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Trans Totalitarianism: Time For Moral Panic


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(Note: Images disturbing to some follow)


The phrase "moral panic" refers to a fear-driven mass overreaction to a phenomenon that is either false or minor. Witch hunts are the usual manifestation of a moral panic. There are no witches (well, technically not true, at least these days, but the witches didn't poison the well), so to freak out and persecute women because they might be a witch is a classic example of moral panic. The Satanic abuse craze of the 1990s is another. Again: a "moral panic" ensues when there is a mass freakout over something that doesn't exist, or is extremely minor and in no way justifies the size and intensity of the reaction.

The other day, I saw on Twitter someone saying that they are a good liberal and all that, but they are really worried about what they're seeing regarding the emerging culture of the medical and teaching professions encouraging children to transition to the opposite sex. "But," said this person, "I don't want to surrender to a moral panic."

I submit to you that a moral panic is precisely the correct response to this egregious phenomenon. That is, what is happening is so hideous, and so widespread, and the reaction by most people to this point has been so muted to non-existent, that if you are not panicking, you are not paying attention.

Most people are not on Twitter, and if you're one of these people, you may not be aware of the extent of the insanity. The media are not covering it, of course. It falls to badasses like Matt Walsh, Chaya Raichik (who runs the Libs Of Tik Tok account), Christina Buttons, and Chris Elston, the guy who runs the Billboard Chris website and Twitter account, to sound the alarm.

The things they document are not nut-picking (the practice of finding extreme weirdos, and falsely using them as an example of the whole). They are completely mainstream. These are things that, if we had a functional media instead of a Narrative-massaging industry, would be widely reported, and discussed intensely. Let me give you an example:



"Oh, come on," some of you are saying. "That doctor is clearly bonkers. Who else believes that?"

So glad you asked. Major children's hospitals, for one.



Libs of TikTok has an important essay about the Left's attempts to sever the relationship between parents and children. This phenomenon is one of the clearest and most alarming examples of the totalitarian nature of the contemporary Leftist project. When I was researching Live Not By Lies, people who escaped Communism kept telling me that one of the characteristics of the totalitarian regimes they escaped was the State inserting itself between children and their parents. This is well known to historians, as a matter of fact. The theory was that the State is the true parent, and as such, needs to defend the rights of children against their parents, who are carriers of old, oppressive values. This was necessary to liberate children from the past, and from its evil values.

I remember first learning about this aspect of Communism many years ago, and thinking that this is one thing that would never, ever be accepted in America. People would go to the mat to defend their children, and the sacred relationship between parents and children. But now it's here. Here's LOTT:

Various states across America have begun implementing laws and policies to allow children to make healthcare decisions without a parent or guardian’s consent — and the medical industry is promoting it. Many of these states are using these new laws to allow for drastic medical decisions to be made without parental consent including hormone therapy, gender reassignment surgery, and medicated mental health treatment.


New York has hopped on the bandwagon of removing parents from the treatment room as well. New York-Presbyterian recently sent out emails to their patients explaining that accounts for 12-17-year-olds must be updated to reflect the adolescent’s personal email address as the primary contact as New York State law allows children “to keep their sensitive medical information private and to consent to some of their own medical treatment.”

Do you get what they're doing here? Major hospitals and liberal states are making it possible for minor children to choose to have hormone therapy and other interventions to change their sex without their parents consent, or even knowledge! If you aren't morally panicked by this, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

Here is what the policy-setting elites of medicalized transgenderism are now saying:



Ross Douthat's column on Sunday was about how the politicized Covid response, and now monkeypox, has destroyed his faith in public health authorities ("I can never trust anything these people say again."). The way the entire medical field has surrendered to gender ideology now makes trusting your doctor dangerous. You see this kind of thing more and more:



Take a look at what Boston Children's Hospital is so proud of that they've made a series of videos promoting their standard of "care". For example:





Billboard Chris, Matt Walsh, and LOTT have been sending around Boston Children's Hospital's own promotional videos, which are predictably outraging normal people. So now the libs are accusing these three of terrorism. This is standard operating procedure for the Left today: if you think something controversial they do or promote is good, then you're fine, and a glorious Ally™ -- but if you notice it and object, then you are a bigot and a terrorist who must be shut down.



It's not just Boston Children's, not by a mile.





And when caught out, they lie:





When I was reporting Live Not By Lies, I talked to a senior physician at a major US hospital in a conservative state. The man only talked to me if I agreed not to use his name. His family emigrated to the West from the USSR when he was a child. Now, he said, he is seeing things that didn't even exist in the Soviet Union. He told me that at his hospital, the management instructed all the physicians to give to any patient, including children, any gender-transition assistance they asked for -- even if it violated the physician's best judgment about that particular patient. There was no other health care issue in which doctors were told by the hospital to suspend their medical judgment to give a patient what he or she wants. Why do you think that is, reader? When the lawsuits begin, I wonder if "just following orders" will protect doctors?

By the way, this particular physician told me that the HR department at his hospital monitored their social media accounts, looking for wrongthink. He said that if he didn't have a social media account, that would cause HR to flag him as a potential problem. So he kept his account up, but only put happy-clappy "wellness" things on it. This man is a top doctor at one of the country's biggest hospitals, and he has to live in that kind of fear. Why doesn't he quit? Because he has a family, and tuition to pay, and all the usual reasons. The other day in Vienna, I talked to a young Muslim from Canada, a man who works in IT. We agreed that the Canadian government is insane, and that trans ideology is destroying children and families. "Why don't people stand up?" he said. I asked him if he would stand up, knowing that it would probably cost him his job. He thought for a second, and said, no, he guesses that he wouldn't.

I understood. This is the condition most people are in. You maybe start to see why there were so few dissidents in the Communist world. It really and truly cost you a lot. Everybody likes to think that they would stand up, but when it comes right down to it, almost everybody conforms. In Live Not By Lies, Czech dissident Kamila Bendova, a strict Catholic, explained to me why she and her late husband had no problem at all being close friends and allies with the free-love hippies of the anti-communist dissident movement. She said that when you are in a totalitarian situation, the rarest quality to find is courage. The hippies had it; most Christians, she said, did not; they conformed like everybody else. Kamila said she and her husband knew that they had to stand with the few and the brave, whatever else those people believed.

Let this be a lesson to us all. Your pastor and best friends in your church might be too afraid of being thought bigoted to raise their voices against this demonic evil. Better get it clear in your head right now: when the persecutors come for you, these people will keep their heads down and say nothing; the atheist liberals like Peter Boghossian, on the other hand, will have your back.

You think this couldn't happen to you and your family? If you click on this link, the second tweet in the thread contains video of a speech Martinez gave telling her story:



Matt Walsh has been leading the charge lately against Eli Erlick, a transgender who has publicly bragged about sending unused hormones to anyone who wants them -- this, as a way to violate state laws against giving trans treatment to minors. Erlick has apparently set up a network to traffick prescription drugs to minors. Walsh correctly points out that Erlick has confessed to criminal activity, and has been demanding that authorities do something about it. So far, nothing has happened. But Erlick seems to be covering her tracks.







Why haven't you read about this stuff in the media? Well, why do you think? Ideological capture by the illiberal Left in the USA is all but total.

And children are being heavily propagandized in some classrooms, from the earliest age, to doubt that their body tells them anything meaningful about their sex. One of the most frequent kinds of posts on LOTT are of teachers who brag about how they're queering their classrooms, and introducing doubt about gender categories into the minds of their captive child audiences. Here are just a couple of examples, but if you follow LOTT, you'll see stuff like this every day:







Believe me, I could go on. They are castrating boys. They are chopping the breasts off of girls. They are mutilating young women to create pseudo-phalluses. They cover it all up in Orwellian neologisms like "gender affirmation surgery," but here is the reality, from a medical site's photo of what surgeons do to a woman's forearm to get the tissue they need to make her a Frankenpenis:






"Oh, Rod, why did you have to gross me out with these pictures?" you might be saying. Well, maybe your complacent self needs to be grossed out. The answer is because I am sick and tired of these Mengeles hiding behind euphemism. You have to see this stuff to believe how horrible it is. This is what they are setting children up for. This.

Once again: you are not going to learn about this stuff in our mainstream media. Even Fox News uses the loaded term "gender affirmation" to describe this stuff. Thank God for people like Matt Walsh, Billboard Chris, Libs of TikTok, Christina Buttons, Chris Rufo, and others who are taking the lead, and taking a hell of a lot of heat for it.

What can we do? First, spread the word. Educate yourselves and others. Your family is not safe, and if you think it is, you are lying to yourself. Last summer, a Slovenian Catholic father told me his 12-year-old daughter was mired in severe depression over her gender identity. The year before, he and his wife got her a smartphone, like all the other kids in her class had. The girl made contact online with some older American teenagers, who convinced her that she might not be a girl. The dad was gobsmacked. He had thought they were safe in little Slovenia. There are no safe places. If you buy your kid a smartphone, you are opening up doors for them that should not be opened. And it's beyond smartphones. It's in the classroom. Did you know that more and more schools are installing "gender affirmation closets," in which clothing is stored for kids who believe they are transgender, so they can change into cross-sex clothing when they get to school, then get back into their normal clothes before going home -- this, to keep mom and dad in the dark.

Do you know what your kids' teachers are saying in the classroom? Do you know what your kids' school's policies are regarding transgender identity and the parents' right to know? Do you know what your family doctor's practices are on this front? You had better!

Second, pressure leaders to get active. Are your pastors or bishops staying silent? Ask them why. What about your school board member? We have to elect politicians who have been red-pilled on the issue, and who are willing to use the power given to them by the people in our democracy to fight this tooth and nail. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has been a good example, but we need much, much more of this from Republicans. Do not listen to normie Republicans who blather on, like sweet summer children, about "small government" and "free markets". The only power capable of stopping this monstrous exploitation of children is the State. The Left has captured every major institution in America now with its insane gender ideology (DEI too, but that's another story). This is what soft totalitarianism is: the implementation of a single illiberal ideology within a society within a liberal, free-market society, through total capture of its institutions. As I explain in Live Not By Lies, you don't need to threaten people with the gulag when the schools, big business, the media, academia, medicine, law, the military, and everyone else are all on the same ideological page.

We still, for now, have the power to fight this, if we can gain political power, and are not too squeamish to use it. But trust me, we would be total fools to put all our trust in political victory. The political scientist Eric Kaufmann has shown using survey data that Americans under the age of 30 prize cancel culture's values more than liberty. Either we are going to have to see a massive generational shift in attitudes, and soon, or the window is closing on traditional American liberties -- and that means they will be able to come after your kids, permanently. If that's not worth panicking over, what is?

I am quite pessimistic about the long term, because of the woke ideological takeover of all of society's institutions, especially its culture-forming ones. I hope I am wrong, but I don't see middle-class culture ever rising up meaningfully against this stuff. Few people overall are going to risk their status in bourgeois society to stand against this evil. People just don't want to think about it. Back in 2005 and thereabouts, I was writing about how resisting same-sex marriage was a lost cause, and that we social conservatives ought to marshal our resources behind laws that protect religious liberty. I was piled on by my ideological allies, who accused me of premature surrender, given that back then, democratic majorities were still against SSM. It gave me no pleasure to be proved right in time; popular resistance to SSM collapsed like a house of cards.

Why did I see it coming? Because SSM built on what most Americans already believed about what marriage is (an expression of romantic affection between people, not anything rooted firmly in fixed transcendent values), and because SSM activists were appropriating the civil rights paradigm for their cause. There has so far been no possible resistance to the civil rights paradigm in American life. You could yell until you were blue in the face that race is not the same thing as sexuality, and make those arguments; nobody cared. Back then, normies often said, objecting to people like me, "What does my neighbors' gay marriage have to do with me? How does it harm me?" You could explain to the point of exhaustion how marriage is such a fundamental part of law and culture that radically changing the norms would bring about transitions that ordinary people would not like. Nobody cared. If you said those things, you were "fearmongering," engaging in "moral panic" and "homophobia."

Now we are hearing some more conservative gay people objecting to how transgender activists have done with the gay rights cause. I understand their objection -- they say, plausibly, that gay rights do not entail transgender rights -- but I don't feel sorry for them. They brought this onto us all. Never did anybody from that side object to the "T" squad in "LGBT". It was sold as part of the same package, fundamentally based on the radically individualistic idea that we have a right to fulfill our sexual desires -- and that society must accommodate that. Had gay rights activists made an issue of separating out the biological claims undergirding the transgender movement, and pointed out that one does not have to accept such anti-scientific ideological claptrap in order to support gay rights, we might not be at this point. But they did not. We have been told for twenty years, at least, that if you want to affirm the LGB, you must also affirm the T. Anything else is a violation of civil rights, and the sacrosanct right to self-definition. So here we are today, with minors who don't conform to rigid gender stereotypes, and who would almost certainly grow up to be gay, being told that they must actually be the opposite sex (research shows that the overwhelming majority of dysphoric minors resolve their condition by age 20 by accepting that they are gay -- then put on a regimen of chemical treatments, and even surgery, to permanently alter their bodies, and make them dependent on the pharmaceutical industry and the broader medical-industrial complex, for the rest of their lives.

The latest piece of insanity is the claim made by trans advocates that very small children "know" that they are trans, and show it by playing with toys associated with the opposite sex. Once again, these claims are not being made by a loony-left fringe: they are endorsed by the top medical authorities in the field:



Here's a crude meme going around that contains more truth about this issue than you will find anywhere in the mainstream media discourse:



Finally, we absolutely have to start preparing for the long resistance to this totalitarianism. For example, forming an underground railroad for parents to protect their children from these ghouls, and get them out of states where Child Protective Services can legally seize the kids and administer hormones. There seems to be a misunderstanding among some conservatives, who think that preparing for resistance in defeat undercuts our commitment to fighting trans totalitarianism politically. This is dangerously wrong. To repeat: we absolutely should throw ourselves passionately into fighting this child-abusing madness! But we should also be working on a Plan B, in case we lose this fight, which, I regret to say, is likely.

I dedicated Live Not By Lies to the memory of the late Catholic priest Tomislav Kolakovic, who in 1943 escaped the Nazis and hid out in his mother's homeland, Slovakia, teaching in the Catholic university in Bratislava. The good news, he told his students, is that Nazi totalitarianism was going to be defeated. The bad news, though, is that Soviet totalitarianism was going to be ruling over them when the war ended -- and that the first thing the Communists would do is to persecute the Church. As I explain in the book, Father Kolakovic knew he had no time to waste to prepare the unready Catholics of Slovakia for the coming persecution. Excerpt from the book:

Father Kolaković knew that the clericalism and passivity of traditional Slovak Catholicism would be no match for communism. For one thing, he correctly foresaw that the communists would try to control the church by subduing the clergy. For another, he understood that the spiritual trials awaiting believers under communism would put them to an extreme test. The charismatic pastor preached that only a total life commitment to Christ would enable them to withstand the coming trial.

“Give yourself totally to Christ, throw all your worries and desires on him, for he has a wide back, and you will witness miracles,” the priest said, in the recollection of one disciple.

Giving oneself totally to Christ was not an abstraction or a pious thought. It needed to be concrete, and it needed to be communal. The total destruction of the First World War opened the eyes of younger Catholics to the need for a new evangelization. A Belgian priest named Joseph Cardijn, whose father had been killed in a mining accident, started a lay movement to do this among the working class. These were the Young Christian Workers, called “Jocists” after the initials of their name in French. Inspired by the Jocist example, Father Kolaković adapted it to the needs of the Catholic Church in German-occupied Slovakia. He established cells of faithful young Catholics who came together for prayer, study, and fellowship.

The refugee priest taught the young Slovak believers that every person must be accountable to God for his actions. Freedom is responsibility, he stressed; it is a means to live within the truth. The motto of the Jocists became the motto for what Father Kolaković called his “Family”: “See. Judge. Act.” See meant to be awake to realities around you. Judge was a command to discern soberly the meaning of those realities in light of what you know to be true, especially from the teachings of the Christian faith. After you reach a conclusion, then you are to act to resist evil.

Václav Vaško, a Kolaković follower, recalled late in his life that Father Kolaković’s ministry excited so many young Catholics because it energized the laity and gave them a sense of leadership responsibility.

“It is remarkable how Kolaković almost instantly succeeded in creating a community of trust and mutual friendship from a diverse grouping of people (priests, religious and lay people of different ages, education, or spiritual maturity),” Vaško wrote.

The Family groups came together at first for Bible study and prayer, but soon began listening to Father Kolaković lecture on philosophy, sociology, and intellectual topics. Father Kolaković also trained his young followers in how to work secretly, and to withstand the interrogation that he said would surely come.

The Family expanded its small groups quickly across the nation. “By the end of the school year 1944,” Vaško said, “it would have been difficult to find a faculty or secondary school in Bratislava or larger cities where our circles did not operate.”

In 1946, Czech authorities deported the activist priest. Two years later, communists seized total power, just as Father Kolaković had predicted. Within several years, almost all of the Family had been imprisoned and the Czechoslovak institutional church brutalized into submission. But when the Family members emerged from prison in the 1960s, they began to do as their spiritual father had taught them. Father Kolaković’s top two lieutenants—physician Silvester Krčméry and priest Vladimír Jukl—quietly set up Christian circles around the country and began to build the underground church.

The underground church, led by the visionary cleric’s spiritual children and grandchildren, became the principle means of anti-communist dissent for the next forty years. It was they who organized a mass 1988 public demonstration in Bratislava, the Slovak capital, demanding religious liberty. The Candle Demonstration was the first major protest against the state. It kicked off the Velvet Revolution, which brought down the communist regime a year later. Though Slovak Christians were among the most persecuted in the Soviet Bloc, the Catholic Church there thrived in resistance because one man saw what was coming and prepared his people.

I should add here that Father Kolakovic faced initial opposition from his own bishops, who accused him of what we now call "moral panic." They could not see, and they did not want to see, the dangers that lay ahead. They thought everything would be fine if Catholics simply kept quite still and waited. That kind of complacency was deadly -- and Father Kolakovic knew it.

The people who escaped Communism to the West, who talked to me for the book, know it too. That's why they are trying hard to warn us about what we are living in, and what's to come. It is not hard to find these people. If you know someone in your own life who emigrated from a Communist country -- not only the Soviet bloc, but also China, Cuba, or Venezuela -- ask them what they think of what's going on in America today. Live Not By Lies has become a bestseller since its initial publication in September 2020. Last week, we crossed the 170,000 sales mark in the US; it is now either in print, or soon will be in print, in ten other languages. It has been by far the biggest seller of my career, selling almost twice as many copies as my next biggest book, The Benedict Option. This has been a heavily word of mouth success story, because the mainstream media, which covered The Benedict Option heavily, has totally ignored this one. It's a word of mouth success story because a lot of people know what time it is, and they know that the ideologically-captured media are lying to us all. They also know that most religious leaders are like the fraidy-cat 1940s bishops of Slovakia: afraid to face the reality of what's happening around them, and to jeopardize their respectability by actually protecting their flocks from the gathering wolfpacks.

In the year 2000, I wrote a piece for The Weekly Standard about the courageous stand two Massachusetts parents, Brian Camenker and Scott Whiteman, took against the stealth introduction of radical sexuality into the lives of public school students in that state. What we now know is that gay activists had already captured the educational bureaucracy in Massachusetts, as well as the media and other institutions. Here's what the men documented in a state-sponsored educational seminar:

Furthermore, Whiteman was called a "slanderer" by a member of the Board of Education, he says. "I knew I wasn't lying. I knew I wasn't making it up. I knew I wasn't an alarmist."

Frustrated by official indifference, Whiteman secretly took his tape recorder along to the 10th annual conference of the Boston chapter of GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, at Tufts University on March 25. GLSEN (pronounced "glisten") is a national organization whose purpose is to train teachers and students and develop programs to, in the words of its Boston chapter leader, "challenge the anti-gay, hetero-centric culture that still prevails in our schools."

The state-sanctioned conference, which was open to the public but attended chiefly by students, administrators, and teachers, undercut the official GLSEN line -- that their work is aimed only at making schools safer by teaching tolerance and respect.

The event, backed by the state's largest teachers' union, included such workshops as "Ask the Transsexuals," "Early Childhood Educators: How toDecide Whether to Come Out at Work or Not," "The Struggles and Triumphs of Including Homosexuality in a Middle School Curriculum" (with suggestions for including gay issues when teaching the Holocaust), "From Lesbos to Stonewall: Incorporating Sexuality into a World History Curriculum," and "Creating a Safe and Inclusive Community in Elementary Schools," in which the "Rationale for integrating glbt [gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender] issues in the early elementary years will be presented."

Whiteman sat in on a "youth only, ages 14-21" workshop called "What They Didn't Tell You About Queer Sex & Sexuality in Health Class." If "they" didn't tell you about this stuff, it's probably because "they" worried they'd be sent to jail.

The raucous session was led by Massachusetts Department of Education employees Margot Abels and Julie Netherland, and Michael Gaucher, an AIDS educator from the Massachusetts public health agency. Gaucher opened the session by asking the teens how they know whether or not they've had sex. Someone asked whether oral sex was really sex.

"If that's not sex, then the number of times I've had sex has dramatically decreased, from a mountain to a valley, baby!" squealed Gaucher. He then coaxed a reluctant young participant to talk about which orifices need to be filled for sex to have occurred: "Don't be shy, honey, you can do it."

Later, the three adults took written questions from the kids. One inquired about "fisting," a sex practice in which one inserts his hand and forearm into the rectum of his partner. The helpful and enthusiastic Gaucher demonstrated the proper hand position for this act. Abels described fisting as "an experience of letting somebody into your body that you want to be that close and intimate with," and praised it for putting one "into an exploratory mode."

Gaucher urged the teens to consult their "really hip" Gay/Straight Alliance adviser for hints on how to come on to a potential sex partner. The trio went on to explain that lesbians could indeed experience sexual bliss through rubbing their clitorises together, and Gaucher told the kids that male ejaculate is rumored to taste "sweeter if people eat celery." On and on like this the session went.

When the men made the tape public, they became instant pariahs in Boston. The media and the legal establishment turned on them as alarmist bigots. I wrote at the time in that piece:

But will their expose ultimately make a difference? GLSEN/Boston boasts the most advanced programs of its kind in the nation. As goes Massachusetts, in time, so may go the rest of America.

And so it has.

What are you doing to prepare yourself, your family, and your church, synagogue, or mosque community? (By the way, though Live Not By Lies is written from a religious perspective, it has been embraced and promoted by left-wing atheists like Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying, who understand that its anti-totalitarianism message and advice are universal.) Here's some good news, maybe: Live Not By Lies will finally be out in paperback on October 11 -- you can preorder it here. This will make the book more affordable for group study. I hope you won't simply read the book, but will act on the advice the anti-communist dissidents give for how to prepare for resistance. For those who have bought the book, or who intend to do so, here is a link to a free, downloadable study guide I prepared to help guide group discussion.

I am perhaps more sensitive to this than most because I am extremely focused on child protection. As longtime readers know, I became so engrossed in writing about the systematic sexual abuse of children within Catholic clerical circles, and the systematic cover-up of same, that I burned out, and lost my ability to believe as a Catholic. I am grateful to be an Orthodox Christian now, but I wish I had managed my anger better. But I don't regret my outrage itself, because it was entirely appropriate to the scale of the moral horror. Part of what drove me over the falls with anger was the obstinate complacency of so many in the Catholic laity, in the face of revelations of what some priests did to children, and what many bishops did to keep the public from finding out about it. Far too many lay Catholics preferred to keep their peace of mind, even though it was based on sheer denial of the reality of evil in their midst, than to take a stand.

We are at this place again, except the monstrous child abuse is not happening behind closed doors. It's happening out in the open, in major hospitals, schools, and other institutions. Like eugenics in the early 20th century, it is celebrated by all the most progressive institutions in our society. All of us are propagandized daily to accept and affirm it. What the criminals in clerical collars who violated the innocence of children never dared to do openly, the trans-totalitarians in doctor's coats and other symbols of authority now shout from the rooftops. As Chris Rufo recently documented, these activists have infiltrated schools with an army of sex-and-gender radicals. Meanwhile, from the rest of us? Aside from resistance here and there, nothing.

What are you going to do about it? What are you going to tell your children one day? Chris Rufo, Matt Walsh, Christina Buttons, Chaya Raichik, and Billboard Chris Elston will be able to hold their heads up in honor, if they will have been allowed to keep their heads, that is. How about you, pastor? How about you, doctor? How about you, Mom and Dad?

This is truly insidious, and will the downfall of America if not stopped.


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Really need a scorecard to follow this one.......Dude marries another guy (for 5 years), divorces, becomes trans, identifies as a woman, and now falls in love with a woman (described as "just a gay girl").....HOLLYWOOD KIDS.....must be the trend _ you do you I guess.....


TV Star Divorces Husband, Announces Self As Trans Woman, Is Now Engaged To ‘A Gay Girl’

 David Rufful
August 18, 2022
Actor Tommy Dorfman, 33, is well known for the role of Ryan Shaver on “13 Reasons Why.” Dorfman has announced the end of a five-year-long marriage and now publicly identifies as a transgender woman.

Dorfman is now engaged and describes her as “just a gay girl” who is “very affirming.”

“I fell in love with someone who doesn’t fetishize me,” Dorfman told fellow actress Rachel Bilson.

Dorfman divorced Peter Zurkuhlen after they were married for five years.

“I knew I was interested in women in a way that I hadn’t really been aware of since high school,” Dorfman said. “I had this unresolved, unexplored thing. I was like, ‘This is the year that I’m gonna go on some dates with girls and feel that out again, and not feel ashamed about it.’”

“I think if I hadn’t booked that job I would have transitioned a lot sooner,” Dorfman said.

“I think because of my work being so tied to my body and face and identity, or whatever [a character] identified as, it delayed some of my growth and some of my maturation in my 20s. I made decisions that were just not aligned with how I really was or what I wanted — but out of fear.”

“I think if you’re living with dysphoria, it’s not so dissimilar to living actively in alcoholism or addiction,” Dorfman said. “You’re living in a fog. You’re living underwater, basically.”

“For me, I always felt like other people had a guidebook for life that I just did not [have],” Dorfman continued.

“I would always be like, ‘How did you know how to brush your teeth twice a day?’ That’s crazy. Or, ‘You know how to make a bed?’ Or these simple basic human things that were just not available to me.”

“Or, like, emotions. I was like, ‘You feel emotions outside of acting? That’s weird.’ The acting was the only way I could feel things until I started transitioning. Then it was like, boom!”

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Federal judge rules that public schools have a right to hide children's gender identity from parents: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/the-state-hates-families/


This news from Maryland, and the courtoom of Judge Paul Grimm (above), is a shocking sign of the times:

A judge on Thursday dismissed a complaint against the Montgomery County school board by parents who alleged that the system’s student gender-identity guidelines violated their state and constitutional rights.

Three parents, who filed anonymously in 2020 against the Montgomery County Board of Education (MCBE), argued that the guidelines curtailed their ability “to direct the care, custody, education, and control of their minor children,” under the Fourteenth Amendment, according to a memorandum opinion.

The parents said that the Montgomery County Public School “2020-2021 Guidelines for Student Gender Identity” were designed to work around parental involvement “in a pivotal decision” in their children’s lives and that the guidelines enable school personnel to allow children “to transition socially to a different gender identity at school” without parents’ notice or consent.



In the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, Judge Paul W. Grimm sided with the MCBE’s argument that the guidelines advance the state’s goal of protecting students’ safety and privacy, according to the memo.

“MCBE certainly has a legitimate interest in providing a safe and supportive environment for all MCPS students, including those who are transgender and gender nonconforming,” Grimm said in the memo. “And the Guidelines are certainly rationally related to achieving that result.”

Do you get it now? Do you? We have here a federal judge -- an Obama appointee -- ruling that the State has the right to deceive parents about whether or not their children are choosing to live as the opposite sex. The State -- in the form of the local school board -- has the right to deceive parents about this fundamental aspect of their child's life.

Under Communism, the State usurped the family. It was like that from the beginning. Here is Alexandra Kollontai, a leading Bolshevik revolutionary, explaining why in a 1920 essay. Excerpt:

All this goes to show that the responsibility for the child is passing from the family to the collective. ...

Communist society considers the social education of the rising generation to be one of the fundamental aspects of the new life. The old family, narrow and petty, where the parents quarrel and are only interested in their own offspring, is not capable of educating the “new person”. The playgrounds, gardens, homes and other amenities where the child will spend the greater part of the day under the supervision of qualified educators will, on the other hand, offer an environment in which the child can grow up a conscious communist who recognises the need for solidarity, comradeship, mutual help and loyalty to the collective. ...

The woman who takes up the struggle for the liberation of the working class must learn to understand that there is no more room for the old proprietary attitude which says: “These are my children, I owe them all my maternal solicitude and affection; those are your children, they are no concern of mine and I don’t care if they go hungry and cold – I have no time for other children.” The worker-mother must learn not to differentiate between yours and mine; she must remember that there are only our children, the children of Russia’s communist workers.


American people, wake up: this is us! The brainwashing on gender and sexuality starts now in kindergarten in many places. Children are being raised by schools, and by news and entertainment media, to believe these insane lies about their bodies and their gender, and to believe that parents are the enemy, that the State is their friend and ally. Major hospitals are mutilating the minds and bodies of children. And we have here a federal judge declaring that the State is quite rightly allied with the sex-and-gender revolution against families, who, to borrow a phrase from Kollontai, "offer an environment in which a child can grow up a conscious communist," or whatever the New American Man is supposed to be.

How much more explicit does it have to be, people? We are ruled by a malignant class that wants to destroy the family and capture the souls of our children. It really is as simple as that. We have to fight these people as hard as we can with the tools left to us as citizens of a democracy, but we ALSO have to start developing now strategies to protect the souls of our children, to defend the truth, and to help people who are resisting this evil, no matter what. This is what my books The Benedict Option and Live Not By Lies are about. A lot of people have dismissed the books as alarmist, but let me tell you, if you fail to be alarmed by Judge Grimm's ruling -- and you can be sure his won't be the last like it -- you are hopelessly in denial.

Again: the State -- the schools, this federal judge -- believes your children belong to it, and that you, as a mother or a father, are a danger to your child if you disagree with gender ideology, and that you have no right to expect the public schools to tell you the truth.

This. Is. Totalitarian. Straight up. To my mind, there is almost nothing more important, politically, than protecting children from the State. At the very least we had better start voting for politicians who are openly and uncompromisingly on the side of families, not the state, in these matters -- while we still can. The day is coming when the young people propagandized by these schools and the media become the voting majority. If we have not forestalled this day, and prepared for it, we will have no means of resistance.

Don't you know what time it is? The revolutionary Judge Grimm does. Why don't you?

These types of ruling are insidious and evil.


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  • 3 weeks later...

We are being Groomed: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/we-are-being-groomed/


Got this from a reader who is a member of a state National Guard. He said:


This is what consumed the [state] National Guard on a recent duty weekend.

What sane person would join this?


Why indeed? You want to serve your state in the Guard, but then the damn military social engineers force this on you. Normal, sane men are going to stay away from that. They are going to need to seek other ways to serve and defend their communities.

Future historians are going to be puzzled over how and why so many elite institutions were captured by activist for sexual minority causes that led to truly bizarre outcomes. At the Boise (Idaho) Pride festival, they offered child drag queen performances:


How did it become normal in this country to have little boys dressing like women and vamping provocatively on stage for the entertainment of adults? Why are the people who do this not in jail? If they were pushing little girls to perform like this, would we be fine with it?

Take a look at this. It's a list of sponsors of the Boise Pride festival:


It would have been unimaginable just a few years ago that Woke Capitalists like these would have wanted their brands associated with the transsexualization of children. But here we are.




Chris Rufo says:


Rufo and Michael Young have put together a very useful handbook to explain to parents what gender ideology is, and how it threatens their families. Download it here. Anecdotally, I find that so many normie parents don't really understand any of this, and feel intense pressure from the media and from activists in their communities to conform to it. I spoke the other day to a friend who lives in a small town, and who said that her church is trending this way, simply because most people, however uncomfortable all of this makes them, are terrified of being seen as unkind.

Something deeply sick has overtaken us as a people. I write the same thing almost every day. I'm sick of doing it, but I look around me and struggle to believe what has happened to my country. How did we become a people who allows this disgusting sexual exploitation of our children? How did this perversion -- drag kids, the sexual mutilation of children, etc. -- conquer the heights of American culture and capitalism?

To refine the National Guardsman's question: Why should any sane person want to defend this corrupt social order?

A Christian friend whose opinion I respect counseled me to quit writing all these culture war posts. The war has been lost, he said. Better to spend your time and energy trying to construct arks within which we can ride out the storm. I agree with him, mostly, but I can't give up the fight just yet, even though I believe it's a fight we are going to lose, or mostly lose. Why not? Because there are some people who might yet be saved. There are some parents out there of a child on the autism spectrum, who will read this stunning testimony by Christina Buttons, who is an Aspie, see their own child, and save the kid from being sucked into the trans trap. We have to fight because it's the honorable thing to do -- but we must ALSO make plans for the long resistance.

I'm going to give a couple of talks this week at churches in Nashville, and I plan to emphasize to the congregations that we are not living in the America in which many of us grew up. That country is gone. We are in Babylon now. We are ruled by predatory and corrupt institutions -- chief among them Woke Capitalists -- that want to steal the hearts and minds of our kids.

Something very deep and sinister is happening. At any other time in American history, we would have clearly been able to see how wrong and disordered this stuff was, involving sexualizing children, and, in the case of transitioning them, mutilating their minds and their bodies to impose will on nature. This is Aleister Crowley level evil. And just like that, overnight, it has conquered the heights of American culture.

Funny, but a couple of years ago, a young man who had recently left the Crowley cult came to our church. He eventually left the city, but before he did, he told me how strange it was for him to read the works of Crowley, written almost a century ago, and to learn all the changes in culture and society Crowley hoped to bring about through the practice of transgressive ritual sex. Almost all of it is now mainstream, the young man said.

You think pedophilia is going to remain taboo? Have you heard about how far pedophilia enthusiasm went in Germany in the 1970s and 1980s? The Green Party had to apologize in 2014 for its enthusiastic embrace of pederasty at its founding. From The New Republic:


Although it is little remembered these days, the move to legalize pedophilia in the 1980s went farbeyond Germany. In the United States, the Childhood Sensuality Circle and, more notoriously, North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) advocated (with little success) for legalized pedophilia, and other countries, including the Netherlands, Canada and the UK, had similar movements. But the movement fared exceedingly well in the unique political climate of West Germany, where the Nazi past made the left especially sensitive (and, in some cases, susceptible) to arguments about individual freedom. “It was a widely-held belief in West Germany that sexual freedom was a way to prevent authoritarianism,” says Stephan Klecha, one of the researchers who worked on the report. “That debate about fascism was very German.” 

One popular reference point, both in West Germany and elsewhere, was the writings of Wilhelm Reich, a leftist Austrian psychiatrist who died in 1957. An influential pupil of Freud, Reich’s The Mass Psychology of Fascism argued that the rise of authoritarianism could be tied to the “suppression of the natural sexuality of the child.” And West Germany had another prominent symbol for the movement: an anarchist journalist named Peter Schult, who remained a figure of reverence on the left despite the fact that he openly described himself as a “pederast.” In 1976, he was convicted of bringing a young girl home with him with the intention of sexually abusing her. 

The period’s experimental sexual climate led to shocking projects, some of which were only publicized decades later. In the late 1960s, for example, a prominent sexual researcher named Helmut Kentler created a pilot program in which he arranged for illiterate young teenagers to move in with three known West Berlin pedophiles in the hopes that they could then learn to live “proper, unremarkable lives.” In a later report he explained that he believed the “three men would do so much to help ‘their’ boys because they had a sexual relationship with them.”  

During the late 1970s and early 1980s, groups like the Indianerkommune (which fought in favor of “autonomy” for children) and the German Study and Work Group on Pedophilia made surprising inroads into German political parties. A youth group affiliated with the FDP, the country’s liberal party, adopted pro-pedophilia resolutions in 1980. During last year’s election, an FDP politician—who is now a mother of three—had to withdraw her candidacy after one of the Greens’ researchers discovered an early essay of hers describing how her “wishes and needs can only be satisfied by a child, especially a girl.” The pro-pedophilia movement had even more success within the German Green Party, which was formed in 1980 as a vehicle for various left-wing causes, and actually managed, as the Trittin scandal showed, to have its goals taken up by segments of the party itself.

Watch for the rise of pedophiles described as "Minor Attracted Persons". We live in a country now where there is a major effort, supported by top corporations, to destigmatize all sexual variance and expression. We are being groomed. Albertson's, Citibank, Wells Fargo, Zions Bank, Hewlett Packard, T-Mobile, Target, and so many others are part of it.

UPDATE: Grooming in Canada:


When a Grade One teacher at an Ottawa elementary school told her class about gender fluidity and that there was no such thing as boys and girls, Pam Buffone’s daughter was left confused and unsettled, the mother says.

She and her husband eventually complained to the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, alleging the school had discriminated against the six-year-old based on her sex and gender identity.

But a tribunal adjudicator has just ruled the Ottawa public-school board did not violate the girl’s rights with its gender-themed instruction, saying there was no direct evidence she was harmed by the material.

It may mark the first legal ruling in Canada on what has become — in the United States at least — a hot-button issue: the appropriateness of teaching primary-aged school children about gender identity.



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California Senate Passes Bill Giving State Custody of Minors Seeking Trans Treatmentshttps://decisionmagazine.com/california-senate-passes-bill-giving-state-custody-of-minors-seeking-trans-treatments/


On Aug. 31, the California State Senate passed a bill that, if signed into law, will give California courts “temporary emergency jurisdiction” over any child who travels to the state seeking gender transition surgeries and cross-sex hormones, regardless of which state they legally reside in. 

The bill, known as SB 107, was put forward by state Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) and was passed in a 30-9 vote, with “overwhelming Democratic support.” In fact, SB 107 is co-sponsored by Equality California, Planned Parenthood and Democratic Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis.

SB 107 ensures that California is a refuge state for trans kids,” Wiener said in a press release.

The bill is now on Gov. Gavin Newsom’s desk awaiting a decision.

“SB 107 is one of the gravest threats to parental rights in recent years,” said Jonathan Keller, president of California Family Council. “If Governor Newsom foolishly signs this measure, California should brace for lawsuits. Other states’ Attorneys General will not sit idly by as California steals children from parents who don’t want them sterilized with these trans-treatments.

legal analysis by Alliance Defending Freedom, a law firm specializing in religious freedom protections, expressed additional concerns over SB 107’s custody law issues:

SB 107 violates parental rights protected by the U.S. Constitution by giving California courts the ability to strip parents who reside in another state of their parental rights if their child travels to California to obtain gender transition procedures—including harmful puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and irreversible surgeries,” the analysis document stated. “It also denies parents the right to have access to their child’s medical information.” 

It went on to note that the bill “would override the jurisdiction of courts in a family’s home state that are usually the proper forum for custody determinations. SB 107 could also conflict with various federal laws, including those governing which state courts have jurisdiction to determine child custody and federal laws governing extradition requirements between the states.”

Gov. Newsom has until Sept. 30 to sign or veto the measure.

What an insidious, evil piece of legislation.  If signed into law it should signal another civil war between liberal states like California and those states who value traditional family values.


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The Atrocity At Vanderbilt: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/the-atrocity-at-vanderbilt/


Future historians ought to wonder, as I do now, why it falls to non-professional journalists like Matt Walsh to do the job that professional journalists will not. The answer is obvious: because the professionals have been ideologically captured, and serve as stenographers for the Regime, even as they pride themselves on being Speakers Of Truth To Power.








How did Vanderbilt reply? How proud are they of what they're doing, and how confident they are that the public will approve?



Here is a link to Matt Walsh's podcast episode in which he discusses his findings.

In response to the Walsh exposé, Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee, a Republican, is demanding a state investigation of Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Good work, Matt! Readers, you might look back on the history of eugenics in early 20th century America, and see how it was embraced and celebrated by all the right-thinking elites, both politically and in civil society, and puzzle over how anything like that could ever have been accepted. Well, now you know. The butchery now happening at children's hospitals all over America is 100 percent embraced by the Democratic Party, and promoted by the news and entertainment media, as well as many public schools. They sexually mutilate children, and call it health care. Let that sink in. When traditional Islamic societies practice "female circumcision" on minor females, rendering them incapable of sexual pleasure for religious reasons, we are rightly appalled. But when the Woke do something far more horrible -- hormones that block puberty make sexual pleasure in adulthood impossible, but these mutilations go much further than what the backwards Muslims of Africa do -- it is celebrated as liberation.

Again: why does it fall to people like Matt Walsh, Libs of TikTok, Billboard Chris, Christina Buttons, Bari Weiss, and others outside the media mainstream to expose this stuff, or even to bring it up for public discussion? It does because professional journalism in America now cares more about managing the Narrative than reporting the news and asking hard questions.

Readers -- especially parents -- you need to know that there is an entire Trans-Industrial Complex dedicated to capturing the minds of your children, colonizing them with insane ideology, and leading them (and you) to consent to their permanent sexual mutilation. And there are some states that have passed laws allowing your minor child, after a certain age, to emancipate themselves from you for the sake of consenting to this mutilation. You think it won't affect you and your family? You are lying to yourself to preserve your own peace of mind.

The influential policymaking medical association WPATH now says that "eunuch" is a recognized gender identity, and that it can be identified in teens. This is how far these sickos are going. They will only be stopped by decisive and punitive political action. If your elected representatives aren't making fighting this evil a priority, why not? You had better start asking.

Sick and disgusting.


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A Canadian school board is “standing behind” a trans teacher who sparked protests after turning up to classes with “clownish” giant prosthetic breasts.

The blond high school teacher went viral after being filmed operating a cut-off saw in class while wearing tight black shorts and balloon-like breasts drooping around the waist in a tight, striped top.

Other images taken by pupils at the school in Oakville, about 20 miles outside Toronto, showed the same teacher in other outfits, with huge nipples protruding from the fake bust.

The Halton District School Board confirmed that the person getting “significant attention online” was an Oakville High School teacher. It refused to identify the educator while warning that the wrong person had been named in online reports.

Some disturbed pupils have skipped classes held by the Oakville industrial arts teacher, who began identifying as female last year, according to the Toronto Sun.

Oakville High School teacher now going viral after turning up to classes with giant fake breasts. The Halton District School Board “stands behind” the “gender rights” of the teacher despite uproar over the fake breasts that a lawyer calls “clownish” and even “sexist.”

“The kids here most definitely don’t think it’s normal … but realistically we can’t say anything,” the paper quoted one pupil as having tweeted.

But “I don’t think the school can fire” the teacher, who still identified as a man last year, the pupil said.

Halton District School Board Chair Margo Shuttleworth also confirmed there have already been protests and angry complaints.

“I do know there have been phone calls made to the school that haven’t been the most pleasant in nature,” Shuttleworth told the Toronto Sun.

The board was “creating a safety plan” for the teacher to “make sure she is protected” and can continue leading classes amid the protests, the board chair said.

Protecting “gender rights” is “the stance the school board is taking and they are standing behind the teacher,” Shuttleworth told the local paper.

Transgender high school teacher works a saw in now-viral video. One high school pupil reportedly said that “the kids here most definitely don’t think it’s normal.”

“This teacher (who teaches shop) is an extremely effective teacher,” she insisted.

“All the kids really love being in the class,” the board chair said — while conceding “there had to be some disconnect” because pupils recorded the teacher in class.

Employment lawyer Sunira Chaudhry disagreed with the school’s stance — telling the Toronto paper that supporting such unprofessional attire was in fact “creating a wedge” in gender rights.

“It’s clownish,” Chaudhry insisted of the teacher’s image.

“It seems sexist to me, because of the exaggerated nature of these breasts with nipples protruding. I think a lot of young women at the school wouldn’t just feel uncomfortable, they’d feel mocked.”

She insisted a school would equally be expected to step in “if a teacher came in with natural breasts, nipples protruding, a low-cut top and no bra.”

Trans teacher filmed in classes. The outrage “has nothing to do with something like transgender rights,” the Toronto Sun’s op-ed editor insisted.

Schools are expected to step in and say, “We need you as a teacher to come to school and dress professionally,” she stressed.

The Toronto Sun’s op-ed editor, Anthony Fury, also insisted that “parents (and students) are right to be concerned.”

“The situation just isn’t normal and shouldn’t be allowed to continue,” the columnist wrote.

“This has nothing to do with something like transgender rights,” Fury wrote, saying it “goes beyond an incident of ‘wokeness’ or ‘political correctness.'”

“The story has gone viral not because the teacher identifies as trans. It’s gone viral because everyone knows it’s completely inappropriate for someone to present themselves this way in a professional environment,” the columnist wrote.

Literally SMH......What is next?


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1 hour ago, swordfish said:


A Canadian school board is “standing behind” a trans teacher who sparked protests after turning up to classes with “clownish” giant prosthetic breasts.

The blond high school teacher went viral after being filmed operating a cut-off saw in class while wearing tight black shorts and balloon-like breasts drooping around the waist in a tight, striped top.

Other images taken by pupils at the school in Oakville, about 20 miles outside Toronto, showed the same teacher in other outfits, with huge nipples protruding from the fake bust.

The Halton District School Board confirmed that the person getting “significant attention online” was an Oakville High School teacher. It refused to identify the educator while warning that the wrong person had been named in online reports.

Some disturbed pupils have skipped classes held by the Oakville industrial arts teacher, who began identifying as female last year, according to the Toronto Sun.

Oakville High School teacher now going viral after turning up to classes with giant fake breasts. The Halton District School Board “stands behind” the “gender rights” of the teacher despite uproar over the fake breasts that a lawyer calls “clownish” and even “sexist.”

“The kids here most definitely don’t think it’s normal … but realistically we can’t say anything,” the paper quoted one pupil as having tweeted.

But “I don’t think the school can fire” the teacher, who still identified as a man last year, the pupil said.

Halton District School Board Chair Margo Shuttleworth also confirmed there have already been protests and angry complaints.

“I do know there have been phone calls made to the school that haven’t been the most pleasant in nature,” Shuttleworth told the Toronto Sun.

The board was “creating a safety plan” for the teacher to “make sure she is protected” and can continue leading classes amid the protests, the board chair said.

Protecting “gender rights” is “the stance the school board is taking and they are standing behind the teacher,” Shuttleworth told the local paper.

Transgender high school teacher works a saw in now-viral video. One high school pupil reportedly said that “the kids here most definitely don’t think it’s normal.”

“This teacher (who teaches shop) is an extremely effective teacher,” she insisted.

“All the kids really love being in the class,” the board chair said — while conceding “there had to be some disconnect” because pupils recorded the teacher in class.

Employment lawyer Sunira Chaudhry disagreed with the school’s stance — telling the Toronto paper that supporting such unprofessional attire was in fact “creating a wedge” in gender rights.

“It’s clownish,” Chaudhry insisted of the teacher’s image.

“It seems sexist to me, because of the exaggerated nature of these breasts with nipples protruding. I think a lot of young women at the school wouldn’t just feel uncomfortable, they’d feel mocked.”

She insisted a school would equally be expected to step in “if a teacher came in with natural breasts, nipples protruding, a low-cut top and no bra.”

Trans teacher filmed in classes. The outrage “has nothing to do with something like transgender rights,” the Toronto Sun’s op-ed editor insisted.

Schools are expected to step in and say, “We need you as a teacher to come to school and dress professionally,” she stressed.

The Toronto Sun’s op-ed editor, Anthony Fury, also insisted that “parents (and students) are right to be concerned.”

“The situation just isn’t normal and shouldn’t be allowed to continue,” the columnist wrote.

“This has nothing to do with something like transgender rights,” Fury wrote, saying it “goes beyond an incident of ‘wokeness’ or ‘political correctness.'”

“The story has gone viral not because the teacher identifies as trans. It’s gone viral because everyone knows it’s completely inappropriate for someone to present themselves this way in a professional environment,” the columnist wrote.

Literally SMH......What is next?


Sounds like the teacher's labor union has complete and utter control over this school system.  If I were a parent living in that district I could be transferring or home school my children, pronto.


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It's Not Happening, And It's Good That It Is: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/its-not-happening-and-its-good-that-it-is/


When Matt Walsh reported that Vanderbilt Hospital was performing double mastectomies on minors, "critics" said his reporting was "going to get people hurt or even killed." Others said he was "targeting" the clinic. And similar reporting yielded accusations that Walsh was committing "stochastic terrorism."

The typical response to reporting like Walsh's had been to suggest that it was not true. Last year, GLAAD claimed that there was "[zero] evidence" that minors "take hormones or receive transition-related surgeries." In March, the Human Rights Counsel denied that transgender surgeries were being performed on children. Alejandra Caraballo, a prominent trans activist, said the idea that anyone was "performing surgeries on children" was a "complete lie," and the Boston Globe scoffed at the notion that surgeons were "'carving up' children to change their sex."

But on Monday, the New York Times reported on the very same fact pattern Walsh identified at Vanderbilt, except at national scale. In a piece titled "More Trans Teens Are Choosing ‘Top Surgery,'" the Times confirmed that "top surgery"—removing the breasts of otherwise-healthy female patients confused about their sex—is performed on children across the United States. The practice is not rare, nor is it limited to 17-year-olds. One doctor told the Times that she had removed the healthy breasts of patients as young as 13 and 14 years old. A plastic surgeon said the number of top surgeries for minors at her clinic had "exploded" in recent years. Several of the hospitals interviewed by the Times "reported long waiting lists" for minors seeking top surgery.

The piece itself, written by Azeen Ghorayshi, is more balanced than most national reporting on trans issues. Ghorayshi mentions, for example, that some children regret having had the surgery. She also admits the limitations of some of the studies cited by trans activists. But the piece is generally favorable to their cause. She argues that studies show that for adults, top surgery "relieves body-related distress, increases sexual satisfaction and improves overall quality of life," and can have "similar benefits in the short term" for minors.

Ghorayshi and Walsh were observing the same fact pattern. But Walsh, noticing and condemning the same development that progressives welcome and celebrate, was called a terrorist. It is a textbook example of Michael Anton's "celebration parallax"—a fact is deemed either true or false based on whether the person observing celebrates it.

Trans activists are making similar moves in response to Ghorayshi's piece. Caraballo, for example, now insists that no one claimed "top surgeries don't happen." Instead, she says, activists are "saying genital surgeries don't happen with minors." That's not true—as Libs of TikTok reported, and for which they were ultimately suspended from Twitter, some hospitals do, in fact, perform "gender-affirming" hysterectomies on children as young as 16. Like Walsh with top surgery, anyone who notices and fails to celebrate this new frontier will be met with a chorus of denials and denunciations.

It is worth considering why the Times, which is politically and philosophically wedded to the claims of transgenderism, would run a piece admitting that top surgeries are being performed on minors across the United States. Perhaps they did so to get out in front of what they suspect is a coming deluge of regret and recriminations from young people sold a bill of goods by the trans lobby. More likely, I think, is that they want to frame the coming debate in terms favorable to their side: should we start carving up "trans people" at 17 or 18?

That framing is not favorable to our side. Neither is it grounded in truth. There is no such thing as a "trans kid," who needs to be "protected" from puberty. In fact, there is no such thing as a "trans person"; there are people who identify as "trans," and people who have gender dysphoria. There are people with chromosomal abnormalities, people with psychological scars, and people swept up in a social contagion. But there is no essential category of being denoted by the word "trans." There are men, and there are women, real people, children and adults, with gender dysphoria who deserve better than lies and mutilation.

One girl who underwent top surgery told the Times that the surgery took from her “something about myself that I could have loved, I could have enjoyed, I could have used to feed children." She exists, even if the critics say she does not.


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Billy Eichner thinks straight people are to blame for his gay rom-com flopping at the box office over its opening weekend.

The comedian, who co-wrote, executive-produced and stars in “Bros,” penned a lengthy Twitter thread on Sunday in response to the film making only $4.8 million in the US and Canada, approximately 40 percent less than expected.

“Even with glowing reviews, great Rotten Tomatoes scores, an A CinemaScore etc, straight people, especially in certain parts of the country, just didn’t show up for Bros. And that’s disappointing but it is what it is,” Eichner, 44, wrote, adding, “That’s just the world we live in, unfortunately.”

Urging moviegoers to see “Bros,” which has been marketed as the first film featuring an entirely LGBTQIA+ cast to get a wide release, the “Billy on the Street” star quipped, “Everyone who ISN’T a homophobic weirdo should go see BROS tonight! You will have a blast! And it *is* special and uniquely powerful to see this particular story on a big screen, esp for queer folks who don’t get this opportunity often. I love this movie so much. GO BROS!!!”

“Bros,” which had a $22 million production budget, landed in fourth place at the box office, trailing behind “Smile” ($22 million), “Don’t Worry Darling” ($7.3 million) and “The Woman King” ($7 million).

Despite its disappointing debut, Eichner insisted audiences are loving the flick, which also stars Luke Macfarlane, Ts Madison and Monica Raymund.

“Last night I snuck in and sat in the back of a sold out theater playing ‘Bros’ in LA,” he began the same Twitter thread.

“The audience howled with laughter start to finish, burst into applause at the end and some were wiping away tears as they walked out. It was truly magical. Really. I am VERY proud of this movie.”

The “Parks and Recreation” alum previously joked to Page Six that he was “f–king” his hunky co-star Macfarlane, 42, in real life and that the sex was “amazing.”

“We spent a lot of time together, and we still like each other … we’re not dating,” he said at the New York City premiere of the Nicholas Stoller-helmed film.

“It’s very ‘Don’t Worry Darling,’” he quipped, referencing director Olivia Wilde’s relationship with her movie’s star Harry Styles, whom she met on the set of their psychological thriller.

Hmmmm - SF hasn't been to a theatre in over a decade or more, so I really don't think I am to blame here......

The reality (IMHO) is his acting isn't appealing to many people.  I kinda liked his character in Parks and Rec, but as a leading role, I kinda think he's a bit overrated......I guess he is right though, the storyline/topic isn't one of my top choices for entertainment.  

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Trans Tyranny: The Dangerous New Phase: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/trans-tyranny-the-dangerous-new-phase/



I was shocked, but not surprised, to read this stunning letter to the US Attorney General, from the American Medical Association and other giants of the medical establishment:



Can you believe that? The nation's physicians are asking the federal government to censor criticism of the radical gender surgeries and hormone therapies they do on minors! Chris Rufo, Matt Walsh, and the other critics of this trans regime have always been very clear that threatening violence against hospitals or physicians is morally wrong. But they have also been clear that the mutilation the medical industry is doing to minors and children is also wrong, and should be stopped.

This is a dangerous moment in the advance of soft totalitarianism. Even if the Justice Department refuses this request, the fact that the powerful AMA even made it is extremely revealing. The organization representing the nation's doctors believes that the power of the federal government should be brought to bear to silence criticism of this extreme medical treatment. It is completely fair, and necessary, for the authorities to investigate and prosecute people who threaten violence against hospitals and doctors. But the request from the AMA et alia goes much, much further.

You should know that these exposés typically involve Rufo, Walsh, Libs of TikTok, Billboard Chris, or others posting videos and other information taken from the websites of these hospitals or physicians. I'm not making this up: the AMA wants the feds to punish these activists for using information that the hospitals and physicians have produced themselves to advocate their trans procedures. Rufo explains how this works:


Where are the Republicans? These medical experts cannot be allowed to tell a free people that they cannot criticize doctors and hospitals -- especially when it comes to a phenomenon as extreme as sex-change surgeries and hormone therapies for minors. What do you call it when the Medical-Industrial Complex wishes to collude with the State's law enforcement mechanism to silence criticism? If people like Matt Walsh and Chris Rufo find themselves having to fight to stay out of jail because of their First Amendment-protected exercise of free speech, that is a sign that the soft totalitarianism is turning hard.

The Medical-Industrial Complex doesn't want you to know about women like this heartbreaking one found by Billboard Chris:


The Covid event revealed to us how unreliable the medical profession can be, especially if it is run by ideologues. We also saw how Big Tech will work with those same medical authorities to suppress and censor criticism of those authorities. Covid was a test run; they're now using the same strategy to silence critics of trans medical procedures for minors.

This is soft totalitarianism, y'all. When are we going to fight back? You think this evil will pass you by if you just keep still and keep your head down. Well, guess what? If you live in Virginia, there's a new queer network that will entice your children to leave home, and help them do so. They literally are coming for your children!

Scary stuff.  It is time to stand up and fight against this evil.


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On 10/3/2022 at 1:17 PM, swordfish said:


Billy Eichner thinks straight people are to blame for his gay rom-com flopping at the box office over its opening weekend.

The comedian, who co-wrote, executive-produced and stars in “Bros,” penned a lengthy Twitter thread on Sunday in response to the film making only $4.8 million in the US and Canada, approximately 40 percent less than expected.

“Even with glowing reviews, great Rotten Tomatoes scores, an A CinemaScore etc, straight people, especially in certain parts of the country, just didn’t show up for Bros. And that’s disappointing but it is what it is,” Eichner, 44, wrote, adding, “That’s just the world we live in, unfortunately.”

Urging moviegoers to see “Bros,” which has been marketed as the first film featuring an entirely LGBTQIA+ cast to get a wide release, the “Billy on the Street” star quipped, “Everyone who ISN’T a homophobic weirdo should go see BROS tonight! You will have a blast! And it *is* special and uniquely powerful to see this particular story on a big screen, esp for queer folks who don’t get this opportunity often. I love this movie so much. GO BROS!!!”

“Bros,” which had a $22 million production budget, landed in fourth place at the box office, trailing behind “Smile” ($22 million), “Don’t Worry Darling” ($7.3 million) and “The Woman King” ($7 million).

Despite its disappointing debut, Eichner insisted audiences are loving the flick, which also stars Luke Macfarlane, Ts Madison and Monica Raymund.

“Last night I snuck in and sat in the back of a sold out theater playing ‘Bros’ in LA,” he began the same Twitter thread.

“The audience howled with laughter start to finish, burst into applause at the end and some were wiping away tears as they walked out. It was truly magical. Really. I am VERY proud of this movie.”

The “Parks and Recreation” alum previously joked to Page Six that he was “f–king” his hunky co-star Macfarlane, 42, in real life and that the sex was “amazing.”

“We spent a lot of time together, and we still like each other … we’re not dating,” he said at the New York City premiere of the Nicholas Stoller-helmed film.

“It’s very ‘Don’t Worry Darling,’” he quipped, referencing director Olivia Wilde’s relationship with her movie’s star Harry Styles, whom she met on the set of their psychological thriller.

Hmmmm - SF hasn't been to a theatre in over a decade or more, so I really don't think I am to blame here......

The reality (IMHO) is his acting isn't appealing to many people.  I kinda liked his character in Parks and Rec, but as a leading role, I kinda think he's a bit overrated......I guess he is right though, the storyline/topic isn't one of my top choices for entertainment.  

Mrs. SF - "We can’t get straight men to watch a straight romance"   🤣

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California Will Transition Kids by Force: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/california-will-transition-kids-by-force/


After they sprang a duly convicted murderer and burned down several police precincts in a summer filled with calls to "defund the police," you may think progressive activists hate law enforcement. But that is only half true. Yes, they don't like cops. And if you scratch beneath the surface of the "defund the police" movement, you will find ideologues committed to abolishing prisons, police departments, and even social work. But they do not oppose the idea of law enforcement as such. They will call upon the state to wield the very legal and carceral mechanisms they claim to want to dismantle against their enemies. "Despotism," as one of their beloved philosophers put it, "is a legitimate mode of government in dealing with barbarians." And they will be despotic to the barbarians—conservatives—standing at the gates.

On Monday, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, and the Children’s Hospital Association, three of the nation's most powerful medical organizations, sent a letter to the Department of Justice, apparently asking federal law enforcement officers to "investigate and prosecute" social media users who "share false and misleading information targeting individual physicians and hospitals." The organizations cited several unspecified threats to children's hospitals and physicians across the country, listing as one example Nashville, where the Daily Wire's Matt Walsh unearthed shocking footage from Vanderbilt University Medical Center's transgender clinic.

The letter was dressed in therapeutic language—"We stand with the physicians," they wrote, as if they were drafting an ACLU newsletter—but its subtext was more sinister in light of the Garland Justice Department's track record. The Garland DOJ has thus far orchestrated a gun-drawn raid on a pro-life activist, subpoenaed a small conservative nonprofit, and executed a search warrant on the former president of the United States. The AMA's request would send men with guns after those "high-profile users on social media" who share inconvenient information about the mutilation of children in hospitals across the country. What else would "investigate and prosecute" entail?

It is a reminder not only of progressives' carceral mentality—read the replies to tweets about the January 6th committee and observe the almost primal desire among "criminal justice reformers" to see Donald Trump frog-marched in an orange jump suit—but also of the institutional power progressives wield. In the 1960s, student radicals railed against law-enforcement agencies and credentialed, established groups like the American Medical Association. Now, progressives run the very institutions they criticized and use the power of those institutions to send the once-hated Justice Department after their political enemies.

In their mind, it is not hypocrisy. Herbert Marcuse, in Repressive Tolerance, called for "intolerance against movements from the Right, and toleration of movements from the Left." To Marcuse, right-wing movements undermine the social foundations that make genuine tolerance possible. Progressives must therefore be intolerant against conservatives in the name of tolerance itself. Similarly, anti-prison progressives may see no problem in investigating and prosecuting and presumably incarcerating opponents of transgender ideology whose detention will, they think, pave the way for authentic liberation. They will use power to secure their vision of their good.

Consider, for example, California's Governor Gavin Newsom, who just last week signed a bill making California a "sanctuary state" for out-of-state minors who want to mutilate their bodies but are prohibited from doing so in their home state. The bill prohibits cooperation with those states in their enforcement of laws banning transgender surgeries for minors. It also contains a provision giving California courts "temporary emergency jurisdiction" in cases where a "child has been unable to obtain gender-affirming health care or gender-affirming mental health care." The bill was pushed by State Sen. Scott Weiner, who said in an interview that California would try to prevent the children of non-affirming parents from returning home.

“We may have limits under the U.S. Constitution,” Scott Weiner said, “but we are going to go right up to the edge of what we’re able to do to protect them and say, ‘Unless we are absolutely forced to send you back, we are not going to send you back.’”

Progressives will separate fathers from sons and mothers from daughters in the name of transgender ideology. They will call upon the nation's most powerful law enforcement agency to send men with guns after progressivism's enemies. They do not feel the need to be "consistent" or "coherent." They have power, and are willing to wield it. The question is not whether it is happening, but whether—and how—conservatives will respond.

True evil, now on a national level.   

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Puberty Blockers And Medical Lies: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/puberty-blockers-and-medical-lies/



We have seen this dynamic play out in the way the Narrative has been managed around Covid. And now, at last, it seems to be playing out with the transgender youth issue. One was forbidden to discuss the dangers to young people of putting them on puberty blockers. People like Jesse Singal, who is in no way a conservative, was denounced viciously by trans activists for questioning the wisdom of puberty blockers. But now, The New York Times has poked its authoritative head above the parapet with this story. Excerpts:

As the number of adolescents who identify as transgender grows, drugs known as puberty blockers have become the first line of intervention for the youngest ones seeking medical treatment.

Their use is typically framed as a safe — and reversible — way to buy time to weigh a medical transition and avoid the anguish of growing into a body that feels wrong. Transgender adolescents suffer from disproportionately high rates of depression and other mental health issues. Studies show that the drugs have eased some patients’ gender dysphoria — a distress over the mismatch of their birth sex and gender identity.

“Anxiety drains away,” said Dr. Norman Spack, who pioneered the use of puberty blockers for trans youth in the United States and is one of many physicians who believe the drugs can be lifesaving. “You can see these kids being so relieved.”

But as an increasing number of adolescents identify as transgender — in the United States, an estimated 300,000 ages 13 to 17 and an untold number who are younger — concerns are growing among some medical professionals about the consequences of the drugs, a New York Times examination found. The questions are fueling government reviews in Europe, prompting a push for more research and leading some prominent specialists to reconsider at what age to prescribe them and for how long. A small number of doctors won’t recommend them at all.

... But there is emerging evidence of potential harm from using blockers, according to reviews of scientific papers and interviews with more than 50 doctors and academic experts around the world.

The piece is a deep and detailed dive into the issue. It contains anecdotes like this:



The 11-year-old in New York, who had begun puberty and started at a new school, was increasingly distressed — refusing to bathe or go to class and, for the first time, expressing a desire to no longer have a girl’s body.

When the parents consented to blockers in 2018, they hoped the drug would bring emotional stability and time to consider next steps.

“If everyone thinks this will help, and it’s reversible, then we need to give this a chance,” said the mother, who asked that her name be withheld to protect the family’s privacy.

The first two years were promising, with the patient, by then a teen, taking Prozac in addition to the blockers. But at the start of the third year, a bone scan was alarming. During treatment, the teen’s bone density plummeted — as much as 15 percent in some bones — from average levels to the range of osteoporosis, a condition of weakened bones more common in older adults.

The doctor recommended starting testosterone, explaining that it would help the teen regain bone strength. But the parents had lost faith in the medical counsel.

“I was furious,” the mother recalled. “I’m thinking, ‘I worry we’ve done permanent damage.’


We in the West have been running this grotesque experiment on desperate young people and their families. The medical authorities and political leaders who kowtow to them have abdicated their responsibility to go carefully with these irreversible interventions. True, they claimed that these things were reversible, which has been at best debatable -- at best. What happened is that trans activists captured the institutions. Children whose bodies have been permanently wrecked, and their families, are the collateral damage. Imagine the pain of parents who consented to puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for their psychologically suffering child, based on medical advice, and who now have to bear the cross of knowing that they did not protect their child from these ghouls.

These past three years, with the Covid issue but not just that one, have wrecked the authority of institutions. Do you trust doctors, in general? I do not. I did prior to Covid, trans, and Black Lives Matter. But we have seen very, very clearly how quickly medicine can be and has been captured by radical ideologues. My children are older now, but if they were still small, I would never, ever, ever allow my kids to be alone with a physician. Ever. Similarly with the matter of teachers in elementary school, middle school, and high school. They (teachers) have aligned themselves with the radicals, against parents. Not all teachers, and not all doctors, do this -- but how are parents to know if their children's doctor(s) and teachers are trustworthy?

I don't understand why there has been no backlash against all this. They really are coming after our kids. This is not conspiracy theory. We were harshly instructed that we couldn't talk about facts that could challenge the Narrative -- on Covid, on trans, on race -- and still can't do it until and unless institutions like The New York Times decide we can discuss these things.

We have to stop living like this. We have to. Look at the damage to the lives of flesh-and-blood people from the elites deciding that we cannot discuss these things, because exercising free speech to debate these matters is "dangerous" or even an exercise in bigotry. Don't you see what's happening? It's all about control.

The American Psychological Association has a detailed set of guidelines for writing about psychology and medicine. One of them says:

Pronoun usage requires specificity and care on the author’s part. Do not refer to the pronouns that transgender and gender-nonconforming people use as “preferred pronouns” because this implies a choice about one’s gender. 

I thought "preferred pronouns" was a neutral way of talking about the pronouns an individual wishes others to use. It was yesterday. No more. See how this works? “You will not be able to predict what will be held against you tomorrow. You have no idea what completely normal thing you do today, or say today, will be used against you to destroy you. This is what people in the Soviet Union saw. We know how this works.



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Seattle high school XC runner…

72nd in the sectional meet as a freshman.

18th in the STATE FINALS as a sophomore.

What changed you ask?

Competed as a male as a freshman…competed as a female as a sophomore.





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Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, R-Ark., said, "It’s International Women’s Day – a good time to remember that Democrats can’t even tell you what a woman is."


First lady Jill Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken were slammed Wednesday for presenting a biological male from Argentina with an award for women on International Women's Day.

This year's annual International Women of Courage Awards ceremony at the White House honored "11 extraordinary women from around the world who are working to build a brighter future for all," according to a State Department press release.

Argentinian Alba Rueda was introduced at the ceremony as a "transgender woman who was kicked out of classrooms, barred for sitting for exams, refused job opportunities, subjected to violence, and rejected by her family. But in the face of these challenges, she worked to end violence and discrimination against the LGBTQ plus community in Argentina." 

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Stuff of Parents’ Nightmares: Washington State Bill Hides Runaway Kids From Transgender-“Unsupportive” Parents: https://www.heritage.org/gender/commentary/stuff-parents-nightmares-washington-state-bill-hides-runaway-kids-transgender



In the dark of night on the last day of the legislative session in Washington state, Senate Democrats passed Senate Bill 5599, a breathtaking evisceration of parental rights. The bill would allow the state to legally hide runaway children from their parents if the parents don’t consent to their child’s “gender transition” or abortion. No allegation of abuse in the household is required.

This bill also applies to children from other states who may travel thousands of miles for such procedures not available to them at home, cementing Washington as a “sanctuary state” for runaway teens. And if that wasn’t enough, the bill allocates up to $7.5 million of Washington taxpayers’ money to the Office of Homeless Youth Prevention and Protection to provide grants to organizations to pay for gender transition and abortion procedures.

All Democrats voted yes; all Republicans voted no.

Sure, Washington’s bill does lip service to providing parents with notification of the whereabouts of their runaway minor children. But there is no such obligation if a “compelling reason” exists not to do so. And that’s the bill’s real poison.

As described in Section 2 of the bill, a minor’s desire to seek “protected health care services” is a compelling reason not to notify parents of the child’s location or to seek parental consent before those health care services are delivered.

The definitions of “protected health care services” are cross-referenced from another Senate bill, SB 5489 (titled the “Shield Law”), and include all “gender-affirming treatments”—whether medical, surgical, social, behavioral—and all “reproductive health care services”—including abortion, contraception, and/or “assisted reproduction” (in vitro fertilization).

Together, these bills clear the way for children between the ages of 13 and 17—without their parents’ knowledge—to stay at shelters that welcome runaways for an indefinite time while they seek these procedures.

The bill is the brainchild of state Sen. Marko Liias, a Democrat, who has positioned it as a necessary protection for minors seeking access to “safe shelter” when their home environments are “unsupportive.”

After the Senate’s passage of the bill, Liias said, “We know that young people experiencing homelessness are exposed to dangerous and harmful outcomes … This legislation ensures that our trans youth have safe options and access to secure, stable shelter when they may not be welcome at home.”

Liias did not elaborate on what those “dangerous” or “harmful” outcomes might be.

As co-chair of the LGBTQ Caucus in the Washington Senate, Liias is known for his efforts to promote prevailing progressive orthodoxy and eliminate parental rights and religious dissent when it comes to legislation related to sexual orientation and gender identity.

He has pushed bills to require schools to adopt policies that “protect trans kids from bullying” and to ban so-called conversion therapy. He has also championed the Gender Affirming Care Act, which guarantees that Washingtonians who identify as “transgender” and “gender diverse” can receive what the act calls “medically necessary” treatment by prohibiting health insurers from denying or limiting coverage for so-called gender-affirming treatment.

The weight of popular opinion is overwhelmingly against Washington’s runaway sanctuary bill. As the Washington Senate Republican Caucus pointed out, analysis of the online commentary on the bill indicates that nearly 80% has been negative. And when SB 5599 received a hearing before the Senate Human Services Committee back in February, more than 4,700 public comments were received, with 98% of them in opposition.

In a statement after the bill’s introduction, state Senate Republican Leader John Braun issued a statement pointing out its utter madness:

Unless there is reason to suspect parental abuse or harm, parents deserve to know where their teenagers are. … Democrats have claimed many times that the brains of minors are not fully developed until age 22. Right now, they are sponsoring a juvenile offender sentencing bill [Senate Bill 5475] based on ‘the expansive body of scientific research on brain development, which shows that adolescents’ perception, judgment, and decision-making skills differs significantly from that of adults.’ It’s revealing how brain research matters to them when juveniles break the law, but not when they seek life-altering, potentially irreversible health care.

The horrifying reality is that Washington’s bill is not the first of its kind, nor is it likely to be the last. Within a few months of Washington’s introduction of the bill, California—already a “sanctuary state” for minors seeking so-called gender transition—fell in line and introduced a similarly devastating bill. The California proposal would allow a minor to obtain “gender-affirming” mental health interventions without parental knowledge or consent.

But all is not lost. Some states are taking the opposite approach of California and Washington. In response to increasing attempts to transition children in the state of Missouri, for example, Attorney General Andrew Bailey recently issued an emergency order restricting the use of experimental transgender interventions on minors. His order was backed by a group of doctors, nurses, and health care professionals, despite the predictable hue and cry of “bigotry” from transgender activists.

In addition, bills like California’s and Washington’s are so devastating to parental rights that they are unlikely to survive a legal challenge. As I’ve written about here, the U.S. Supreme Court has recognized for at least 100 years that the Constitution protects parental rights to direct the upbringing of their children. As recently as 2000, the Supreme Court reaffirmed that parental rights were among the “oldest of our recognized fundamental rights.”

In the meantime, parents who are skeptical of government efforts to divest them of their right to parent their kids might want to start looking for real estate in places like Missouri.   

This is scary, scary stuff for parents.  Let us all hope this never happens here in Indiana.


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This kid gets an "Atta boy" for standing up to the left.  Who is this protected class?” he asked. “Are their feelings more important than my rights? I don’t complain when I see Pride flags and diversity posters hung throughout the school. Do you know why? Because others have a right to their beliefs, just as I do.”


A 12-year-old boy from Massachusetts claimed he was sent home from school a few weeks ago for wearing a t-shirt that declared that there are “only two genders,” which he was told made other students feel “unsafe.”

Liam Morrison, a seventh grader at John T. Nichols Jr. Middle School in Middleborough, recounted the incident during a Middleborough School Committee meeting on April 13 — and his fiery speech went viral Sunday after being picked up by the popular right-wing Twitter account Libs of TikTok.

Morrison said he was pulled from gym class on March 21 and met with school officials, who told him during what he described as an “uncomfortable talk” that people were complaining about the message on his shirt, which they said made them feel “unsafe.”

“They told me that I wasn’t in trouble, but it sure felt like I was,” the boy stated. “I was told that I would need to remove my shirt before I could return to class. When I nicely told them that I didn’t want to do that, they called my father.”

The 12-year-old noted that his father was supportive of his stance and arrived at school to pick him up.Liam Morrison, a seventh-grader at Nichols Middle School in Massachusetts, claimed that he was sent home on March 21 for refusing to take off a t-shirt that read, “There are only two genders.”

Morrison said he was told the slogan on his shirt was “targeting a protected class” — apparently referring to transgender and nonbinary people — and was a “disruption to learning.”

The 12-year-old pushed back against those claims in his address to the school committee.

“Who is this protected class?” he asked. “Are their feelings more important than my rights? I don’t complain when I see Pride flags and diversity posters hung throughout the school. Do you know why? Because others have a right to their beliefs, just as I do.”

The seventh-grader further argued that his shirt caused no disruption in the classroom.

“No one got up and stormed out of class. No one burst into tears,” Morrison told his audience. “I’m sure I would have noticed if they had.”

“I experience disruptions to my learning every day,” he added. “Kids acting out in class are a disruption, yet nothing is done. Why do the rules apply to one yet not another?”

Morrison pointed out that before he was booted from the school, “not one person” complained to him directly about the words on his shirt — and he said some students had even expressed their support for him.

The student emphasized that he did not go to school that day wearing that shirt to “hurt feelings of cause trouble,” but rather to exercise his right to free speech.

“I know that I have a right to wear a shirt with those five words,” Morrison said. “Even at 12 years old, I have my own political opinions and I have a right to express those opinions. Even at school. This right is called the First Amendment to the Constitution.”

Morrison concluded his address by calling on the School Committee to protect the rights of students to express themselves freely.

“Next time, it may not only be me,” he warned. “There might be more soon that decide to speak out.”

As the middle-schooler’s defiant speech began drawing attention over the weekend, the Massachusetts Family Institute, a Christian conservative nonprofit, announced on Twitter that it was providing legal support for the boy.

The Middleborough school superintendent did not immediately respond to request for comment Monday.


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Holy mother of F-ing God - My father must be rolling over in his grave - WW2 & Korean Conflict Navy vet....


US Navy hires active-duty drag queen to be face of recruitment drive

May 3, 2023 8:01am 
The US Navy invited an active-duty drag queen to be a “Digital Ambassador” – as part of a recent drive “to attract the most talented and diverse workforce” and combat plunging recruitment.

Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley, who identifies as non-binary, was appointed as the first of five Navy Digital Ambassadors in a pilot program that ran from October to March.

Kelley, whose stage name is Harpy Daniels, has shared their journey on TikTok and Instagram, where they described how they began performing onboard and became an “advocate” for people who “were oppressed for years in the service.”

“From joining to 2016 and being able to share my drag experience on my off time with my fellow sailors has been a blessing,” Kelley wrote on Instagram in November when announcing their appointment as a digital ambassador to their more than 8,000 followers.

“Thank you to the Navy for giving me this opportunity! I don’t speak for the Navy but simply sharing my experience in the Navy! Hooyah, and let’s go Slay!” they added.

US Navy sailor and drag queen Joshua Kelley, whose stage name is Harpy Daniels, took part in a recruitment drive as a “Digital Ambassador.” Instagram / @harpy_daniels Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley dressed in drag in a green dress. The social media influencer has shared their journey on TikTok and Instagram. Instagram / @harpy_daniels

The “Digital Ambassador” program that Kelley took part in ran from October to March and was “designed to explore the digital environment to reach a wide range of potential candidates” as the Navy battles “the most challenging recruiting environment it has faced since the start of the all-volunteer force,” a Navy spokesperson told Fox News.

The service branch is evaluating what form the program, which included five active-duty personnel, will take in the future, the rep added.

“The Navy did not compensate YN2 Kelley or any others for being Navy Digital Ambassadors,” the spokesperson also noted.

Joshua Kelley dressed in drag in a pink, blue and yellow dress. “From joining to 2016 and being able to share my drag experience on my off time with my fellow sailors has been a blessing,” Kelley wrote on Instagram. Instagram / @harpy_daniels Joshua Kelley dressed in drag in a camouflage bodysuit. Kelley took part in the “Digital Ambassador” program from October to March. Instagram / @harpy_daniels

Kelley has told Carl Herzog of the USS Constitution Museum that they began dressing in drag and performing in shows long before joining the Navy.

In 2017 and 2018, they performed as Harpy in a crew morale-boosting lip sync competition while on deployment on the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan.

“I started performing in drag in 2013. Drag had no influence with me joining. It was the Navy I feared that would’ve influenced me to stop doing drag,” Kelley told Herzog.

“For myself, drag has been a passion, an art, and a way to express myself. … Ship life is difficult. Every day fades into one, and high stress and intensity can bring low morale and can cause suicide and bad behavior,” they said.

Joshua Kelley in their navy uniform. Kelley said they began performing in drag in 2013 and joined the Navy in 2016. Instagram / @harpy_daniels

Kelly said that their performance on the Ronald Regan helped save someone’s life.

“This person was gay and felt lost and alone, ready to jump ship. But after getting to view my performance, they felt empowered to be themselves and see that our struggles and low morale are temporary,” the Yeoman 2nd Class said.

“They personally thanked me and said they forgot what life was like for a moment. That’s a struggle we all deal with during deployments and we all have our reasons to lose ourselves,” the sailor continued.

Joshua Kelley holding a sign reading "Make America Free" while dressed in drag in a matching skirt and crop top set. Kelley said their goal is to “become the first officer in my family.” Instagram / @harpy_daniels

Asked what their plans are, both as a drag queen and in the Navy, Kelly told Herzog that their “goals as a sailor are to continue working hard, make first (class) and become the first officer in my family.”

“As for drag, I hope to continue performing, building safe spaces for queer individuals, and one day make it on RuPaul’s Drag Race as one of the first active service members,” they added.

The ambassador program was launched as the Navy is trying to boost its size to 347,000 members in 2024, up from the current 341,736 serving in fiscal year 2023, according to the Navy Times.

It committed to recruit and retain personnel through fostering an inclusive culture and ensuring they feel “included and connected to mission and leaders at all levels,” according to the latest diversity, equity and inclusion policy updates cited by the Daily Caller.

Joshua Kelley in their Navy uniform. The ambassador program was launched as the Navy is trying to boost its size to 347,000 members in 2024. Instagram / @harpy_daniels

On April 19, Vice Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti told the House Armed Services Committee that the Navy is projected to fall 6,000 recruits, or 16%, short of its fiscal year 2023 goal for enlisted sailors.

“To attract the most talented and diverse workforce, the Navy continues to evaluate its compensation package and admission requirements, and how it reaches potential recruits through advertising and career events,” according to the Navy’s budget proposal for 2024, the outlet reported.

The ambassador program is one of several ways the Navy uses to reach various populations to overcome what the spokesperson called “the most challenging recruiting environment since the start of the all-volunteer force.”  

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23 hours ago, swordfish said:

Holy mother of F-ing God - My father must be rolling over in his grave - WW2 & Korean Conflict Navy vet....


Agreed, this is disgusting.  And I know the couple of now deceased family member who were Navy veterans would feel the same.


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