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Head Coach Openings 2024 Γ—


Athletic Director
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Everything posted by Irishman

  1. They are in 2A on the IHSAA site. This link is the updated version that includes the adjustments the executive committee approved this Spring. http://www.ihsaa.org/Portals/0/ihsaa/documents/quick resources/Enrollments & Classifications/2019-20, 2020-21 Football Alignment.pdf
  2. The trailer for this looks fantastic. I cannot wait. Oh yeah, and 7 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 https://twitter.com/startrek/status/1152671148372480001?s=21
  3. In New Haven, the OTB has a restaurant called VooDoo Lounge....great Cajun menu. The downside as a coach though, is it closes 30 minutes after the last horse race. The kitchen closes a bit earlier, so on road trips coming home, we have to call in our order. πŸ˜ƒ
  4. This could have gone in the new normal thread, well because yeah....lol sit through a few parent teacher conferences I have had over the years, and yeah, I can see it happening. https://local.theonion.com/unstable-relative-toddler-compete-for-attention-at-fam-1819570990?utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_content=Main&utm_source=Facebook&utm_campaign=SF
  5. I have a funny feeling that Ice Cube would be a little more expressive with his reply than this, but it’s still funny.
  6. Was this about the same time that he was sued by the Department of Justice for unfair housing practices? Because minorities could not get apartments in his buildings? Or was this before? Or maybe he did this to show DOJ officials he was not a racist?
  7. Just finished season 1 yesterday, and wow. Outstanding writing. And similar to what the writers on Shameless can do; there is a point where you will hate every character on the show, but fall back in to liking them again. And I LOVE the setting for the show. Montana is my favorite state to visit. It has been a long time since I have been, but the views are absolutely amazing. One drive, on a road called Going to the Sun Road, is the most incredible stretch of road I have ever driven. I have actually had a couple of encounters with wildlife there where I really thought my life was at risk. I can still visualize hiking through a valley of multiple peaks that create an amphitheater of rock. It seems like there are hundreds of waterfalls that feed the lake at the bottom of it, and the sound of the waterfalls echoing through is still one of the most awe inspiring things I have ever seen. Season 2 starts after the workout and breakfast.
  8. On a national level, there are excuse makers, I will not deny that. But in many of the instances you mention, there was plenty of criticism. As far as Benghazi goes, no excuses. I will say one person who gets little to no blame in it....Trey Gowdy. He and the people he had on the investigation completely f’ed it up. As far as the President lying about his relationship, there were plenty across the spectrum that were critical. Maybe you forgot he was impeached? As far as the rookie congresswoman, you must have ignored the backlash she got from many in her own party? Clinton’s connection to Epstein is undeniable, and I am willing to wait and see what the investigation turns up. No doubt the Clinton’s took cover ups to a new level. So to say that actions are being painted over is disingenuous at best. I am not looking for or taking any moral high ground here at all, but at some point, I will even call out my friends and family for things they say or do. Having only 4 people on the R side in the house vote to condemn the latest comments is a telling, and sad sign. To see the what about game, or to say he gets a pass based on what others have done is sad too. Multiple wrongs do not make what he does ok, or even right.
  9. As I said, I am not a fan of their politics. There are better ways to handle those whose views do not line up with our own, ESPECIALLY if one is the President of the United States. I know you couldn’t, but thanks for proving my point, and completely ignoring the numerous specific examples I mentioned; especially when it comes to violating the Constitution. I bet you cared plenty when you thought others were violating it.
  10. The common response is the β€œwhat about...?” game. So the mindset is, that multiple wrongs make it ok? So what is the limit to it then? Cheating on 3 wives wasn’t it. Grabbing women by the pussy was not it. Making fun of a disabled journalist was not it. Calling less than a handful of minority athletes sons of bitches was not it. Being caught in countless lies about what he did or did not say, even with video and/or audio evidence is not it. Saying American citizens should go back to where they came from is not it. I also guess the number of times he has stated he could issue an executive order to do something, even though it would have been in violation of the Constitution is ok too? Thanks for proving my point. As I said, it is unfortunate that anything he says or does will be defended.
  11. There are times when some things that are done or said are just indefensible. I am no fan at all of the four woman and their politics that are the target, but I do feel it is unfortunate to see the President being defended here. There is no question whatsoever who the targets were, and to push the notion that no names were mentioned is sad, to be bluntly honest. No matter our differences, I have always felt there is a reasonable level of intelligence among posters here. Sure we go to highly partisan posts from time to time. But to defend a President telling people to go back to their own countries no matter the context, shows that a point is reached where there is absolutely nothing he can do wrong; and that anything he does or says will be defended.
  12. I would agree. And usually when he takes a big leap like this, it serves as a distraction away from something bigger...not sure what it could be this time; Epstein? North Korea? War with Iran? Regardless, I do think it is a fine line that he jumped way over this time. While it does keep AOC in the forefront, going as far as he did with this one will erode the support he still has; especially from the ones who voted for him just because he was not Hillary. If he wants to push the envelope that far and rely on the support from the racist groups on his side, he will lose the election. I am guessing that some lame explanation of what he REALLY meant will be coming soon. I still hold to the notion that his health is fading, physically and mentally, and comments and tweets like this will be more common from him.
  13. But if we follow Darwin’s line of thinking, these people would have perished LONG before now. 🀣🀣🀣
  14. Having seen a few stories this Summer about some amazing tech advances, I decided to start a topic to post articles. https://www.wired.co.uk/article/3d-printed-skull
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