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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/2024 in Posts

  1. Some of you guys are crazy but I'm not in the mood to argue so I won't say who. 😁
    1 point
  2. It’s pretty obvious if you watch the wider version that the white hat makes eye contact with 70 running on and the white hat even points at 70 70 said he didn’t report. I believe that to be true. 68 also said he said one single word “report” I also believe this to be true. but the timing here is where we can see plausibly what happens. 70 runs on like he had other times directly at the white hat instead of the huddle (this is important) the white hat sees him, jumps the gun and begins to go tell the cowboys when 68 and 58 impede his path. 68 says “report” and the white hat likely thought “yeah I already know buddy I see 70 coming in” and didn’t process that 68 was reporting himself. White hat continues on his path and informs cowboys of 70.
    1 point
  3. I mean even if you support the theory that this is totally on the official, the narrative that this "cost" the Lions a TD just isn't the case. The official then also robbed the Cowboys of knowing who to defend, and had they had known....the outcome would likely have been different anyway.
    1 point
  4. If you watch the video the white hat had already recognized 70 and began to move to announce him before 68 gets to the white hat.
    1 point
  5. Frankfort’s new press box looks amazing!
    1 point
  6. Your speculation about Saban's integrity as a coach could be correct. But what we know for fact is this...Saban has never been suspended during a season for rules violations, let alone 2 different suspensions for different rules violations during same season. Another fact...I am no Bama or SEC fan by any stretch.....
    1 point
  7. Despite the league not changing any rules, ESPN’s Adam Schefter reported a “large part” of Allen’s crew won’t be working the postseason because of multiple missed calls over the course of the season. If 68 reported eligible and the crew announced anybody but 68 the fault lies with one person and one person only.
    1 point
  8. Saban had one good year at MSU. Bottom line is he's as good as his players. Down south he gets better players.
    1 point
  9. Let's hope he can sell his house.
    1 point
  10. Michigan 27 - Alabama 20 final - Heckuva a game. Don’t like either team, but this could have went either way. Big 10 needed this for sure
    1 point
  11. Then simply shut your mouth. The issue was you embellishing Michigan’s opening 3 opponents when we were discussing McCarthy’s stats earlier vs later in the season. You go with rambling dissertations about nothing in general. Just blowing hot air. We get it…you are nothing more than a Wolverine and Harbaugh butt sniff. Sad part, I’m a big 10 guy..but got choose between a cheating program vs Bama. Not a great choice. Enjoy the game…and try shutting your fat mouth when it comes to making comments about wives, you keyboard coward.
    1 point
  12. No doubt it was handled in less than optimal fashion by the crew. The Lions tried a cute one, and in the end they tricked not only the defense, but the crew as well.
    1 point
  13. Michigan 31 - Alabama 21 Washington 27 - Texas 21 Washington 28 - Michigan 24
    1 point
  14. It's hard to take the Big Ten seriously at this stage. Half of me says Michigan chokes royally (karma is a real thing), the other half says they take the whole thing with an "in your face" middle finger to all of their doubters and attackers. They'll dub themselves champions after their victory over Bama, then comes along Washington, the underdog once again, and the Huskies shock all of college football.
    1 point
  15. Anybody but the SEC but I think we’re getting a Bama/Texas rematch. Zero doubt the SEC will take credit if Texas wins.
    1 point
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