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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by DE

  1. That is good to know. Do you know where that happens? I have never heard this before. Feel free to DM me as to not detract any farther from this thread. Best wishes to all teams and officials.
  2. Was at an inter squad scrimmage a few Friday’s ago. As we were working our mechanics (FGs), the back judge and I hear a loud buzzing. As we are working we look up and two drones are zipping by us. Bout scared me to death. Managers were controlling them.
  3. Covid or contact tracing? Not trying to start anything, but they are 2 completely different things.
  4. I agree. I was just pointing out that facts need to be shared and not rumors.
  5. I am a teacher. Been on this frontline for roughly a year and a half (since 3/13/20). It had NEVER been a virus outbreak at a school up by us. It has ALWAYS been the contact tracing that knocks teams out or closes schools. If they don’t announce the school and give details, don’t believe it until they do.
  6. Anyone watch? Thoughts? I watched a bit. I was not overly impressed with the atmosphere.
  7. Sadly, it sounds like your team was hit with the contact tracing "bus". That is major reason teams get "knocked out". Glad your team is back working.
  8. There are a lot of "hate groups" that aren't formally recognized.
  9. Pete is a GREAT guy and coach. He was a senior OL when I was a sophomore QB at Lake Central. He was a VERY good OT that was the anchor of our line when we went to the state finals in '93.
  10. I think VU should have went with the Warriors, Social Justice Warriors. Typed in my best James Bond "impersonation". 😅
  11. Still rolling on the ground with other dudes. Short shorts? 😂 Proving how clueless you really are. Hey. At least you aren't a snowflake. 🤣 🤣
  12. That's too bad. It's far better than rolling around on the ground, in onsies, with other guys like wrestlers.
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