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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. What I have witnessed recently is the dropping of the letter 'T' when speaking many words. And it is annoying. Examples: 'important' becomes 'imporHant' 'kitten' becomes 'kiHen' 'Putin' becomes 'PuHin' 'water' becomes 'WaHer' 'mountain' becomes "mounhain' Apparently the academic term for this phenomenon is T-glottalization: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-glottalization
  2. AKA move to Nevada and teach in Clark County Government school district. Avoid Indiana like the plague.
  3. So I guess giving the ball to a number of players who normally don't run the ball so they score against an inferior and totally outmatched opponent is just those "competitive situations" coaches yearn for. Got it.
  4. The more things change the more they stay the same: https://www.jconline.com/story/sports/blogs/sam-king/2019/11/01/lafayette-area-high-school-football-predictions/4119127002/ Could be another 96-0 never forget moment.
  5. Lafayette Urinal & Courier picking against the home team: https://www.jconline.com/story/sports/blogs/sam-king/2019/11/01/lafayette-area-high-school-football-predictions/4119127002/
  6. I fail to see the objective "competitive situations" in the 4th quarter of an already 60-0 blowout. End the game as quickly as possibly, shake hands, then move on.
  7. I still don't understand. Specifics please? Why must a Coach have a "score/win at all cost mentality" all of the time. When is enough enough?
  8. https://mises.org/wire/six-graphs-showing-just-how-much-government-has-grown The overall size of government is out of control, and will lead to economic devastation for our children & grandchildren.
  9. Lori Loughlin pleads not guilty to latest bribery charges: https://news.avclub.com/lori-loughlin-pleads-not-guilty-to-latest-bribery-charg-1839541130
  10. We can get back into the weeds of this again, but the underlying question behind this statement is "why are you running plays at all?", especially if are ahead by 5+ score in the 4th quarter already. Take a knee 3 times, run down the clock, then punt. Easy peasy.
  11. It was basically the camp of "Get Better Or Get Used To It" neanderthalism vs. the camp of "But why would you choose to do this in a game played by Children?" enlightenment.
  12. It's dark, very dark. And resulted in a multi-page thread on an earlier iteration of the GID.
  13. Believe that you want to believe. Not everyone who works in the information technology industry works in a cubicle.
  14. ? So what is your current employment status? Or are you a Hamilton County Real Estate Mogul? Day Trader? Professional Sports Gambler?
  15. Yes: http://pastfb.homestead.com/logs/ClintonPrairie.htm#loaded Look under the entry for 2008. And Never Forget.
  16. So you currently receive more from the government in the form of social security and medicare benefits than you ever did as a "metal model maker"?
  17. https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes514061.htm Looks like you made good money in that career. Must have provided you with a nice compound, wonder why you even need your socialist social security check.
  18. https://reason.com/2019/10/31/cops-destroyed-this-house-to-arrest-a-shoplifter-a-federal-court-says-police-dont-have-to-pay-for-the-damage/ Despicable. Yet another example of when you give local law enforcement military-grade weaponry they are going to use it like toys, and they apparently don't care what private property gets destroyed/damaged in the process.
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