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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Rodney

  1. you people bore me with your safe predictions where is the saying snider goes undefeated and temp replying they couldn't win a game
  2. I propose we increase the size of our bet dramatically to two beers unless your scared
  3. Don't forget me I predicted no 4a game in the north matters
  4. lets be real here, they barely scraped out a win on a down year in 3a
  5. something something something calling your son's ring "your" ring.
  6. if I become a booster do I acquire free reign to say whatever I want Also do I get my negative 10 million back technically its -9,999,950 or something but im willing to start over at 10 million
  7. who cares, win the game or go home. what's the difference between losing round one and round four
  8. Temp likes to throw undeserving teams a bone every once in awhile to appease the fans, it was ever prevalent in his lists last year
  9. If I had a million bucks to bet, 6a is absolutely not where I'm betting it
  10. 23. making a late resurgence, getting more confident in your bet?
  11. They should remove the SF, that way some 5a schools can win state championships Sorry GS maybe next century Agreed
  12. Shtick..., what nonsense I have no shtick! I'm very versatile I love forming brilliant ideas to better high school football in Indiana, such as the post-game zebra press conference I love making wild claims that can't technically be proven incorrect I love fighting with BTF about how there is no real football north of Indy other than a few FT Wayne schools I used to love poking fun at 1a football, but apparently, I can't do that anymore (freakin communist is what it is) Most importantly I love the images in my head of you angrily responding to things I write. About the Parkhurst thing, I set my team to Merryville the day they lost last year in hopes of messing with him every time he posted anything unfortunately, he disappeared so that didn't pan out Am currently taking applications for my next "team" send suggestions to my inbox ye currently thinking about becoming a GS fan and posting a weekly thread about how Chatard should be in 4a so we can be relevant If I had a "shtick" it would be pressing enter at random intervals in my paragraph
  13. Would at least make 5a interesting every year, though I'd imagine the current 5a schools wouldn't be happy about it. It would also kill 4a the way 5a currently is. And 4a would just become the chatard memorial show. Taking turns winning while the other was holding down 3a Dont make me laugh
  14. I think memorial has a 50% chance of beating valpo So were all on the same page here You know I'm not from merrillville right... I just wanted to write that we have 100 d 1 athletes all summer Hell my "team" has changed like five times in two years
  15. imagine for a minute Valpo in 4a South last year woulda been out in sectionals. why talk about an 8 year old game when we can talk about Snider literally handing a state championship away last year
  16. I think EC scores as much as they want and steals all their girlfriends
  17. I've said before I believe memorial could have won 5a last year, though they wouldn't have been favorites I doubt many will disagree that chatard could make a run most years Valpo could have at least made it to state in 4a last year? They would have gotten massacred though
  18. When we talk about the strength of a class I dont imagine anyone thinks of any team outside the top 5 As in last year the 4a top 5 beats anyone in 5a This year EC beats anyone in 5a, after that I have no idea probably a mix
  19. We'd beat anyone in 5a last year by at least 40
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