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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by DE

  1. Should be illegal. You know, some people are really good shots... I try to as little as possible.
  2. Don't recall politics directly being discussed, but business was (which indirectly, likely related to politics). Coach discussed oil money (he had a name for it, but I could not understand what he called it....he has a very thick Southern accent). UT receives 2/3 of said oil money and A&M receives 1/3. I thought that was interesting with much more to it. They ran out of time.....might be back on today, though I am not sure.
  3. Further into his show, Jackie Sherrill was a guest. He had great insight to the A&M/Texas hatred.
  4. Watching Paul Finebaum show and there is a guest, Steve Berkowitz from USA Today speaking about his article. The analysis says if SEC adds Texas and Oklahoma, the conference could generate as much revenue as ncaa. 😮
  5. DE

    IU 2021

    #LoveEveryBoat #RowTheOne
  6. It appears out of the 14 members of the B1G Conference, University of Nebraska is the only non AAU school. I also didn't realize how small their enrollment was compared to the rest of the conference, excluding private Northwestern. ***Not to do with the B1G conference, but I had no idea Tulane was a private university until reading through all these lists. Very interesting. Thank you fellas for pointing me to new information.
  7. I am seeing this list has Michigan St. and no Rutgers (unless I missed them). The other list I read (https://www.aau.edu/who-we-are/our-members) did not have MSU, but did have Rutgers. Thank you again.
  8. Thank you. I have never heard of this. @DTWhat does AAU schools have to do with it?
  9. I see you are referring to Self. Who is the other you are referring too? Drew?
  10. Pelosi🤣 She'd spit out her dentures or drop her vodka tonic.
  11. I see where he has reported to camp, which is a no brainer. If he didn't, he would likely be fined (up to) $50,000.00 per day. He still wants to be traded. Ok. Will there be any teams that want to trade for his baggage? My guess is no. If teams have not by now, they won't.....UNLESS, they can get him dirt cheap.
  12. Each interview gets better than the last. If I was an aspiring your coach, I’d be documenting all of these. Great advice. Great goals. Great interview answers. Excellent.
  13. Since government was brought into this, here is one I can get behind.... Repeal the 16th Amendment, continue to raise tariffs, then let the government get involved here. Win, win, possible win.
  14. With all these moves, it appears they are trying to break away from the NCAA.
  15. Doesn't change what I said.
  16. Government needs to stay away.
  17. Where does O$U, Michigan, Clemson and Florida St. fall?
  18. These schools either know what is going on with the Playoff expansion or are forcing the hand of the playoff format committee. Is Michigan only tossed in b/c of it's traditional "brand" and it's rivalry w/ O$U? Why Florida St. (currently)?
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