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  2. Democrat = Republican = Uniparty. Bullshit. The minute Mr. Trump thew his hat in the ring for POTUS he became a politician. And if you think Mr. Trump views you as more than an ant you are right. He views you as ant with money to give to him.
  3. Braves, Warriors, Cusaders, Knights..... Guardians of the Galaxy
  4. fair bet to make, wouldn't you know that I just stumbled upon what the Bears have been producing themselves last 3 years called 1920 Football Drive, all on youtube, assuming on their website as well. You want to talk about a complete vibe and tone difference from the Pace/Nagy clips to the Poles/Flus regime. Went from Clown show to a Professional Organization. Looking forward to hearing Leiv Scheiber voice this Fall !!!
  5. Day one hopefully. Drain the swamp. Shouldn't every average American want the swamp drained? No more back alley deals at the expense of the taxpayers. Funny how how Biden has three multi million dollar homes on his former and current salary. Same with the Obama's and Clinton's. They became rich off of politics............again, at the expense of the tax payers. I find it comical that voters worship the political elite. We're nothing but ants to them. Trump is a non-politician, at least he was until he became president. If the people want "change", then why not vote for someone outside of the "good ol' boy club"? Obama became president because people wanted change. To them, a black president was change. He went to the same elite prep high schools that the Bush's and Clinton's went to, lol. He's a good ol' boy. That wasn't change. Trump is "change". And the politicians hate him because he's better at it than they are. Make America Great Again
  6. Now that the Pandora's Box has been open, if Mr. Trump does win the presidency how soon before he suggests/cajoles/instructs his DOJ and other state's attorney's offices to investigate Mr. Biden and other prominent Democrats, looking for felony charges to bring against them? Tit for tat. 'tis the way of the uni-party.
  7. That pretty much sums up the entire Democratic party. It's all a joke.......a game. Power first, America last. I truly feel sorry for anyone stupid enough to buy what they are selling the American public. Open borders, desperate for votes. Putting abortion clinics in all the black communities in the 70's population control, has really come back to bite them in the butt.
  8. Yesterday
  9. I was right all along … just not in the exact way I had hoped. This is a special kid. https://fightingirish.com/dear-notre-dame-from-tyler-buchner/
  10. Good thing I haven't voted for a uni-party POTUS candidate in over 20 years. My conscience is clear.
  11. So "Rule of Law" applies to re-written laws to enable a desired prosecution, dismissing the Statute of Limitations, hand-picking a judge that writes over 50 pages of jury instructions creating a roadmap so tight a guilty verdict was inevitable? Sounds more like a Banana Republic. This thing eventually gets overturned on appeal anyway. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2023/aug/3/inside-beltway-rush-limbaugh-predicted-donald-trum/ And here is what Limbaugh predicted on Jan. 8, 2021, about Mr. Trump and the Democrats’ possible intentions: “I know they desperately want Donald Trump gone and I know that they desperately want it codified that Trump cannot run again because make no mistake, they remain scared to death of you and they remain scared to death of Trump — and your 75 million, or 80 million votes. And I’m going to tell you, you’re not going anywhere,” Limbaugh told his listeners, assuring his them that their loyalty would remain steadfast. “They can’t separate you from Trump, and more importantly, they can’t separate you from the ideas. They can’t separate you from MAGA. They can’t separate you from Make America Great Again, which I think remains one of our big campaign strengths going forward,” he said. True. The left sure picked the wrong road to head down if they wanted to hurt Trump.
  12. Morons paying for Trump's lawyers. And for what outcome? Looks for this case to go all the way to the SCOTUS. Trump and the MSM are getting what they want; more headlines.
  13. Currently, the over/under on how many times @Coach Nowlin watches each episode of “Hard Knocks” is 2-1/2.
  14. The less public money and more private funds are used to build a stadium, the better.
  15. Would you have felt the same way had there been an acquittal? I doubt it. The rule of law is not something that depends on the outcome. This is the USA, not some 3rd world tinpot dictatorship. When the law doesn’t go your way, you swallow hard, abide by the result, and move on.
  16. Me too! Seems like it was more of a case of the NFL telling the Bears they are hosting Hard Knocks. In other news, the Illinois State Legislature won't be acting on the Bears funding request for a new stadium this Spring. Those talks are on hold at least until the Fall. I'll continue to hold out hope the Bears will end up moving to Arlington Heights.
  17. Easy answer - Yes. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/31/trump-campaign-donations-record.html And (IMHO) it will only continue to grow now that the country can see what has happened to this man. 30% of the fundraising came from new donors....... BTW - The "Rule of Law" comments coming from the Left can not apply here. When the law is bent so far in one direction to get this travesty done, there is no "Rule of Law" anymore.
  18. I didn't know you were such a disbeliever in the Rule of Law. And this expected appeal probably won't be heard until after the November election. So again, will the GOP nominate a convicted felon to be their presidential candidate?
  19. Yes he did play in Italy for a year after college. Lost in the play-offs to former Purdue Running Back Jaycen Taylor.
  20. A convicted felon - for now anyway. Until after the expected appeal. BTW - anyone that believes this trial - that the State of New York had to re-write a law to make the "crime" (that was already beyond the statute of limitations) a felony instead of a misdemeanor - was real, is the same type of person that believes that the current President actually received (legally) more votes than any other President in the entire history of the United States. JS Falsifying business documents is normally a misdemeanor in New York, but prosecutors in Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's office elevated it to a felony on grounds that Trump was concealing an illegal campaign contribution.
  21. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10123073-caleb-williams-bears-to-be-featured-on-hbos-hard-knocks-ahead-of-2024-nfl-season No thanks. I dislike that show.
  22. More weakness from the NCAA: https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/30/sport/ncaa-drop-transfer-rule-division-i-athletes-justice-department/index.html So what exactly is the purpose of the NCAA anymore? Hosting a couple of annual basketball tournaments?
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