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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Gipper

  1. Was it me or did the 3rd quarter fly by?
  2. Looks like the ship is being righted…
  3. Still time to put the Lions away, but still…
  4. Not really enthused with the first half. Awesome is clicking, but defense is not.
  5. Bell is in concussion protocol.
  6. As you can see from my lofty predictions, I look Brohm as well. There still is a long way to go, but I think the team is on the tight track.
  7. Regardless of opponent, the first two games weekend definitely confidence builders. As for Notre Dame, the Boilers were able to hang throughout and did expose flaws the team does have. As for my lofty predictions, yes I know they were a little extreme, but what fan doesn’t have hope considering what has been displayed?
  8. Point/counterpoint. At least my team has a winning record.
  9. I’m thinking it will be James Franklin.
  10. Actually that’s quite humble as I think the final score will be a lot more in the favor of the Irish.
  11. At the quarter of the way point, I am satisfied. Oregon State—Exactly what I thought. UCONN—we needed to give them that butt whipping Notre Dame—a little better than what I thought if you take away ND’s home cooking and a lack of urgency from Purdue. Illinois—should be a lot like UCONN, 43-10 this time. Minnesota—I really hate these guys, should we a war, 39-30 Iowa—they’re good for a reason, Hawks 31-17 Wisconsin—I’m going with the upset, 34-28 Nebraska—Will Frost still be around? Good guys 38-13 Michigan State—Sparty has been a surprise, but they’re back down to earth, Boilers 28-17 Ohio State—Although the last time these two joined up was the most fun I’ve had at a game, the Buckeyes prevail 28-17. Northwestern—played at Wrigley will be a distraction for the Wildcats. Purdue takes it 34-19 Indiana—Hoosiers are overrated and lack a quality QB as the bucket returns to its rightful home in West Lafayette. After a closer than expected first half, Purdue finished them off, 37-21. Onto the bowl game: Since Penn State makes the CFP, Michigan will go to the Rose, Iowa the Citrus, Ohio State the Fiesta, the Boilers will take on a scrappy Ole Miss squad.
  12. I wound say it is. Camp Randall is a very tough place to play. The environment is very intense.
  13. Congratulations to ND on a hard fought win.
  14. Hey, @southend, so much for always betting on the Catholics… Then again we have eternal salvation (not withstanding the sale on indulgences) on our side which is nice.
  15. Sectional 41 will be a three-team race: North Judson, South Newton, and Winamac. Although I’d give the edge to NJ, there’s a reason to beat your chest in Kentland, Goodland, and Brook!
  16. After years of obscurity, this team is now averaging 34.2 points per game. They’ve only played one “bad” game this year and it was to a much larger school. As a look at the upcoming schedule, I see a winning record as a distinct possibility. I’m not sure who’s in SN’s schedule, but they need to take things one game at a time. Congratulations Coach Bevis and the boys, you deserve it.
  17. South Newton 53, Tri-County 31 Final The Rebels are 3-2 this year…
  18. Gotcha. Those picture were taken in Israel. It was pretty crazy seeing a massive Christian shrine in a land where the Arabs and Jews were killing each other, or so it seemed…
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