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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×

Donnie Baker

Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Donnie Baker

  1. All sum first post. Never heard a complaint on Crabtrees. Probably never will although when he was at North Centrals a group tried to run him off. I said several weeks ago Roxfan (Wilkeys stepdad) and his buddies helped run Herbs away . They worshipped Muhurins. Do people hate Moores? Or just disappointed in some of his questionable decisions lately? Is Hall on the hotseat at Fountain Centrals? He came into a big mess left by 2 others but doesn’t seem close to making any progress
  2. I’ve blowed up a bunch of Trojans in the back seat of a Rambler. Rowlin down highway 41 I swear to God I have
  3. Hide your kids and lock up the dogs. I SWEAR TO GOD!
  4. It’s not ode news if you keep bashing a team that hasn’t won a sectional for 20 years
  5. Not sure what the horse toad you but the other schools page seems to tell a different story.
  6. I only wash my own balls and I’ll say it right to your face!
  7. So if I understand this right. A couple of guys want to see the Woofs and South Putnams beat the hell out of a team that is close to shutting down their program because of games in the past? You know none of the players and even the coach aren’t there anymore, even the band director is gone I swear to God he is! I think some of the chain gang is still there. You guys still mad at Josh Smith too? For the record everyone was beating Turkey Runs pretty bad including RP.
  8. Under normal circumstances you think a high school wants to give up home game revenue just to play someone from a different area?
  9. He’d probably still give the ball to the Frig instead of Sweetness.
  10. I don’t know. So if one player was out that leaves 4 on the sideline. Maybe ask someone from Attica?
  11. Since this is the weakest team Crabtrees has had there I’d say the chances are pretty good.
  12. An Attica legend and uncle of the head coach toad me 16 healthy last night. I swear to God he did
  13. That should be a good one. I swear to God it will be. Might decide 2A North. Looks like Madder Days is getting ready for a run in the south.
  14. Glad the player is ok Attica definitely has low numbers. I think the comments towards them are low. Moore used to develop players not just take what was there. I agree let your playmakers do their thing but you need at least a threat of a running game
  15. Lots of questions here. How’s the injured player? Why the cheap shots toward Attica?Didn’t the Woofs ditch a game against a mediocre 3A so they could stomp a struggling 1A? Doesn't it seem like Moores has changed his coaching style? No hitters on defense? Bad tackling? Even his smallest players at Seegers could knock your head off. Where’s the running game? That’s enough for now I gotta go
  16. I probably know more about broad jumping than anybody out there. I swear to God I do
  17. I’ve been to the first 3 I gotta try the others
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