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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. https://mises.org/wire/college-worth-it Agreed. The traditional 4-year college route, now rife with semi-useless degrees and sky-high debt, needs to stopped being pushed by the majority of government k-12 schools as virtually the only route after high school.
  2. https://fee.org/articles/the-coming-financial-collapse-of-social-security/
  3. An economic turmoil partially created by Social Security. BTW I and my family have done pretty well economically over the past 20 years. I have zero complaints. How about you?
  4. Kokomo Wildkats beat a ranked team handily last night. They deserve a spot IMHO.
  5. For you Irish fans too bad the South Street Smokehouse closes at 3pm on Fridays.
  6. I never understood the reasoning behind point spreads. Is it to "spice up" sports betting?
  7. Story appears to be behind a paywall, cannot read.
  8. The Dollar General there on the north side of town is pretty nice.
  9. https://apnews.com/article/college-football-nfl-entertainment-sports-basketball-4b4daca65e3359ef8ca94f893e4c46e9 Combine this kind of media deal with NIL and you basically have professional football.
  10. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/education/2022/08/18/mitch-daniels-purdue-university-president-higher-education/7607501001/ Note: Story is behind a paywall I know a number of long-term, non-teaching faculty employees at Purdue. The vast majority have less than kind words to say about Mr. Daniel's tenure. His policy of no tuition increases while President did not come without a cost to them, their families, and some of their colleagues.
  11. https://deadspin.com/we-re-on-the-precipice-of-the-ncaas-death-1849427859 Maybe in my lifetime...........................
  12. Best idea -eliminate social security altogether.
  13. https://www.cato.org/blog/overdue-change-social-security-age-87 Basically the Boomers are bankrupting the country, and they hold a huge percentage of the wealth. I guess it's ok for their children and grandchildren to pay for their largesse.
  14. A Mom Let Her 7-Year-Old Play in the Park. Arizona Arrested Her and Banned Her From Working With Kids.: https://reason.com/2022/08/17/arizona-central-registry-park-kids-banned-due-process/ Don't you know, the State has control and makes the decisions for children, not the parents.
  15. Given that labor union membership has been declining for decades that is some "power".
  16. Only a labor union lover like yourself would make that "translation". You really can't do anything by yourself, can you?
  17. They are bad things. I am perfectly capable of representing myself in pay/salary negotiations. I don't need the labor union, filled with average and below average employees, dragging me down to their level. Labor unions are races to bottom.
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