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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Using that logic Dante every law on the books should be removed when those who proposed or signed the passed legislation die.
  2. So you believe being a Catholic should disqualify you from being a Supreme Court justice?
  3. What do you call a fat psychic? A four-chin teller.
  4. No, I haven't. Sounds like the Carmel/Zionsville of the North.
  5. https://spectator.org/new-york-times-piece-attempts-to-dismantle-the-constitution/ Yes, a vapid, baseless screed by Mr. Doerfler and Mr. Moyn. Glad to see it so thoroughly debunked. Of course liberals like Dante are probably drooling over the prospect of getting rid of the U.S. Constitution. Good luck.
  6. Maybe because their athletes don't have access to or can't afford access to this aforementioned "more sophisticated training" than their Indianapolis area peers.
  7. Report: Severe weather, speeding, drinking played role in crash that killed ISU students: https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/college/2022/08/23/indiana-state-football-students-killed-accident-weather-speeding-drinking-crash/65415853007/
  8. Elementary School Calls Cops on 4-Year-Old for Violating Mask Mandate https://reason.com/2022/08/23/elementary-school-calls-cops-on-4-year-old-for-violating-mask-mandate/
  9. Westfield does not really = "North". We are talking about schools outside of Marion county and the surrounding doughnut counties.
  10. That drive from Fort Wayne Blackhawk Christian to Dugger is brutal.
  11. We need a true 6A power in the North to rise up and challenge the Indianapolis area hegemony. If for no other reason being we can use GoT images like this:
  12. Navel gazing won't get you that far on this forum.
  13. Links please. And does one assume your hatred primarily revolves abound the sexual abuse of children by priests?
  14. lol, wish the vast majority of legislation passed by government these days would follow that mantra.
  15. Given that I also champion the entire dissolution of government funded education I don't really care whether or not Alaska government employees have a defined pension or a 401k.
  16. Americans Increasingly See Political Polarization Overtaking Public Education https://reason.com/2022/08/22/americans-increasingly-see-political-polarization-overtaking-public-education/
  17. Fauci, top infectious disease expert, to retire in December: https://apnews.com/article/anthony-fauci-announces-retirement-7efdacac6a9ff7aa6e2f870b551fe508 Good for Mr. Fauci. He's earned enough $ and done enough damage to America.
  18. Neither will social security, not anymore. You will probably get back less than what you paid in over your working lifetime. At least if I have the choice to invest those monies myself I have a chance to maybe close that gap. So based on your statement how in the world do people ever retire? There are less and less defined pensions plans out there.
  19. What is the point then, Dante? You really believe SS will be there in anything resembling it's current form when you grow old enough to received it's "benefits"? Why can't you take all the FICA money, stolen from your pocket throughout your lifetime, and invest it yourself as you see fit?
  20. Federal judge rules that public schools have a right to hide children's gender identity from parents: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/the-state-hates-families/ Do you get it now? Do you? We have here a federal judge -- an Obama appointee -- ruling that the State has the right to deceive parents about whether or not their children are choosing to live as the opposite sex. The State -- in the form of the local school board -- has the right to deceive parents about this fundamental aspect of their child's life. Under Communism, the State usurped the family. It was like that from the beginning. Here is Alexandra Kollontai, a leading Bolshevik revolutionary, explaining why in a 1920 essay. Excerpt: These types of ruling are insidious and evil.
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