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  2. Nah, I’ll continue to call out ignorance when I see it. You are an angry old man Bash…you haven’t always been that way. You good? NC is the outlier here as Warren, Carmel and BD (along with Penn which really hurts your argument) have been up there at the top forever. Also, this thread has now reached 8 pages with me doing most of the talking. Eric Moore and Center Grove have built an amazing program from top to bottom and deserve all of the kudos in the world. Happy now? When you gonna answer @Rodney’s question about Saban?
  3. or...you could just learn to shut up and let other people respond to comments directed to them. Bottom line, when he claims the top 3 current enrollment has won the majority of football state titles, they weren't always in the top 3 when they won state titles. Other schools that were perhaps larger weren't winning gridiron titles. Perhaps I don't skip anything...just grow weary of your constant hot wind. Temps are warm enough outside. Talk less...then when you do talk, people may take notice
  4. That really wasn't that long ago. If I were an A.D. I wouldn't touch someone "in recovery" unless they had proof they had been sober for 5+ years. Too big of a risk. Do you really want a Shooter Fletch on the sideline in this day and age?
  5. He is in recovery and has been sober for quite a while now according to what I read somewhere. Not sure the reasoning for you posting that kind of message on here other than to stir things up as normal for you.
  6. at least people respond to you, nobody is willing to tell me how many years itl take old nick to takeover the 6a tourney with a 1a team
  7. Undeniably his greatest cinematic performance.
  8. Bait. If we define “female” as someone who, at birth, has 2 X chromosomes, and a “male” as someone who, at birth, has both an X and a Y chromosome, what do we call those who, at birth, do not present with either of those configurations?
  9. I love when you clock in, skip pages of information and respond emotionally with the same rhetoric. I’ve discussed NC multiple times. Where’s K-Mart?
  10. LOL...not trying to change anyone's mind.... Question. Was Carmel, BD and WC always one of the top largest 3 schools in the state when they were winning state football championships in the largest class historically? Was Indy North Central ever in the mix as one of the state largest schools? (rhetorical question BTW) How many titles in football did NC win when they were one of the 3 largest schools? https://www.ihsaa.org/sites/default/files/documents/State Championship History.pdf
  11. Solid points on the other parts, but for this one, keep in mind the Indiana General Assembly inserted itself and the DOE as the final authority; making it easier to challenge rulings the IHSAA makes.
  12. They could have done something, but I have no idea what would have led to a durable solution. This ball has been rolling since 1985 when the members won control of the rights to tv broadcasts of football games from the NCAA. It is proving impossible for a membership organization comprised of wildly different prerogatives to resolve the issue of cash in college athletics. Just consider that a federal court in Tennessee thinks UT is likely to prevail in a trial challenging NCAA rules prohibiting recruiting inducements or that the Ivy League is in a lawsuit challenging their no-scholarships rule––all under the Sherman Act. Good news, I don't think anyone really has to worry about this type of situation for high school athletes (inducements/collectives) in Indiana since Indiana courts treat athletics as a part of the education system and not a commercial endeavor. The IHSAA should be able to prohibit those payments. However, I think a challenge of an endorsement prohibition would be successful.
  13. I do too, for a 6A south semi state school…not so much for a northern one.
  14. Well said. I've said before that I think the number for a competitive program should be about 2500 if everything else is in place, but, to your point, that's likely applicable only to suburban schools––which is most of the top 20 in enrollment. The hard part is getting the right guy to take charge of a program from top to bottom and getting large communities to come together instead of drifting apart. Now, to Carmel. It's tough for me, given what I think about enrollment at suburban schools, but Carmel has been so successful over the years that I'd expect them to get through their sectional more often than not and to make an appearance in a semi state every two or three years. It probably should be regional or bust for this stuff. I think finals or bust would be an imprudent stance for an administration to take.
  15. I thought a woman was an adult human female. Simple enough............
  16. Agree with Muda, but did anyone else see this? Since the talk about women being included in the draft has come up, everyone seems to know what a woman is........
  17. Cloverdale must be truly desperate to hire an alcoholic. What kind of teaching or administrative duties will Mr. Hart have?
  18. 5A is certainly more interesting when Cathedral isn't there. If they were to ever drop down, it would be nice to see them square off with Snider, New Pal, or East Central when those programs are on an uptick. I like the direction Decatur Central is going in, very good coach.
  19. With the Success Factor changes last year, if LN was to win the Sectional 5 this year Cathedral would go back to 5A in 2025.
  20. Let me also add while I am thinking about it…another 6A program I am buying big time right now is Lawrence North… Love what Mallory is building there. I don’t fancy them a state title contender as of now but think they could end up as the sectional 5 favorite by October.
  21. Wow, well thought out and I actually think I agree completely. How many chances does Brownsburg get? Is it/should it be state finals or bust for the Carmel coaching staff? Big seasons lie ahead for the trajectory of these two programs. I think most other programs you mentioned can sell their administration/fanbases on an upward trajectory.
  22. Back on topic: Center Grove, Ben Davis, Warren Central, and Carmel will always be at the top of the food chain in 6A. So any sane person would pick one of those to win it all historically speaking. One might insert Brownsburg for Carmel in the current state of affairs. What makes 6A interesting is who's going to win a championship outside of the Big 4. As far as the south is concerned, it's going to be one of those four, period. If there's a contender outside of that field, I'll defer to someone from that region for that reference. My pick for 6A south is going to be Center Grove. The north is far more interesting in my opinion. No one has it on lock down. The south has a pool four, the north has a pool of nine. It's anyone's ball game. In the true north, you have to give consideration to Crown Point, Carroll, Penn, Snider, and even Elkhart (if you're buying into the hype.) Then throw the Northern Indy teams in and you've got Fishers, HSE, Westfield, and Carmel. Anyone who falls asleep on Noblesville or Homestead could be in for a surprise. Although I have high hopes for both Snider and Carroll this year, I'm going to roll with Craig Buzea in his fourth year Crown Point. They've gotten better in each of his first three seasons. If they get better in the fourth, the south's reign on the title could be in jeopardy. I'll take Crown Point over HSE for the semi-state championship. Gimmie Center Grove over Crown Point for the title.
  23. https://www.engadget.com/congress-passes-sweeping-pro-nuclear-energy-bill-140035295.html Nuclear Energy is the real future, not wind and solar.
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