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Posts posted by BTF

  1. On 12/22/2020 at 9:25 AM, Robert said:

    The last I heard about it was an interview with the Luers head coach, Leisure Suit!, and he was talking about something in the works for the near future.  I can't remember it word for word, but something about the upper teams looking for some outside competition.  I'm sure it's on the web somewhere.  I've heard it mentioned on 1380 a few times, too.  

    It would be an epic move for the SAC overall if it's true. It better serves the larger schools than the smaller ones though. If Luers dropped Snider and picked up an Adams Central or a Coldwater Ohio, would that serve the Knights for the better or worse? Without a doubt I think it would benefit Snider, maybe rekindle their rivalry with Penn. 

  2. I like the look of the conference. Roncalli and Chatard would be the annual front runners with the Lafayette schools close behind. It looks to be generally competitive overall. How many two hour road trips will and administration be willing to endure during one season. Does the risk outweigh the reward? Higher attendance overall? Cathedral doesn't seem to mind the travel if we want to look at them as a role model. 

    • Disdain 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, temptation said:

    Yes, they were better than a sub .500 Wisconsin team.  I admitted so much.

    We are on the same team here.  They DO have a case.  I am in full agreement, but it is not as egregious as many are painting it to be.

    We will find out how much of a case they have once the game kicks off.  If it’s a struggle/one possession game, then it’d seem to me that they were right where they belonged.

    I agree. But for me it's more about the NY6, not about Ole Miss. I'm fine with Ole Miss. I'm not fine with Iowa State making it in over IU. The Big 12 stinks. I don't think a three loss team belongs there from that conference. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, temptation said:

    Had I told Hoosier football fans back in October they would be playing on January 2nd, you’d be jumping for joy.

    Now that you are, it’s still not good enough.

    I ask again, name Indiana’s signature win this year.  Their claim to fame is a close loss to a playoff team.  They beat a Wisconsin team with nothing to play for in front an empty Camp Randall Stadium?

    While I also do not want to defend the big 12 (Oklahoma at six in the final playoff rankings is a joke), Iowa State DID defeat both OU and Texas.

    Lol, you can't take anything away from Wisconsin for playing in an empty stadium. IU beat them because they are better, plain and simple. 

    Your right, all Hoosier fans would be jumping for joy had you told them that. Then they played the season and earned their spot. You clearly follow the sport well and your opinions are always noted, but I'm having a hard time figuring out why you think IU doesn't have a case here. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, temptation said:

    While your points and valid and do carry some eight, if IU being so “slighted” then why are they ONLY a 7 point favorite over a 4-5 Ole Miss team?

    You can point to Pennix but as I previously stated, Ole Miss is probably a 6-7 win outfit in the Big Ten in 2020.  IU would likely be the 4-5 unit were the conferences reversed.

    I hate defending the SEC and they usually get a bump in these types of situations but the “disrespect” card is getting old already and the game hasn’t even been played yet.

    I'm not doubting Ole Miss being a good football team. They don't exactly play in the Big Ten, The Big 12, or the Pac 12. I get that. I just think IU earned their way into a NY6 bowl game this year, but got screwed when it came down to it. As I said, it's big news, I'm not alone here. And it's more about ISU than it is Ole Miss. I'm agreeing more and more that Ole Miss is probably a pretty good football team, as stated by someone in an earlier post................DT or yourself, I don't remember. The disrespect card may be old for some, but it's not for most. Like I said, it's still being discussed by everyone from everywhere. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, DT said:

    Truth be told, both games are about equal in my view.  After losing to TN last year, Im glad we get another shot at the SEC.  And Id love to see IU kick Lane Kiffin's ass    LOL

    It would be a good win for sure. I hope the oddsmakers are right! If not, I'll be in big trouble on this thread. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, DT said:

    Must be a very slow news cycle currently.  Iowa State has been steadily climbing for the past 5 years.  They have won several high profile games against OU, Texas and they play Iowa very evenly.  Matt Campbell is possibly the most sought after P5 coach in the country.  

    Conversely, Iu has come on the national scene only very recently.  their is still much skepticism.  I think ISU is being rewarded for their 5 year body of work under Campbell.  And I think most oddsmakers would take ISU over IU in a straight up nuetral site matchup

    I listen to sports radio every time I get in the car. It's actually one of the bigger discussions nationally. 

    In my opinion, and I don't think I'm alone here, the Big 12 is weak and they are now on par with the Big Ten during one of the worst years in the Big Ten ever recorded. Everyone thought ISU was good last year with all those close games against the Big Twelve hierarchy. Then they didn't even put up a fight against the 12th ranked team in the country in the bowl game. They were down 33-3 before scoring a late touchdown. This team reminds me of last years, I'm just not sold. And now they get a shot against less than impressive Oregon team. Maybe I'll be convinced after next year. 

  8. 8 hours ago, DT said:

    40 years of futility have muted my ability to get overly excited or confident in the Hoosiers post season bowl prospects.  

    I am clearly in the "show me" phase of my support for the program.  And make no mistake, I am a strong supporter.  But I want to see the following things happen before I can accept the idea that IU has made a long term step up in the Big Ten hierarchy :

    1. Post 5 consecutive winning records

    2. Start winning bowl games

    3. Reach a minimum of fifteen 4 star players on the active roster

    4. Create more offensive balance with an improved running game that accounts for at least 40% of the avg offensive production.

    5. Start producing NFL first round draft picks on defense.

    6. ND, Michigan and Ohio State will continue to cherry pick Indiana's top high school football talent.  Keep the other Big Ten schools away from our Top 15 players and beat Purdue in the majority of in state recruiting battles.

    7. Maintain staff continuity and pay coordinators enough to keep them from jumping ship to non power 5 schools for HFC jobs.



    Good stuff DT..........great goals for IU's program. 

    Regarding the game coming up, the oddsmakers just happen to think IU has a pretty good football team this year. There are several on this forum who are claiming that this is all hyperbole among IU fans desperate for a good football team. The experts feel otherwise, giving the Hoosiers a 7pt advantage against Ole Miss.  And maybe the committee wasn't slighting IU at all bye giving them a shot at an SEC opponent. I think the real issue here is how Iowa State, in a league on par with the very far down Big Ten this  year, eclipses IU for an invite to a NY6 game with three losses on their record. IU's only loss came by 7pts to a playoff team. It doesn't make sense to me, nor does it make sense to sports radio guys across the country. This is a hot topic nationally. 

  9. 13 hours ago, Boilernation said:

    Anyone else have a feeling that Ole Miss is going to win by double digits? I don't think IU can keep Kiffin's offense under 28 and IU's offense hasnn't looked great in the post Penix era. The storyline will be that IU didn't belong in the NY6 conversation from those who probably don't even realize they lost a player of Penix's magnitude. 

    Las Vegas has Indiana as a 7pt favorite. IU is better than what people are giving them credit for.

  10. 2 minutes ago, temptation said:

    Well, college football was just a microcosm of society as a whole.

    1.  “Big ten teams must play a minimum of 6 games.”

    Never mind.

    2.  “Big Ten teams must adhere to a 21 day protocol.“

    Never mind.

    Absolutely ZERO consistency and ever changing rules drafted in pencil.

    Different rules for the elites.

    Can I be done now fellas?

    I enjoyed that, thanks. 

    Just now, DE said:


    Yes. I went there the other day and it said I was removed. 

    • Haha 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, DE said:


    Shhh.  Gonzo ronny will come on here crying to put all this in the OOB.  And just watch...his little lacky Dante wont be far behind.


    I was kicked out of that "club" for no apparent reason. Lol

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, DE said:

    As I said in a different post, California can screw up just about anything.

    How many people can the Rose Bowl sit, 90-91 K?  And to not allow parents in?  What a joke.

    But they'll allow 200 people in a grocery store that would fit inside the Rose Bowl 50 times. 

  13. 7 hours ago, DT said:

    The SEC was light years better than the Big Ten this season.  Not even close.

    Im thrilled for the Hoosiers, but they feasted on a very weakened Big Ten this year.  Always good to grab the low hanging fruit.  

    Remember what happened to Purdue against Auburn a few seasons ago.  Thats what would likley happen to the Hoosiers were they to play a highly ranked SEC team, or Oklahoma or USC.  Last year we lost a bowl game to a very mediocre Tennessee team.  Lets get a win over Mississippi and then prep for the next step in the climb.

    The Big Ten was lousy this year, no question about it. Was Penn State that bad when IU played them or did their victory send them into a tailspin? What about Wisconsin? The Badgers are a pretty good football team in my opinion. IU managed to beat them even without Penix. And without Penix, I'm expecting a victory over Ole Miss. I think IU's defense is for real. How good is the SEC this year?...........I guess we'll find out in the bowl games.

    Either way, IU was ranked #7 by the AP and #11 by the committee. They were more deserving of a NY6 game than Iowa State was. It surprises me that the committee didn't feel the same. They certainly deserved to play a ranked team with a winning record. 

    The committee seems hell bent on pitting Power Conferences against one another in the bowls. I thought it was a disservice to put Coastal against Liberty. Give those teams a chance against a Power 5. Now we'll never know if those two teams are legit or not. 

  14. 1 hour ago, PHJIrish said:

    It may be spot on but it's not fair, oops, there's that word again.

    BTW, Ole Miss has a 4-5 record!  IU deserved better!  They could have given them a game against a team with a winning record, respect or no respect!

    It's an insult. No other way to slice it. 

  15. 5 hours ago, jakone said:

    There was a four year period where SAC teams had two out of conference games during this stretch Snider's seasons ended in blowout loses.  When Carroll and Homestead joined the SAC which resulted in closed scheduling Snider wins State that first year. It's not who play that makes you better it's how you play that does.


  16. 1 hour ago, PHJIrish said:

    IU was overlooked, to put it mildly, in the Bowl selection.

    I'm not sure how Iowa State gets in over IU. The #7 team in the country get completely left out of the NY6?

  17. 1 hour ago, DE said:

    Bama vs. ND in the Rose Bowl @Dallas.  Man can California screw things up.  Doesn't look good for ND.  I want them to win, but I'll take Bama to name their score.

    OSU and Clemson.  Clemson by name their score.

    Bama vs. Clemson.

    Bama by 10+.

    I'll take Clemson over Bama. Trevor Lawrence is the best player in the country by far. 

    • Thanks 1
  18. 1 hour ago, PHJIrish said:

    I agree with what you say!  Clemson and Alabama are in a league by themselves.  Clemson will clean up on tOSU just as they did yesterday against the Irish.  IMO, Clemson will win the National Championship because they play some defense.

    Was it just me or did Notre Dame look like they played the rest of the game deflated after going inside the 30 three possessions in a row and coming away with only 3 points?

  19. 13 minutes ago, temptation said:

    Dog, I have agreed with you from DAY ONE that based on principle, ND should be in.  We are in full agreement on that.  You are confusing the two.

    The narrative is now being pushed that Notre Dame HAD its chance and that A&M is the “hot team” and deserves its “revenge opportunity.”  I am not saying I agree but I told you this before kickoff yesterday.

    I agree that OSU will likely suffer the same fate as ND but they haven’t had the chance to prove otherwise, whereas ND did.


    Ok Kent Harvey. 

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