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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Despite Polarization, Americans Agree: School Learning Losses Are a System Failure https://reason.com/2022/09/07/despite-polarization-americans-agree-school-learning-losses-are-a-system-failure/
  2. Indiana to tax student debt forgiveness https://www.wdrb.com/news/education/indiana-to-tax-student-debt-forgiveness/article_632f0ff2-2e08-11ed-981b-9bc3d9c4e2fb.html Indiana: Land Of Taxes.
  3. We are being Groomed: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/we-are-being-groomed/ Why indeed? You want to serve your state in the Guard, but then the damn military social engineers force this on you. Normal, sane men are going to stay away from that. They are going to need to seek other ways to serve and defend their communities. Future historians are going to be puzzled over how and why so many elite institutions were captured by activist for sexual minority causes that led to truly bizarre outcomes. At the Boise (Idaho) Pride festival, they offered child drag queen performances: How did it become normal in this country to have little boys dressing like women and vamping provocatively on stage for the entertainment of adults? Why are the people who do this not in jail? If they were pushing little girls to perform like this, would we be fine with it? Take a look at this. It's a list of sponsors of the Boise Pride festival: It would have been unimaginable just a few years ago that Woke Capitalists like these would have wanted their brands associated with the transsexualization of children. But here we are. Chris Rufo says: Rufo and Michael Young have put together a very useful handbook to explain to parents what gender ideology is, and how it threatens their families. Download it here. Anecdotally, I find that so many normie parents don't really understand any of this, and feel intense pressure from the media and from activists in their communities to conform to it. I spoke the other day to a friend who lives in a small town, and who said that her church is trending this way, simply because most people, however uncomfortable all of this makes them, are terrified of being seen as unkind. Something deeply sick has overtaken us as a people. I write the same thing almost every day. I'm sick of doing it, but I look around me and struggle to believe what has happened to my country. How did we become a people who allows this disgusting sexual exploitation of our children? How did this perversion -- drag kids, the sexual mutilation of children, etc. -- conquer the heights of American culture and capitalism? To refine the National Guardsman's question: Why should any sane person want to defend this corrupt social order? A Christian friend whose opinion I respect counseled me to quit writing all these culture war posts. The war has been lost, he said. Better to spend your time and energy trying to construct arks within which we can ride out the storm. I agree with him, mostly, but I can't give up the fight just yet, even though I believe it's a fight we are going to lose, or mostly lose. Why not? Because there are some people who might yet be saved. There are some parents out there of a child on the autism spectrum, who will read this stunning testimony by Christina Buttons, who is an Aspie, see their own child, and save the kid from being sucked into the trans trap. We have to fight because it's the honorable thing to do -- but we must ALSO make plans for the long resistance. I'm going to give a couple of talks this week at churches in Nashville, and I plan to emphasize to the congregations that we are not living in the America in which many of us grew up. That country is gone. We are in Babylon now. We are ruled by predatory and corrupt institutions -- chief among them Woke Capitalists -- that want to steal the hearts and minds of our kids. Something very deep and sinister is happening. At any other time in American history, we would have clearly been able to see how wrong and disordered this stuff was, involving sexualizing children, and, in the case of transitioning them, mutilating their minds and their bodies to impose will on nature. This is Aleister Crowley level evil. And just like that, overnight, it has conquered the heights of American culture. Funny, but a couple of years ago, a young man who had recently left the Crowley cult came to our church. He eventually left the city, but before he did, he told me how strange it was for him to read the works of Crowley, written almost a century ago, and to learn all the changes in culture and society Crowley hoped to bring about through the practice of transgressive ritual sex. Almost all of it is now mainstream, the young man said. You think pedophilia is going to remain taboo? Have you heard about how far pedophilia enthusiasm went in Germany in the 1970s and 1980s? The Green Party had to apologize in 2014 for its enthusiastic embrace of pederasty at its founding. From The New Republic: Watch for the rise of pedophiles described as "Minor Attracted Persons". We live in a country now where there is a major effort, supported by top corporations, to destigmatize all sexual variance and expression. We are being groomed. Albertson's, Citibank, Wells Fargo, Zions Bank, Hewlett Packard, T-Mobile, Target, and so many others are part of it. UPDATE: Grooming in Canada:
  4. I don't know, possibly. I can only recall that location housing Brothers Pizza Co. the times that I have driven by it.
  5. Kokomo Wildkats. 3-0 Clinton Prairie not getting any votes in 1A is a shame. After all they handily beat a "4A" school in week #2. Oh wait.............................
  6. John & Adam at the No Agenda podcast noticed, they are experts at media deconstruction: https://www.noagendashow.net/
  7. What would happen if a piano fell on you? You’d b-flat.
  8. It's on SR32/Market Street near the intersection with US231/Washington Street: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Brothers+Pizza/@40.0413799,-86.8991927,17.25z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x7faa13695116273c!8m2!3d40.0426886!4d-86.8995372
  9. Decisions, decisions on a Friday Night. Watch Illinois @ Indiana or Frankfort @ Tri-West. If I'm looking for competitive football I made the right choice.
  10. https://reason.com/2022/09/04/its-almost-always-the-feds/?itm_source=parsely-api The FBI has become the thought police.
  11. Tackle football is simply not a priority in the Frankfort Community as a whole anymore. Too many families simply struggle week to week to just put a roof over their heads, food on their tables, and gasoline in their vehicles. No time for games. And as the socioeconomic makeup of the city continues to change soccer will become the dominate fall sport, eclipsing tackle football. If the CSF school board wants to continue to have tackle football as an extracurricular activity they need to seriously consider a move to another conference, the Hoosier Heartland comes immediately to mind. The FHS football talent pool better matches the schools of the HHC rather than those of the SAC.
  12. https://www.cbssports.com/college-football/news/college-football-playoff-expansion-board-agrees-to-12-team-field-with-aim-to-implement-as-soon-as-possible/ Let the money flow!
  13. BIDEN DECLARES "MAGA REPUBLICANS" ENEMIES OF THE STATE: https://mises.org/power-market/biden-declares-maga-republicans-enemies-state Civil War to come?
  14. I wonder what his handlers got Mr. Biden drugged up on to to have him use so much energy during a speech. And that blood red background is creepy..............
  15. Your ideas intrigue me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
  16. California Wants Everybody To Buy an Electric Car, but Its Own Energy Grid Can't Support It https://reason.com/2022/09/01/california-wants-everybody-to-buy-an-electric-car-but-its-own-energy-grid-cant-support-it/
  17. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/putins-last-laugh/ Putin appears to be winning the economic war against Europe.
  18. Florida A&M fiasco reminds us that college sports are professional sports https://deadspin.com/florida-a-m-fiasco-reminds-us-that-college-sports-are-p-1849480307 I don't know if I buy the "what happened is not our fault" line from the players. "Compliance issues" probably means "bad grades"? And who is ultimately responsible for that?
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