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Everything posted by Bobref

  1. This precise play happened in a tournament game several years ago. The enforcement was correct. Whether the line to gain is made is determined by the action that occurs prior to the ball becoming dead on 4th down. Since the line to gain was not made at the conclusion of 4th down, the ball goes over. The penalty is enforced, the chains are set, and it’s 1st down. One technical note: the penalty is actually enforced from the succeeding spot, i.e., where the ball became dead following 4th down.
  2. He’s just reciting facts on this issue. Not like his contraction mantra.
  3. In a school with their tradition, and an enrollment of over 1,500, they couldn’t field a JV team. And I say that as a proud alumnus of Munster Football.
  4. You’ve got it backwards. It’s the Hammond School Corp. that is the obstacle, and their insistence that all the Hammond schools stay together. So, if the NCC wanted Morton, they’d have to make room for Clark, Gavit and Hammond High, too. A non-starter.
  5. Not totally. The crew chief is obliged to contact the host AD during the week to confirm details.
  6. The overwhelming likelihood is that there was some sort of a communication foul-up. I can assure you that if it is as simple as “the contracted officials didn’t show up” there will be serious repercussions for those officials. Don’t rush to judgment.
  7. An offensive holding penalty is administered according to the “all but one rule,” which says that all penalties are enforced from the basic spot except one: a foul by the offense behind the basic spot. The penalty for that foul is enforced from the spot of the foul. The basic spot depends on the type of play. If the foul occurs during a running play, the basic spot is the end of the run. If the foul occurs during a loose ball play, the basic spot is the previous spot. It gets tricky, though, because you can have more than one type of play during a down. So, if the foul occurred either before or while the ball was loose during the backward pass, it occurred during a loose ball play and the basic spot is the previous spot, i.e., the 45, regardless of where on the field the foul occurred.
  8. His motivations are irrelevant to the determination of the constitutional question. So, why dwell on them?
  9. I don’t remember anything about that game. But I can see the play from the previous game in my mind’s eye as clear as day.
  10. Our crew had the LC-Portage Game that day. The Chesterton-Andrean game was still going on late in the 4th quarter when we came out of the tunnel. Andrean was leading, but Chesterton was in the red zone. There was a play right at the pylon, and the Chesterton runner fumbled. The ball hit the pylon. The crew incorrectly awarded the ball to Chesterton at the 1 yd. line. They punched it in on the next play and won the game. As the Andrean team was coming off the field, their coach Ivan Zimmerman (one of my absolute favorite coaches of all time) saw me and made a beeline straight at me. Before he could say a word, I held up my hand and said “Coach, I didn’t see the play clearly.” He thought for a moment and then said “Hypothetically, if the ball is fumbled and hits the pylon, who does it belong to?” I replied, “Hypothetically, that would be a touchback, and the defense would get possession at their 20 ... where they could run out the clock if this was, hypothetically, in the last minute of the game.” He just said “thanks” and headed off to the locker room.
  11. I think I have that whole game on VHS somewhere. John Elway’s last college game.
  12. One of the judges recently plead guilty to misdemeanor battery in connection with the incident. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/crime/2019/09/09/white-castle-shooting-clark-county-judge-pleads-guilty/2266290001/
  13. You are prescient. Probably something like this in the next 5 yrs. Many colleges already offer scholarships to gamers.
  14. The rule provides as follows: “During the same dead-ball interval, no substitute shall become a player and then withdraw and no player shall withdraw and re-enter as a substitute unless a penalty is accepted, a dead-ball foul occurs, there is a charged time-out or the period ends.” Violation of the rule is a dead ball 5 yd. penalty for illegal substitution.
  15. Well, there is a perfectly reasonable opposing viewpoint. While the status quo may make for a more orderly college sports world, it also is denying young men and women the ability to better themselves financially. We wouldn’t dream of telling the kid who just won the Fortnite world championship that he shouldn’t be able to keep that money which he earned in every sense of the word. If the NCAA and it’s member schools want to make the argument that because football or basketball is their exclusive property, they essentially own the rights to the student athletes’ likeness, they have to be ready for what comes with that: remember when Northwestern athletes attempted to form a union? Yeah, stuff like that. I don’t see the NCAA going down that rabbit hole. The California legislation is a direct response to the O’Bannon case. It is essentially a legislative adoption of O’Bannon’s position in that case.
  16. I’m trying to think, procedurally, how that would get to court. One way would be in the wake of an eligibility ruling against an athlete on the ground that he accepted compensation as provided for in the legislation. The student then gets an injunction against the NCAA and all legal hell breaks loose. Should be entertaining. But first, they need a guinea pig to serve as a test case/sacrificial lamb.
  17. Yes, the first time I worked a game for him, our pregame conference with him took about 20 minutes. There were no less than 5 fake kicking plays he went over with us. Never used any of them, of course.
  18. Here’s the last unpleasantness I had with Coach Radtke. From then until the end of my on-field career in 2017, never had another issue. Sectional championship in 2000, Hammond High @ Griffith. The Panthers had beaten the ‘Cats 5 straight seasons in the tournament, and were a heavy favorite. The Boneyard was jammed and the crowd was wild. HHS led the entire game. Griffith mounted a furious 4th quarter comeback. Trailing 30-27 they drove inside the 10 in the last seconds. They didn’t have much of a kicker, and were out of timeouts. Inside of 10 seconds, the QB (Coach Radtke’s son) went back to pass and about to go down under a furious rush, he flipped the ball forward to - as luck would have it - an offensive lineman, who caught it and immediately went down. Flag for illegal touching. That’s when the craziness really started. As R, my job was to inform the HHS captain of his options. About 5 sec. into that I saw his eyes glaze over and knew there was no hope. Fortunately, my linesman was already in the HHS coaches’ ear. But it’s complicated, and I can see the “paralysis of analysis” taking hold on that sideline. Just then I heard Coach Radtke and turned around. He was standing right behind me in the middle of the field on about the 15 yd. line. I was shocked. Thereupon, we had the following dialogue: COACH: We get an untimed down, right? ME: Coach, you can’t be out here. COACH: I just want to make sure we get an untimed down. ME: Go to your sideline. COACH: I want an explanation. ME: I’ll come to your sideline after we’ve sorted this out, but you have to leave the field now. COACH: I’m not leaving until I get an explanation. ME: You’re not getting an explanation until you leave, and I come over to the sideline. Things sort of deteriorated from there and he ended up with a 15 yd. penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct, which they could ill afford. Then, while the U was walking the penalty enforcement, the QB made some comments about his mother and some other stuff, so there was another 15. A Hail Mary fell incomplete and we ran straight for our police escort to the locker room. As I said, never had a problem after that, and I probably worked 6-8 games of his in the following years. Never saw a coach who demanded more - and got it - from his players.
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