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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by temptation

  1. Give it time. Were CG and Carmel to join/be accepted, Avon will not win ONE conference championship in any male/female sport. They'd better reconsider before its too late. Same goes for Franklin Central.
  2. Dude has been a fraud from day 1 but it was covered up because he won. Turns out you can't fool GROWN MEN.
  3. I’m sticking with Franklin Central and Avon as I’ve said for the past year. Maybe not immediately but eventually.
  4. Man, the gap between the Big Ten East and Big Ten West continues to grow. The Big Ten title game seems like an annual formality. Thoughts? North: Minnesota Iowa Wisconsin Northwestern Michigan Michigan State Nebraska South: Illinois Ohio State Penn State Indiana Purdue Maryland Rutgers
  5. “Unfortunately, the brutal truth about this entire episode is that it is all about race.” Umm…
  6. But you’ve been saying for over a year it’s about revenue. Pick a plot line and stick with it dude.
  7. Gimme a break man. Walk the halls at Ben Davis/Warren Central and tell me that athletics, specifically football is not king. They are lying to save face and paint CG and Carmel as the bad guys...and you are buying it.
  8. Usually if I view something as "miserable", I eliminate if from my life...but you keep coming back.
  9. Never thought I would’ve said this 10 years ago but I feel like Carmel and Center Grove are in a position where they need the HCC more than it needs them…especially CG.
  10. THE Big Ten East runners up. (Sorry, I had to. Good luck to the kid.)
  11. I've shared all I can. I would gladly share some direct quotes with you via PM.
  12. Which shows their hand...they are tired of getting their teeth kicked in in most sports... You can't talk about of both sides of your mouth in stating that your conference is about "more than athletics" and "inclusion" while vying to "play the best" and do this with a straight face.
  13. Proposal today, voting in January... Most common theme is that if principals were to vote as of TODAY neither school would be accepted as there is a lot of push back.
  14. I'm not sure which statement from that release was more amusing, the one regarding "athletics not driving decisions" or the "culture alignment" one. Athletics HAVE driven decisions at these schools for over two decades and its a true arms race. Does the MIC network broadcast marching band, choir and chess club contests? Come on. The remaining 6 MIC schools did not want to get stuck with egg on their face so they broke up with Carmel and CG prior to allowing CG and Carmel to do the same to them, controlling the narrative and painting CG and Carmel as the "bad guys" in the process.
  15. Back to the topic at hand, all sources say that CG and Carmel are presenting to the HCC powers today. Pretty high stakes and will be interesting to see how it plays out. A lot of rumors flying around from both sides (current HCC/MIC members) but most of it pure speculation. If anyone has inside info or can refute these rumors please feel free. 1. A 75% vote is required and each school gets one vote. 2. Most see it as a package deal. Can't see one getting accepted and the other not. 3. More principals than AD's are on board with the additions and its hard (assuming each school gets one vote) to see AD's outweighing that. 4. One MIC source says he's heard Avon and Cathedral have been reached out to. Another says Lafayette Jeff and Kokomo. Take it for what its worth.
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