officials from MIAA, which represents 383 member schools and all student-athletes, released a statement that said, in part, that it “strives to create a welcoming, safe and belonging atmosphere for all participants.”

“Massachusetts General Law was originally enacted to protect students from discrimination based on sex, and later expanded to protect students based on gender identification. As a result of this law, and consistent with the interpretive guidance offered by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, athletic opportunities must be afforded to students in accordance with their identified gender, not necessarily their birth-assigned gender,” MIAA officials reportedly wrote.

The latest controversy over co-ed sports fueled Dighton-Rehoboth Superintendent Runey to address player safety.

“While I understand that the MIAA has guidelines in place for co-ed participation under section 43 of their handbook, this incident dramatically magnifies the concerns of many about player safety,” Runey wrote.

Runey told NBC that although he understands the law, he suggested the “hand strung” MIAA should “find a middle ground” to increase player safety.

“If anything, I think a change to the guidelines on protective headgear is certainly in order,” he said.

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32 minutes ago, swordfish said:

When will this "make believe" world of of gender fluidity we are supposed to accept finally meet reality?  I mean eventually reality and truth will assert itself everytime......Right?



Yes, it will.  And this young lady just found that out.  The hard way.


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