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Posts posted by Lysander

  1. 15 minutes ago, Knight82 said:

    What a great game.  Looked like Marian took a few series to understand the speed of Chatard, as the Knights have not played anyone of the caliber of Chatard this season.  But Marian certainly made it a fantastic finish.  The second half was just battling back and forth, but the Knights just couldn't get ahead.  Proud of the effort our boys gave - heartbreaking finish for the Knights.

    Classic game.  Marian is a helluva team.  My wife literally couldn't watch the game. 

    Kudos to Marian.  

    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, George Orwell 2 said:

    Lysander and some others may remember a dissertation I posted a few years ago on the impossibility of identifying endogenous and exogenous characteristics with respect to high school football.  For everyone's benefit, I will not repeat it here.   

    Many of us recall it.

    9 hours ago, George Orwell 2 said:

    Thank you, Lysander.  I appreciate the sentiment and if it weren't for one unfortunate fact, I would do just that.  But . . . well, you know . . . I'm dead.  Sooooo . . . . . . yeah.  

    Yes.  That “dead” thing can tend to get in the way.

    But at least you can still vote......

    • Haha 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Esso Ayche said:

    I 100% agree that the sample size is too small to get a full, meaningful grasp.  Without a doubt.  For me it was a starting point (10 year sample size) to get my head better wrapped around the conversations, and that three year window just happened to fit into it.  I would someday like to jump back another decade or two (or three?) to pick up a bigger representation across the board.  It was very interesting for me to dig into the numbers/results and, truthfully, see who these teams were losing to.  It is one thing to see who is winning, but I find it much more interesting to see who was on the cusp of winning.  So many great teams that just get stuck behind a juggernaut of a team/program and can't break through that ceiling.

    Like you said, I'm sure there a lot of sectionals that have zero PPs, and many with multiple... that would be an interesting secondary, parallel study to see how many PPs are in the average "non-zero" PP sectionals... and how they collectively fare compared to those that don't have other PPs down the line until regionals or semi-state.  28 comes to mind as a heavy PP sectional.  I'm certain there are many others.

    Still, I find that three year window (no matter how fortuitous to my sample) to be a very fascinating snap shot, whether it was PPs or publics doing that work.  Three years, four schools, twelve titles.  Amazing.  Across 50 states, I'd be interested if there have been comparative three year dynasties across four classes of football like that.  I'd bet not, but honestly I don't keep up with much beyond SWI... and barely that!

    I appreciate the constructive feedback, for certain.  I knew going into it that there was not nearly enough information in the greater scheme of things to come to any meaningful "conclusion" in the overall conversation.  I know without a doubt there are a huge number on here who know this topic (and all the gory details) inside and out, but I found some of these numbers (sample size be damned!) too compelling not to share for those that might not have been around in those days (I can't be the ONLY transplant, can I??). Plus, it got me out of putting up Christmas decorations with my wife... because from across the room all spreadsheets look like real work!! (And honestly, who puts up Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving??)

    Perhaps you and “George Orwell”  might best offer your skills to the IHSAA.

    • Haha 2
  4. 1 minute ago, Yuccaguy said:

    And I must apologize Lysander....   The "board" of the IHSAA made a change in the summer that extended the 'Mercy Rule' to the Semi-State that most officials did not receive an update on on until the past week....go figure!  

    So this week (because of advertisers) will be the last week of the "Mercy Rule".....

    I’m no “rat”.  I don’t give up friends.

    More seriously, best wishes!  



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