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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Gipper

  1. 2 hours ago, Footballking16 said:

    For who? IU or OSU? OSU’s next 3 weeks are bye, Rutgers, Maryland. IU has yet to play NW or Purdue, two of the three worst teams in the B10.

    ND is out of any playoff discussion 

    OSU as I don’t really care what IU does.

    Just now, Gipper said:

    OSU as I don’t really care what IU does.

    And I also meant to include the B1G and subsequent bowl game or games...

  2. 6 minutes ago, itiswhatitis said:

    That is the one position (QB) the Buckeyes are a bit thin at.  They were talking about it on the broadcast yesterday.  We had been talking about it a couple of weeks ago at work.  Thought it was funny that they mentioned it yesterday since we had noticed it 2 weeks ago.  Hopefully Fields stays healthy the rest of the season.  IU is fortunate to have 2 starting caliber qb's. 

    Good luck as things don’t get much easier...

  3. 12 hours ago, Staxawax said:

    Stick a fork in them, they are headed to a Dec 29 Weedeater Dandelion Bowl game against the 6th place Big 12 team. “They are who we thought they were”.

    Not so fast, my friend.  What about a Pinstripe Bowl matchup with IU?  

    • Like 2
  4. Given ND’s performance yesterday, are they really B1G-worthy?  Just kidding, Kelly has been accurately assessed on other posts and Michigan is no Our Ladies of the Hopeless Miracle.  Besides, the Domers check a very important box: geographic proximity.  We forget that these guys are student-athletes who have studies as well as athletic duties.  Why have them go half-way across the country when they have term papers to write, presentations to prepare for, the weird stuff science geeks do among other things?  The same can be said for high school conferences in our beloved Hoosier state: keep it local...

  5. 7 minutes ago, TrojanDad said:

    Perhaps....I thought he might have saved it last week when they beat Wisconsin. They also need a bowl appearance I think to give him more time there....at 4-4, they have a chance.  They will get Rutgers, but have 3 tough ones left with Iowa, Michigan State, and Northwestern.  I think they can do it.

    Northwestern and Rutgers are almost certain wins, and Iowa and Sparty don’t seem all that daunting.  Sure, the Hawks are ranked, but given my feelings toward polls, I really don’t put much stock into that.

  6. 1 minute ago, TrojanDad said:

    That was the key....Peters only threw for 26 yds on 6 attempts.  Illinois, in tough weather, gashed the Boilers with the run with 242 yds rushing.  The Illini was determined to run they ball and they did.  They punched Purdue in the mouth.

    Probably saved Lovie’s job, too.

  7. 18 minutes ago, boilerfan87 said:

    The reality of this season has been clear since early on. There are far too many inexperienced players, coupled with numerous and often significant injuries that would be too much for a veteran team to overcome. It is largely a lost season from a going to a bowl perspective, but it is completely different to me than the Hazel years. I still watch these games to see the young talent develop. There is more ability out there than there has been since Tiller's early days. Once it grows up and some depth is established, this could be a very solid program. If the recruiting trends are any clue, I think they will get there. 

    Well said.  I will also submit yesterday’s playing conditions were horrible.  If Plummer didn’t throw that pick six and if a few balls weren’t dropped, the outcome could have been much different.  I like how these young guys are getting in game experience, but yesterday wasn’t their day. I’m taking clients to the Wisconsin game next month, hopefully they learn how to defend the run by then.  If not, no biggie as Mad City has its fair share of watering holes.

  8. 3 hours ago, itiswhatitis said:

    Yeah this is one year that the conference belongs to the Buckeyes like it did in 2014.   I think you could assemble an All Star team from the rest of the conference and Ohio State would still beat them.  I see no weaknesses in this team at all.  As long as Fields stays healthy this team is unbeatable.  If he goes down, that will probably kill their chances of winning everything.  They can lose Dobbins at RB and still probably win it all.  They can lose lost a wide receiver and still win it al. But lose Fields and they probably won't win.  Martell was a good backup but he transferred.  They don't have much on the bench at QB now.

    As a Purdue fan, I can attest how important the QB position is.  Plummer has done fairly well, and is improving, but has a long way to go.

  9. 9 hours ago, BTF said:

    Oklahoma is out. This makes room for both LSU and Alabama joining Ohio State and Clemson. Those are your top four at this point and it doesn't look debatable. 

    I would have to agree.  Would kind of like to see Penn State in the mix, but I think OSU is too strong.

  10. 58 minutes ago, itiswhatitis said:

    It's always about the Benjamins these days, isn't it?  Whoever has the most toys, wins.  That is why I want the B1G to grab onto a couple more big time programs.  That would give the conference a couple more "toys" for the playoffs at the end of the season.

    I don't work in finance because I like my co-workers...

  11. 9 minutes ago, itiswhatitis said:

    Why didn't they just send them a big box of pacifiers in stead?  LOL  Sorry the thought just struck me funny.  I know the conference liked getting that East Coast money for the TV market.  Helps add to the B1G treasure chest. 

    it was about the Benjamins, don't be fooled...

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