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Posts posted by Gipper

  1. 3 hours ago, DannEllenwood said:

    Bruce Arians too. He was HFB coach at Temple, MANY haircuts ago. 


    I also have to give props to Jimmy Johnson, but I stand by my statement that most (but apparently not all) college coaches can get it done in the NFL, the methodology is way different.

  2. 2 hours ago, Irishman said:

    He has said in previous years he would rather take a sack than have some costly turnover.

    I think KC's defense is probably one of the best the Packers will face this year.  Then again, ESPN says the Patriots have a pretty good defense, but I'm not all that convinced if Belichick & Co. will make it to Miami...

  3. 47 minutes ago, Irishman said:

    Solid list, but hard to say that Hazell was the worst hire of all time. Michigan fans will claim RichRod was. Irish fans will claim Gerry Faust was. Ohio State fans will likely say Earl Bruce was. Tennessee can claim Lane Kiffin. I am sure a LOT of programs can put up a name to claim that spot, and not be far off. Even IU can claim Bill Lynch was the worst hire of all time. 

    Gerry DiNardo at IU also didn't pay many dividends...

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  4. 1 minute ago, Irishman said:

    Great seeing the short passing game against the aggressive blitzing of KC, and being patient without even trying to go deep. That has been missing for a LONG time. Green Bay staff did a MUCH better job of adjusting at halftime than KC did.....also something that was good to see for a change. McCarthy had a plan and stuck to it no matter what with no adjustments. 

    That's why La Fleur's hire was so good.

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  5. On 10/23/2019 at 7:43 AM, DumfriesYMCA said:

    1) panthers wouldn’t sell for less than a 1st ++
    2) cam means more to the panthers community than arguably any other players.  The work he has done for kids is incredible.  He is more than just a face of a franchise

    3) trubs isn’t the only problem with the bears. Play calling as a whole is bad...they sold jordan Howard (IMO big mistake) and they have failed to progress their current WRs and haven’t shopped for another stud player either. 

    the bears should give trubs full control of the offense. Have him run hurry up and call his own shots and sprinkle in the run. The man can play. But Nagy is too cute and the way he runs the game, defenses can just wind up and deliver a knockout punch when needed.


    also I think it’s worth noting that Vic Fangio made the difference in that defense.  Probably similar to wade Phillips.  Heckuva coordinator...not so great as a coach. The little details he had was the icing on the cake to that defense.

    The Bears have many problems.  I take no delight (well...) in their loss, but rather emphasize with the kicker.

    The Bears have as much luck to get Cam Newton as they do Aaron Rodgers.

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