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Everything posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. I’m not avoiding, frankly I don’t know what it is.....I’m not following along very closely. I’m assuming they give away free needles and have banned vaping. It’s about the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of....
  2. If you want some logic, look at their weed laws. There is no logic.
  3. Not sure what this means for me, since I've never seen it to begin with. Not sure what this means for me, since I've never seen it to begin with.
  4. I get what you're saying........but please find me a Republican in Washington? Because all I can find are RINO's.
  5. As a high ranking elite member of the media perhaps you could tell us. I’ve never seen it.
  6. I agree there are some genuine folks, but they are the exception rather than the rule. And honestly I don't know how anyone who's in Washington for any length of time doesn't become corrupt.
  7. More to my point, NO one has any interest in dealing with it. Past, present, or future. 20 years from now this conversation will still be going.
  8. Bernie has it covered. Not only is he going to solve all of our problems, he's going to fix central America's problems as well.
  9. I'm not aware of any increase in background checks during the BHO administration either. Aside from the Clinton era assault weapons ban, what other assault weapons bans have there been, that crazy Uncle Joe might be talking about. I'm all about pleasing the people SF. Here's one of the guns Biden had banned. Christmases have never been safer.
  10. If we can catch a weekend debate, we should make a drinking game out of it. I ain't got @Lysander I have to get up and go to work in the morning.
  11. OK, purely for entertainment purposes I watched a little of the debate last night, and boy did it deliver. Here are a few take aways: 1. Joe Biden had one job, don't lose. He failed miserably. 2. Mayor Pete looked good, he has two glaring issues, police in South Bend and he's gay. There are people who will vote for him because he's gay, there are people who will not vote for him because he's gay. Unfortunately the people who will vote for him because he's gay don't vote, and the ones who won't vote for him do vote. 3. All Michael Bennett needs is a little mustache and he looks EXACTLY like Hitler, though a little taller. He's already got the haircut and eyebrows. 4. Marianne Williamson looked like she arrived in a time machine from the 70's. And I'm not going to lie, I had to look up her name this morning. 5. As entertaining as it was, it dawned on me at some point, someone with these bat$shit crazy ideas is going to get elected. 6. There are currently seven sitting US senators, three US representatives, two former representatives, and one former senator/VP. Last night I listened to all of them rail against the way things are, and no one seems to want to take any responsibility for the way things are. They've been involved in politics at the national level in some cases since the 70's and now they're expecting me to believe that suddenly after being elected president they're going to wave a magic wand and it's all going to be fixed. They aren't the solution, they 're the problem. 7. One more thought on Joe Biden, he pretty much single handedly was responsible for virtually every piece of legislation passes in the last 40 years, including ACA, per him last night. 8. Kamala Harris probably raised her stock last night. Since announcing she's just been a face in the crowd, I'm sure she'll see a bump. But being a face in the crowd there's no real light shining on you. I suspect once there's a light shining on her, she's going to have some issues.
  12. Clinton had two years of D control and nothing. Bush had two years of R control and nothing, in fact he took a pass twice when it could have been addressed. BHO had two years of D control and nothing. Trump had two years of R control and nothing. You can wax on ever so eloquently, but the bottom line is NEITHER PARTY has any interest in dealing with this issue. Both see it as a political chip.
  13. I’m not sure what you’re fixation with my daughter is, but she’s a big girl, quite capable of taking care of herself, I’m sure she’ll be just fine.
  14. In talking to local Mexicans, this seems to be the MO. It takes them about 10 years here to save the money to return to Mexico and basically retire. These sorts of stories in my opinion the real tragedy on the border. Forget the ramifications of illegals on the US, what about the untold horror stories like this. Our southern border is a humanitarian crisis, that needs to be stopped. In my opinion there's plenty of blame to go around with our immigration issues. I believe it was greatly exacerbated under the BHO administration with DACA. I'm sure it was mentioned last night in the debate, as I'm sure it will be mentioned tonight. But to the current members of congress who are clamoring for action, what have you done to address the issue? Can you point us to the legislation you've written to deal with this situation? Or is it easier to just say it's Bush's fault, it's BHO's fault, it's Trump's fault?
  15. You would think with the resources of the Catholic Church they could hire a decent PR firm and quit stepping on their own di...s
  16. W82, I see why you're a lawyer. Once again, our "inalienable rights" are abridged EVERY DAY. You among others have been in favor of that via "jot of the pen" for the greater good. For the purpose of my original post in this thread, lets focus on slavery, which you seem to be focused on. 1. From what I can see there were around 4 million slaves in 1860. I'm guess birth records are somewhat difficult to find for slaves and their offspring. This will most certainly be a boon for your profession. 2. The US government produces nothing, it's sole source of income is the US taxpayer.....well that and the fact they can just print money. 3. The devil is always in the details isn't it. 4. So in other words it changes NOTHING, but we can all feel better because we did "something". 5. So if my dad got popped for murder, receives a 60 year sentence, dies 10 years in, I should go serve the rest of his sentence for him.
  17. Valid point, yet it is abridged constantly even today, mostly for the "common good". So at some point in the future do we have more added to the list of reparations?
  18. In an earlier post you mentioned the federal government denying people basic human rights, the right to liberty and self determination, etc. So we are in fact retroactively making today's laws apply to yesteryear. Slavery, Jim Crow laws, segregation, etc., regardless of how wrong they were, were in fact the law of the land at the time. Again, as I posted earlier how am I today, in 2019, along with every other tax payer to be held responsible for legal actions that our ancestors may or may not have committed 50-100-150 years ago? You specifically mention in your post the government "unlawfully" taking your father's house. Unlawful by what litmus test? The law at the time of the seizure or the law today? What about women who couldn't vote? What about people who were denied alcohol during prohibition? What about all the drafted military who didn't make it home? What about the Native Americans? What about the gays who were denied marriage until four years ago? Earlier in this thread I posted this below, no one has addressed any of these points: 1 How do you determine who gets reparations? 2 Who is on the hook for the bill? 3 What is the price to right this wrong? How is it determined? 4 How do reparations move this country forward? Does it end racism? Does it put enough money in the economy that entire country becomes prosperous? 5 I don't understand how a US citizen of 2019 can be fined for the legal actions of their forefathers 150 years ago.
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