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Everything posted by DanteEstonia

  1. Social studies isn't part of the Star Rating system we use in Nevada.
  2. It’s a very small area. It seems kind of strange that Smith Valley Road is the boundary between Greenwood and Whiteland.
  3. https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/local/2021/02/17/winter-storm-tva-avoid-rolling-blackouts-plagued-nearby-staes/6780479002/ From the Article: Thank G-d Ronnie Reagan didn't get his way with the TVA.
  4. Also, @Muda69 and @swordfish, my personal trainer (born in 1995) didn't know what Watergate was about. Hence, why we pay teacher equally because all subjects are equally needed.
  5. Yes I do, because we are all part of the educational process. No, I just understand basic funding metrics. BTW, when I worked in PHX, they paid me a "hard to hire" stipend for teaching science; it wasn't worth it.
  6. https://www.indeed.com/career/chemist/salaries Schools are funded PER KID. Where is the extra money for a salary differential supposed to come from?
  7. Some parents see school as nothing more than a babysitting service, unfortunately.
  8. The took down the job posting; they might be interviewing people.
  9. Allow me to rewrite my response to this: A shortage of math and science teachers exist because the vast majority of people who have degrees in math and science don't want to teach. I have a science endorsement, and methods classes, and I've never been short of work. A shortage of special education teachers exist because it's a potentially dangerous job. I used to teach a homebound student, who was not allowed back in school because he threatened to kill a pregnant teacher.
  10. SHOW ME THE CONTRACT. This is a Contract: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/600240/NCCTA_2019-22_Master_Contract.pdf Show me these mythical contracts, not an article.
  11. I don't have to question, I have direct evidence. Too bad, so sad. Hope you paid the insurance bill.
  12. Property can be rebuilt. A dead Congressman is a different thing.
  13. Find me a "leftist" equivalent to this- https://www.rev.com/transcript-editor/shared/7Nw_aFgSCwkywakGftVXzVw6NTJEvtBTeS6rNigOo221hgTCjvDEnf_zvai7Hv5hmGYuImOca6TjcP2GuV0K1i_9pOY?loadFrom=PastedDeeplink&ts=282.97 -although I doubt you can, because like nearly all conservatives, you are barely intelligent enough to speak. Research is beyond your grasp.
  14. CCSD's charter schools are structured like this to an extent.
  15. It's also because these subjects are harder to teach, and no one wants to deal with potentially dangerous kids.
  16. Do we allow engineering licenses to be issued without proper course requirements? Yes there is, that's what the principal is for. Citation needed. I want to see a union contract that discourages the use of computers.
  17. A, 8-team conference doesn't have to have all of its games in Weeks 3-9 to have a shuffle.
  18. I've only seen the Hoosier Hills Conference do it once since 1997; and it didn't last.
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