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dazed and confused

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Everything posted by dazed and confused

  1. Looks like someone is taking up the slack of ol' Panama Hat from back in your playing days !
  2. heres article from Kokomo Trib. on the big game as well as a little on other HC games... https://www.kokomotribune.com/sports/football-panthers-set-for-another-shot-at-red-devils-week-9-matchups/article_907d5d76-2d2b-11ec-99c3-5ffc2f77fc09.html
  3. Good Luck everyone !!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1ZYhVpdXbQ
  4. Yeah, I noticed that checking out Renssalaer Centrals draw... ridiculously inconceivable !!!
  5. checked game video(thanks SCS) and this play happens at the 1:08 mark of 1st qtr....2:23:15 mark of video counter looks bad to me !
  6. he sure got plowed over !!! thanks for the link, gives me more games to watch !
  7. 2:16 mark of 3rd is where i find didnt look like ball was touched to moi
  8. write up on Western/Tipton game : https://www.kokomotribune.com/sports/football-western-beats-no-4-tipton-wins-hc-east-division/article_1c8111c0-28ac-11ec-b150-efe97795c1bf.html Heights/Cass write up in here : https://www.kokomotribune.com/sports/football-horn-s-record-helps-trojans-roll-past-titans-plus-roundup/article_8efe9c28-287e-11ec-9cee-fb57ec8b1692.html
  9. Good question, same could be asked of the Knights, dont know but congrats to Western and Westside on division champioships, well deserved !!!
  10. https://www.kokomotribune.com/sports/football-kats-look-to-shake-up-ncc-race-tipton-western-set-for-hc-east-title/article_99c91dc2-27ac-11ec-a932-b7ab8024799d.html Write up on Western/Tipton game as well as some others... raining purty good here near Western... will make it interestinger !
  11. thats a bet you would lose ! I swear to God it is !!!
  12. ...really ?....for a page or two of what ?....toilet paper ?....seriously Alum....pull the burr out your keister...
  13. Im confused as to why they would say that when they've had it the past 4 years... do they get a new hammer every year ?
  14. Brought this from scores thread cause it confused me and in case some missed it. I've seen refs on top of the play miss calls several times(who hasn't) and a ref further from the play come in and correct it but what really confused me the most is the catch and 5 seconds later lost it.... seems like a lifetime to have possession AND the ref not see it ! I assume Gonzo was on other side of field unless he was sitting with all his Tipton buds, so he has to rely on ref to get it right cause he probalbly didn't see it(didn't say he seen it). Anyone else see the play ?(I assume Maynard was on the sticks so probably didn't get good view) Video ?
  15. if you dont like it then dont look at it ! just quit complaining.... geesh !!!
  16. Weather sure changed near Western... COLD and WET ! Anyone else gettin' in on this ?
  17. for sure ? I thought it was.... on the 88 yard senario mentioned above, when said player crosses the 22 yard line after gaining 10 yds I always think, good he got the 1st down, and any extra yds gained including the TD is a bonus.... in the 12 yard senario mentioned above, you have less time to think.... Touche'
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