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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. My guess is this is one of the face shields that are all the rage in fishing right now. I’m don’t see an issue, but there are some out there designs. https://safishing.com/shop/buy-1-get-4-faceshields-fb5/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw0brtBRDOARIsANMDykYOZLgTYaELf4NgHbGGXwEHC0K2BDObFkj2UTwrA8LWYzUcBc0r3a8aAsBUEALw_wcB&ef_id=W9e-xwAAAMdg-Izn:20191022111545:s#configuration
  2. Not sure if any on this thread are old enough to remember, but Washington had a long and storied tradition under Coach Springer. I believe they won two state championships, during his tenure. I remember seeing a SS game at Washington in 84 that may have been one of the coldest games I was ever at. Washington had a history of producing athletes, McGinnis, Downing, Keller, etc., come to mind right of the top of my head. Many of those athletes found their way to Ben Davis when IPS shut Washington down in 1995.
  3. In pregame when the R asks you if you have any unusual plays or anything the officials need to be aware of, that would be a good time to mention this. This clearly makes a mockery of the game in my opinion.
  4. Live ball foul is marked off, the two dead ball fouls offset.
  5. So now Seymour is on the contraction list? We've been down this road before Muda. Athletic budgets by state law have to be self supporting. They can not operate in the red. Yes, capital projects money goes into facilities, but operating the sports has to be self supporting. Football is an expensive sport, and in most cases is a money maker at schools. What do you think funds swimming, cross country, wrestling, baseball, track, etc. not only at the HS level but also NCAA? Football and Basketball are revenue generating sports, and these other sports are not. Once again as I have already pointed out, you and I are not going to see eye to eye on public schools and apparently public schools sports. It's education based sports, we continue to rehash the same material, what do you want from me?
  6. Invective? I just answered the question. Why would I pontificate on something I have no clue about?
  7. No clue, why don't you quit your conjecture and get it right from the horse's mouth? Dustin Powell AD 812-354-8478
  8. Linton has a culture, PC does not. This is one of the biggest obstacles facing a coach coming into a bad situation, first order of business is changing the culture. Greene County population dwarfs Pike County, 32k+ to 12K+. Greene and Pike Counties, share similar median incomes and percentage of people living in poverty as well as demographics. Perhaps the location of the school wasn't the best idea, away from Petersburg, kind of in the middle of nowhere. Petersburg is the only real city in the county, and only real population center. Linton just added a fairly nice locker facility near the entrance to their field, I'm not sure anything has been added to PC since it was built.
  9. While it’s always easy to sit outside the fence and pass judgement, I’m willing to defer to the coaching staff who’s at practice everyday, knows his players, understands what they need as far as development, and I would assume knows how best to run his program.
  10. Pike County is a tough situation. About the only industry that was ever there was agricultural and coal mining. The mining dried up in the 80’s, about the same time Pike Central was incorporated. Petersburg is literally a town stuck in another time. I would think socioeconomics dictate here as much as anywhere in the state.
  11. I really have no idea what you’re getting at, but it’s not unusual for teams to put starters in the game on special teams, or non scrimmage plays. As far as having seniors on the field.....well this time of year, their time is getting short, most of their careers are about to end. I’ve personally known Coach May since he’s been at BC and been on the field for many of their running clock games, including a 98-24 game, I have never seen an instance where he’s tried to run the score up, be disrespectful to, or embarrass an opponent. I’m not sure what you’re hinting at, but if you’re saying BC is running some sort of Bush League operation you’re wrong.
  12. High school sports are education based sports, that means it’s a part of your education. We know know your stance on public education, I would never expect you to understand or share my opinion.
  13. With the advance in camera technology I asked about using a camera for training of new officials and was told very plain and blunt NO!
  14. Competitive balance is the NFL, where every team is around .500+/- and bores the hell out of me.
  15. AD told us last night the have scheduled a charter and leaving early afternoon. Tough drive for parents and fans, hopefully a large contingent makes the trip.
  16. I69 is a game changer. For us, cruise set at 85, no traffic, no police, and you better have plenty of gas when you get on, not many exits either.
  17. Used condom found on the field at Paoli tonight, must have been a fun week of fall break!
  18. Back in the day there was always a Humes in Madison teams and the were all good athletes. I thought Willie was back at East?
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