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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/2019 in Posts

  1. I realize that I am being sucked in by the resident troll, but I refuse to let the program be spoken of in such a manner. Numbers are numbers, and that is fine, but what is most important is what you don't see in the significance of the sport to the many student-athletes who participate. The community loves football and supports it dearly. Like many rural communities, Madison has been hit heavily by the drug epidemic and has one of the highest rates of suicide in the state (did you read the article??). Football is all some of these kids have, win or lose. If you follow the Hoosier Hills Conference, you will know that the schedule has in fact been adjusted to allow the smaller programs the opportunity to schedule an out of conference game. Other conference affiliations have been considered but such a move isn't as simple as it seems. There aren't many programs in southeast Indiana with which to pair. Coach Morrison is a Madison alum and has been loyal and given everything he has for the program. Someone else will come in and do the same. Regardless of record, these kids and the community will support the coach and the student-athletes that participate. These points have been argued to you many times and you fail to consider anything besides shear numbers. If that is all we ever consider, we fail the young men we try to support with this game. For some schools with very small enrollments and low participation, perhaps it is something they must consider. Madison has nearly 900 students at the high school and regularly has 60-70 kids on the team. Football isn't going anywhere, nor should it.
    3 points
  2. Let's apply the "business model" to high school athletics because it has benefited and made public education so much better. Bottome line is all that counts......profit, test scores, wins. As someone that has slugged it out at some of the most under -performing football schools in Indiana I can tell you that what football gives these young men is way more than what winning a conference title does for some schools. Athletic's value is not merited by its results but by the lives that have been transformed in the process of competition. DT you have no idea what that means until you sacrifice your time, energy, sweat, tears, and your family to give and nourish these young men in these struggling schools. I have coached at the pinnacle (Ev. Reitz) and at Wood Memorial, Brown County, and Eastern Pekin. I will tell you that the most satisfying of my years coaching did not come in the Bowl but in the hills of Brown County, the cornfields of Gibson county, and the hollers of Washington County. You sir have your opinion and you are entitled to it but it is grotesque and smells of affluence. To all the struggling schools schools out there I say keep fighting the good fight! You are my heroes!!!
    2 points
  3. DT, have you ever had a positive thought even once in your entire life. It has been made abundantly clear to you the positive influences that football has in young mens lives, time and time again. Still you beat the drum of contraction as if it is the only solution. Have you volunteered at any of these “low performing” schools in an effort to turn them around? Or do you show up and tell them “You suck, I’d quit if I were you” Just venting, that’s all. Coaches coach, players play, fans cheer.
    2 points
  4. I think one of the things that I always wonder about when you go on a contraction rant is that there will always be a worst team. Do you think as teams contract that there will be parity among the group as to eliminate lower level teams? What would the final result of contraction look like? A conference finish with 1 or 2 clear front runners and the rest somewhere around .500? A realignment with teams following a bell curve-ish win loss total with high win teams at the top, most teams in the middle, and low win teams at the bottom with just less teams overall? I am sure some schools could and should contract but I don't think that decision should be based solely on win-loss record.
    1 point
  5. Stuck in my head now.......Thanks Gonzo!!
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Cute drawing. Is that a caricature of Mr. Beal?
    1 point
  8. Why has Madison remained in the HHC?
    -1 points
  9. https://www.npr.org/2019/05/15/723518379/u-s-births-fell-to-a-32-year-low-in-2018-cdc-says-birthrate-is-at-record-level So whose going to pay for all those federal entitlements like social security and medicare? No babies means no new wage slaves having the fruits of their labor confiscated for redistribution. Is immigration the answer?
    -1 points
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