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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Gipper

  1. 1 hour ago, slice60 said:

    DT's superpower is roping us into these conversations with his ideas to fix things that aren't broken. 

    The only teams who could be at a disadvantage are the 5A schools in 5-team sectionals. When the IHSAA decided to split out 6A for competitive balance purposes, I believe that the plan was to have exactly 32 teams each in 5A & 6A. Not sure why they didn't do that for this 2-year cycle-- maybe due to the Elkhart consolidation or general logistics/travel issues in certain areas of the state.

    But I don't want to be blasted for disagreeing with DT without offering up my own idea. So here goes--

    320 schools with football = 10 classes, 32 teams each. No change needed to schedule at all-- 9 regular season games, BYE WEEK FOR ALL, 32-team/5-week tournament for each class, 3 day State Finals extravaganza at LOS.

    Thank you for not taking this too seriously.  It’s a game, and games should be fun.  Some people take the fun out of everything.  It’s not up to us to make the rules...

  2. 19 minutes ago, gonzoron said:

    Now they're so tired they need a week off. Good thing there's only 1 DT in the State. Teams would be afraid to stop playing, they might get contracted if they take a week off.

    South Newton alumnus here. I don’t know if I should thank DT for all of the attention as I’m sure he knows what’s best for the school without even having been there or call him out for being a pompous jerk.


    There May have been a grammatical error in there, but I don’t really care.

  3. 2 minutes ago, foxbat said:


    How good is Merriville's passing game and pass protection?  If they are as good as Harrison, which is probably an average passing team for 5A, then that 30 for Merriville, might be a tad low.  I expect that Jeff spent most of the week off working on the secondary as that's probably the glaring chink in the armor.  Also, I'm hoping that they also spent some time on kickoff too.  Not sure what was going on at the Tech game, but I think there were at least 3-4 kickoffs out of bounds and most were up closer to mid-field than the goal line.  Can't afford to give a 6A opponent like Merriville as short field throughout the night.

    Here's what I do for a living, stats:


    Jeff averaged a little more than 55 points were game.   With the exceptions of Harrison, Lawrence Central, and those Red Devils of West Lafayette, they Bronchos with an H simply destroyed their competition by a double digit margin.

    Conversely, Merrillville gave up a little 14 points per contest.  Although the Chesterton, Crown Point, and Valparaiso (their only loss), none of the other games were that close.


    Essentially, something's gotta give and the weather will also be a factor.


    I consider this post No Load, as you won't be charged fees for it (you're welcome).


    As of today, Purdue's highly ranked Class of 2020 recruiting class includes 2 defensive linemen, 4 linebackers, 5 defensive backs, in addition to a four-star RB, QB, and WR.  Oh yeah, recruiting ain't over, more will sign.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Footballking16 said:

    The IHSAA created the 6th class to promote competitive balance. Unfortunately it split one class in half thus making one less tourney game possible causing the subsequent bye. Class 5A and 6A not playing a week 10 has ZERO bearing on class 1A-4A. It's not like a 5A school has a week off to prepare for a 4A school in the playoffs, each team is at the same advantage/disadvantage. This is a non-issue.

    That's what I thought all along, a nothing burger, if you will...

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  6. Although I like having the Bears for a punching bag twice a season, I hope they can figure stuff out.  I still believe Nagy was a solid hire and should remain as coach.  Their defense can be good at times, sure New Orleans torched them a few weeks ago, but that can be chalked up to a bad day at the office which is akin to Purdue's showing, or lack thereof, against Illinois.  Therefore, I believe their real problem, to the surprise of nobody, is the offense.  Trubisky is not the guy, nor will never be the guy, therefore a change needs to be implemented.

  7. 9 hours ago, AG said:

    You're wrong. Brohm didnt recruit these seniors, and only recruited a handful of the juniors. THESE ARE HAZELL RECRUITS. Brohm has actually signed quite a few promising OL. The only problem is that THEY'RE ALL FRESHMEN. Stop with your hot takes on a team that you know barely anything about and go do some research.

    Good stuff, keep it coming.  It's essential to point out that all programs, be it Alabama or even Prairie View A & M, have what we mere mortals call rebuilding seasons.  While I do submit that Purdue has had more than its fair share of injuries, it is not a program in disarray.  Rebuilding a program takes time, it is not an overnight occurrence.  Different schemes must be looked at and players should be scrutinized to find their best fit.  BTW, my preponderance of grammatical errors has been elevated.  To which I say, so what?  Like Facebook, I play fast and loose with what I enter and if that's too much for you too handle, that's just too damn bad.  I'm a very stubborn German and won't change for anybody.

  8. 46 minutes ago, DannEllenwood said:

    I hear ya. Arians name just popped into my head reading this thread. 

    If I used bad grammar or misspelled a word, please let me know. Apparently that’s make or break here.  Truth be told, I’m a numbers guy and have my compliance department and assistant help me with my more meaningful statements.

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