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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. Officials are assigned in the tournament. Unless of course the IHSAA is on on the "home cookin" conspiracy.
  2. ABC News airs footage of the Knob Creek Machine Gun shoot, that they obtained exclusively, and stated it was footage of Kurds being slaughtered in Syria. Just a hint would be all the people sitting in lawn chairs filming the action with their phones. The KCMC was last weekend. I've never been but it's on my bucket list. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/abc-news-slaughter-in-syria-footage-appears-to-come-from-a-kentucky-gun-range
  3. How long before some of these NBA players are tapped for positions in the State Department?
  4. We're about the enter the first week of the tournament, we have from the first of December until the first of August to deal with seeding the tournament, multipliers, success factor, conference alignment, etc.
  5. I don’t know man, there’s a VERY select group of people I fish with, and more times than not I’m by myself. I’d just give the dude the fish, I was just going to throw it back anyway.
  6. Anything with Danny McBride is awesome, he was brilliant in Hot Rod! And FWIW, John Goodman has never received his due as a comedic actor. Good to see Cassidy Freeman working again since the plug got pulled on Longmire. I still watch reruns over most of the crap on TV today.
  7. Not the context of my OP, but whatever. Come up with a system, take it to your principal, get on the agenda for the November IIAAA meeting, present it, get the votes and get it on the IHSAA meeting agenda in May. I'm not arguing one way or the other, I don't care.
  8. By week 10, weather is often a factor as well. We had two unbeaten conference rivals Friday night in rain and falling temps. If this game is played in good conditions, it's standing room only. As it was there were plenty of seats available. Sectional splits are always a roll of the dice, who/when/where dictate profitability.
  9. You mentioned Beta's previous life, he was a bigger than life all american HS LB back in the day who bridged racial divides, no?
  10. I thought the dude was paralyzed in an auto accident.
  11. The broken Humerus at LCC a few weeks back was the most brutal thing I've seen in a while. I'm no doctor, but as soon as I saw it, I was like, yea....that's broke. Hopefully the young man heals up. From what I understand Humerus fractures can be difficult.
  12. Whitlock brings up an interesting point, the woke AF crowd of the NBA is really quick to criticize the US government for their injustices, but is seemingly quiet with regards to the Chinese government. Particularly when DJ Zed was just banned from China for life for liking a South Park tweet. Things that make you go hmmmm. I'll be honest, if you don't like South Park, we just can't be friends.
  13. Plenty of parking when you arrive 5:15-5:30 😉
  14. Looks like this is nothing new according to the NTSB. Good luck with your lawsuit Muda, but I would say this one is on the pilot. https://www.ntsb.gov/safety/safety-alerts/Documents/SA_050.pdf FTA:
  15. I have vehemently disagreed with Jason Whitlock more times than not over the years, but the dude is spot on here: https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2019/10/08/jason_whitlock_us_the_bad_guys_in_the_minds_of_woke_nba_players__coaches_they_are_promoting_a_marxist_agenda.html
  16. If you had any clue, even you would laugh at this drivel. Oh wait, I forgot, opinions don't necessarily have to based in facts.... And you wonder why everyone calls you out on the stupid stuff you post, over and over.
  17. I don’t think Seymour has the market cornered on folks of German anscestry.
  18. Just tonight I was sitting on the back porch with our outdoor cat on my lap. And he freaked out at a combine in the field behind the house. The bleeding on my legs has nearly stopped.
  19. I’m pretty sure he’s from Brownstown. He’s quoting the hometown newspaper trying to be positive for the local team. I don’t think anyone on this board actually believes any of that.
  20. I believe there is a cap on government lawsuit awards, I’m sure our attorneys can chime in.
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