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Posts posted by btownqbcoach1

  1. 6 minutes ago, foxbat said:

    Remember the collective team groan on morning practice days during warm-ups when after toe-touches, coach would yell, "On your butts" ... or something more colorful if our previous game performance was lacking somehow ... to do butterflies? 

    Feet would get almost pruney. I do NOT miss that. I'll take the extra heat on hot days. 


    • Like 1
  2. 59 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    Your weak ankles were not the fault of grass fields.  Nice try.

    Why yes, because factors like field conditions and weather should be mitigated as much as possible. Everything should be the same.   Every game, ever time.   Because winning is everything.  So sayeth the adults who run the game played by children.



    L O L.... yes my ankles were 100% our grass field's fault. Wild for you to try and tell ME what the issue was with MY ankles. 


    14 minutes ago, Impartial_Observer said:

    Good stuff @Irishman you know I myself as well as many others used to make intelligent, well thought out, cohesive posts like this, only to get replies such as “just let horses graze on it”. And handful of idiots have ran off more people from this forum that I care to remember. Seems it’s sadly a microcosm of our society. 

    It sucks. We could have a lot of fun talking about sports. 

    3 minutes ago, Impartial_Observer said:

    Forget it, he’s rolling. 

    What like 7-8 books?

    Who still uses textbooks? lol 

    • Like 3
  3. 43 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    Or you could contact the local Forrest Gump and get it done for free.



    Grass stains on uniforms.


    Builds character.


    Tradition? A tradition of what? 

    Grass stains on uniforms do absolutely nothing for me. Overrated. 

    Mud sucks. I won a regional in the muddiest field you've ever seen, ask the Southridge people about it. Again, overrated. 

    Build character? How on earth could it build character? 


    My takeaways from playing 99% of my football games on grass were.... 

    1. I had to wear ankle braces in every athletic "event, practice, pickup game" after playing on grass... because our practice field and game field were so poor my ankles were absolutely ruined from planting, cutting, and dropping back to pass on it for 4 years...

    2. I hated it when it was wet, the ball was slick as hell because there would be a muddy film on the ball, along with the rain. Sucked, and essentially impossible to throw the ball. 

    3. Morning practices sucked. 

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Ballhawk said:

    The statement made is that it will save money on upkeep for the life of the turf.  I want to see the numbers to prove that.

    I stated more groups could utilize it, but that doesn't have anything to do with cost savings.

    Again, I'm not against turf, but I want to know the truth about cost savings, not that more kids could use it.  At a small school, only band and youth football might use it.  Does that justify the cost?  Does the soccer team want to play on turf?

    Of course it does. 

    We are a small school and infinite amounts of more groups use the turf than band, football. 

    But you want a cost analysis, that's fine, but make sure it's an apples to apples comparison. You spend X amount of dollars for so much time on the turf vs X amount of dollars for the time on a grass field.  

    You have to take into account the massive disparity in usage time or the comparison is a waste of time. 

    I'm failing to see the advantages of grass, other than... yeah, not spending any money. 

    • Like 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, JQWL said:

    I think it has to do with what all we could do with an indoor facility. You can drop the batting cages and hit year round. You can go in and have football practice in poor weather. Track and Field could use it pre-season. Maybe your hard core tennis players could use it too. We already have a practice field that's full width and 80 yards long. We don't need to be on the game field all the time.

    I can't imagine it getting more use than our field, or even anything close to it.. and you still have the issue of JV, youth, 7/8 ruining your game field. 

    Which.. every year.. ours was absolutely torched no matter how much we didnt use it. 

    Plus-- we added significantly more and better parking by getting rid of most of our practice field. We have batting cages to take batting practice in, and we use the Aux gym if its poor weather after school or we just stay on the turf. 

    What we didn't have is the ability to be on a field 24/7 and not ruin it. 

    10 minutes ago, Impartial_Observer said:

    Well this thread has been Mudasized!

    Well with the lack of mods, it was bound to happen.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Ballhawk said:

    I'm not taking sides on this, but could someone please provide a cost analysis on turf vs. natural grass?  I'm a little skeptical that installing turf saves money.

    What does installation and upkeep cost for a turf stadium?  What does maintenance of a natural grass field cost?

    I get that turf allows more opportunities for more groups to use a field without destroying it, but I'd rather see that argument than the one that it saves money over the lifetime of the turf.  I'm not convinced that this is true.

    Someone give me some numbers.

    But the #s aren't what you should compare.... what you should compare is the # of hours you can be on each of them. 

    Those #s aren't comparable. You essentially can barely touch a grass field to ensure it makes it through a season.... and that's not even counting practicing on it, or the off-season. 

    2 minutes ago, JQWL said:

    Absolutely. I'd much rather have that indoor facility than turf.

    That's crazy with how much you can be on the turf. 

  7. 32 minutes ago, scarab527 said:

    Yes, no one is being forced to sign up for sports.

    Those who choose to sign up are being forced to play on surfaces that are not optimal for safety in the name of saving money and expedience for administrators. Pretty shameful if you ask me. 

    Believing this stuff is wild though. 

    We don't have more injuries on our turf, really it isn't even close, Now that's just our school. 



    "58% more likely to be injured on turf than grass"... is where you should have stopped reading. Preposterous to believe that. 

    Shameful? lol 

    1 hour ago, scarab527 said:

    Except they’ve done studies specifically focused on high school and found the exact same stuff: 



  8. 1 minute ago, 5GetsYou1 said:

    Perf NFHS rules, any logo covering a yard marker should have a shadow to establish the line. If there is a measurement in that area and we don't have the yard lines, we have to move the ball outside of the logo to measure it. 

    I'm sure there is a line through the 50. 

  9. 2 hours ago, FastpacedO said:

    Go run on Rose Hulman's Football field, any turf field, and any high school that has Natural grass and let me know what difference you feel (I have done all of the above. The people who play the game at the highest level possible aren't playing on High School natural grass when they do play on Natural Grass. Rose Hulman happens to have NFL grass that was installed when the Colts used their facility for training camp.


    1 minute ago, 5GetsYou1 said:

    Now someone tell the manufacturer to put a shadow on the 50 yard line through the logos 😉

    not sure I follow

  10. 44 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    True. This thread was started as yet more "navel gazing" about how great turf was.  You wanted to sweep anything even slightly negative about the product under the rug.  Only pretty picture after pretty picture of new turfs fields would suffice. 


    I'm sorry you weren't able to handle that.  

  11. 28 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    Yeah, it does bother me.  As I have stated before such expensive extravagances have no place in a game played by children.

    At least Rodgers is probably set to get millions of guaranteed money.  I doubt the 16-year old high school player does.



    But, this thread isn't about how "expensive" turf is? lol ....literally we've been over this.  

    Simple stuff man. 

  12. 18 minutes ago, Impartial_Observer said:

    Retired coaches have a lot to offer younger staffs. Rod Ballart has been at South Dearborn with his son Rand I think since he’s been there. Tyson Moore brought in Zimmerman and another older guy who’s name escapes me, been at Madison and BNL. He may still teach at BNL. Jeff Richey has worked with QB’s at Seymour (under Kelly), North, and now East. 

    I’ve always maintained sports are about relationships, I filled in for a crew on Friday at South Dearborn, when Coach Ballart saw me he said I thought you retired, I said I did, I only took this game so I could see your old man. 

    Didn't realize Jeff Richey was at East. 

  13. 1 hour ago, gonzoron said:

    I just hope that one political article in the football forum section doesn't enable the Trump Groupies to start posting their articles inciting insurrections and other treasonous behavior to overthrow the United States Government. They will stop at nothing to promote their version of anarchy.

    Lol what? 

    2 hours ago, Muda69 said:

    Pony up a donation to the GID and that may change?


    That's for real the criteria? 

    I've donated before, I doubt I will again.  

  14. 4 hours ago, gonzoron said:

    I love some good message board drama. We get to have it on here now that no one guards the henhouse any more. Once a month a moderator might show up, sometimes it's longer than that. No one wins or loses, but everyone plays the game. We all know @Muda69 gets to write his own rules, doesn't mean we have to like it. See you next month!

    Wild isn't it? Heck.. they aren't even made to stay on topic. 

    I can still only react to one post a day. 

    Then.. no one posts on the topic for 3 days and then the MOD tries to reignite the original issue. Again, wild. 

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