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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. Sure when confronted by facts walk away. Never discount the advantage of having multiple feeder schools.
  2. We had an interesting situation in a lower level game Saturday. Apparently there is an avid RC flyer just to the west of the field we were playing on. The planes never were actually over the facility, but it was pretty cool to watch. Dude even had an RC jet. The home team coaches told me the previous week officials wouldn't allow play until they stopped flying. While it was completely visible, in my estimation they were far enough away not to cause a safety concern. Looked very similar to this:
  3. Well, I don’t know why they are throwing everyone in there? East clearly is the class of the HHC when you're talking Football. I think "they" were just using the rest of the conference for comparison sake. Lol. I’m not one that has been “making fun” of Seymour. Really? "I haven't worried about Seymour since Joe Goodman retired" ring a bell? Obviously, they were very good in the Joe Goodman years. So on the one hand Szabo "built them up" and the very next sentence the next coach took over a terrible roster? One of those statements is wrong. Or perhaps there's just a chance that coaches have to coach the talent they have, Szabo saw a downturn in talent and left for greener pastures. Seymour had an incredible run of talent in the late 80's-early 2000's. They also had an athletic friendly administration. Seymour was one of the first schools I'm aware of that had a weight class during the school day, it started in 1980. Seymour had a youth football program that started in the 4/5 grade, that went back to the late 60's. All that changed about the time Goodman retired, hmmmm. All of these events happened about the same time........The bottom line is high school coaches can only coach the players they have. If you go back the past 20 years, Floyd and BNL have been FAR more successful than Seymour. You need to figure out when to stop digging. In the past 20 years 1999-2018 Seymour vs. FC 11-9 Seymour 2 Sectional titles 1 regional title. FC 1 Sectional title. Seymour vs. BNL 8-12 Seymour 2 Sectional titles 1 regional title. BNL 1 Sectional title. But the only football fan in here that can truly claim dominance, is a Columbus East fan. One might argue had it not been for Cathedral, Seymour and East would have been able to add to the history of their programs. With the exception of 2001, after beating East and Seymour, Cathedral went on to win the state title. That’s a real blue blood type of program. I don't believe anyone has argued that they weren't. Whoever PM you that is obviously a coward for not coming over here and posting that for whoever the fan was that offended them. I get PM's all the time, I just chose to share this one. I can assure you like me they don't have a dog in the fight. Perhaps I didn't even share the entire PM so you or someone else wouldn't be offended? Calling them a coward while hiding behind an anonymous screen name is a bit ironic isn't it? It obviously wasn’t me either.
  4. This was forwarded to me via PM. I’ll just leave this here for the fan bois to discuss. I understand that you aren't Seymour fan.. but even if you were... A Floyd, NA, Jeff, JC, Madison, or BNL fan making fun of a Seymour fan in football is a bit rich. Seymour as whole... is a much more successful program than those others. Seymour 4 sectionals 2 regionals 1 semi state. 34-37 overall BNL has won 1 sectional. 11-35 overall in the tourney Madison no sectionals. 7-34  JC no sectionals. 6-34 Jeff 4 sectionals 27-35 NA 2 sectionals 12-35  FC 2 sectionals 30-34
  5. Forget gun laws, these people are making ALL laws. Now if she held something, I would guess what she's talking about something along the lines of a Barrett .50 BMG, which depending on specs weigh in around 30 pounds. AR-15's do not shoot a .50 caliber round and they weigh 7-9 pounds depending on specs. Words mean things.
  6. I'm a ref, so naturally I'm blind, it's essential for the zebras!
  7. Long live the EZ camera. Though we haven't had it included on our film the last two weeks. This week was just wide and tight.
  8. Do you have a current picture that shows a non-LED down box? NFL officials have not worn knickers since 2011.
  9. There's a Denny's on 231 back towards 64. You might be able to find something in Dale, if the game gets over pretty quick. I should preface this by saying, we don't eat until after the game.
  10. We've seen several of them, I couldn't tell you who has them and who doesn't. BSN has them listed from 1099-1599, my guess is they actually cost in the 600ish range. They are easy to see and find, I'm all in.
  11. Who said anything about beating their wife or forcing a woman to carry an unwanted child?
  12. It's self explanatory. Our doctors are idle..........do you just make this stuff up on the fly? Also (1)cost and (2) wait time are actually >single.
  13. Don’t ever let facts get in the way of a bunch of fan bois!
  14. I’m sure there will sleep lost over your lack of respect, what with all your connections and all.
  15. This pic has been making the rounds today via social media. It was not flagged.
  16. No one needs question your credentials, your posts tell us all every thing we need to know.
  17. There seems to be a steady stream of BB players headed up HWY3 to Westport.....hmmmmm. Any possibility of this trend continuing with the new football hire?
  18. When they started their youth league here locally, the mandated coaches go thru a training program for their coaches. I was given a few minutes to explain rules. I always covered what is holding and what is not holding. I have always tended to take @JustRules philosophy I tend to focus on the feet, when you get beat, you have to let go. It helped things tremendously with coaches understanding the point that two 6th graders hugging it out isn't holding. On a side note, after reading all the stuff that goes into the decision making process for a holding call, I kinda got to thinking, wow, I process all that information in a fraction of a second, and I'm reaching for my flag or letting it go..................Man I really am good! 😁
  19. One can only conclude Trinity and St. X have a better brand of Catholicism than Providence.
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