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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/28/2021 in Posts

  1. I teach a Strength and Conditioning class and coach at a Michigan HS.
    4 points
  2. He's no spring chicken either, but at least he has IU ties. We'll see what happens. If he can get the team back on track, that's the important thing.
    1 point
  3. Don't see strength and conditioning guys coach? Or don't see under trained and overworked kids? Maybe Central Indiana people are as the kids would say "Just Built Different".
    1 point
  4. A public service announcement... the following statements will rub some people the wrong way. Travel ball in some cases gives kids/parents the false perception that little Joey is bound for success at the next level. Some of these so called coaches would not know a fundamental if it smacked them in the face. I have observed this in AAU Basketball for instance kids that can't shoot a proper left handed lay up. They can shoot the three and have that crossover dribble down but don't understand about passing to the open man. I could go on and on but why? Too, too many promises of success at higher levels when they are playing at the lower levels. Why pump hot smoke when the truth should be told. Further, I have seen kids so tired they fall asleep in school because they are exhausted from too many activities. Coaches that operate the travel circuit and coach at the school level telling kids they will not make the school team if they do not come to every open gym and participate in his program. This is absurd there are just so many positions so why lie ? My school of thought is let a kid do whatever he wants to do because HE/SHE makes the choice not your selfish wants and needs. If a kid is a stud, their ability will come out early on. Coach 'em up and see how far they can go; however, don't give little Joey false hope he can be a starter on you Basketball team if he is built like a Noseguard with non-skill abilities. That is just wrong on so many levels. Bottom line its your choice parents, make sure you have little Joey's best interest in mind.
    1 point
  5. Well....one Hoosier bball team is making history. Huge props to the Lady Hoosiers for knocking off the number 1 seed in their region, NC State. Keep making history ladies
    1 point
  6. I've been thinking about going back to school and becoming a teacher. Most likely would want to be an upper elementary to middle school range teacher. I've got an associate's in a field that I'm not currently working in at the moment. The plan was to work for a bit and then go on to a bachelor's but life happened instead. Would it be worth my time to pursue the bachelor's for a teaching degree? How would my credits translate for my associate's as I work towards a bachelor's? I work with our youth program in an administration and coaching role. I wouldn't mind being able to work my way up the ranks to help a middle school, then high school, and possibly having a major role for a high school in the future.
    1 point
  7. Woodson? Looks like IU is hoping to have the same success with Woodson as Michigan has had with Howard. I don't see it, but I don't make the decisions at IU. He'll be gone in 3 years if they don't make the tournament in that time. IU has been crap since Glass ran Bobby out of Bloomington.
    0 points
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