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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by temptation

  1. Hoeppner was the guy. Teams were so easy root for. Not so much with Wilson and Allen.
  2. I hate it, but I get it. Its playoff or bust. Even the NY6 bowls have lost their shine. Gotta go to 8 teams minimum.
  3. It depends on the narrative that particular year. Often times MIC teams that win state titles cite “the grind” preparing themselves for battle. But when they lose, it’s that same “grind” that wore them out. (I believe this exact quote was the reasoning that Center Grove and Warren moved their annual week 10 battle to the beginning of the season a few years back.) Decatur Central is NOT Zionsville. The Eagles benefit as a 5A program playing in a 6A conference as they are an affluent community with great support. Decatur Central is a far cry from both.
  4. We are taking about BEN DAVIS and WARREN CENTRAL. Two schools near/above 4000 students who eat, sleep, and breathe football and have for 4 decades often at the expense of other sports and programs. Center Grove and Carmel are sending double figure kids to the next level annually while BD/Warren are sending a handful combined. Save the “monster freshman class” nonsense for a couple of years. So many variables to consider before taking that comment seriously. Its not hard to see where things are trending and save me the “it’s cyclical” argument. BD and Warren will continue to compete and dominate “the new MIC” solely based on enrollment advantages. As recently as 20-25 years ago, IPS schools were competitive in multiple sports on a state wide level and now they are an afterthought. Marion County schools have now taken on that moniker in most sports due to simple socioeconomic shifts and urban sprawl. Money talks and the suburbs have it. I walk the front lines daily and can tell you that by the time many kids at most Marion County schools reach the practice field at 3pm, they have already fought multiple battles that most suburban kids don’t have to. It’s a much steeper climb. Why don’t schools like Warren and BD compete for state titles in sports like golf, tennis and swimming? Shouldn’t they be able to? They have 4000 kids! Are their coaches not trying hard enough? I encourage anyone to job shadow me and see the trauma that many kids in the city experience on a daily basis. It’d blow your mind and you have to see it to believe it. Do some quick research on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. It’ll do you some good.
  5. Tell me what sport Decatur Central finishes in the top half of an 8 team MIC in…other than softball.
  6. The most important box = don’t bully us and win conference titles in nearly every sport
  7. Not what he said. You gonna toss in the girls basketball players next?
  8. A month to prepare…congrats. What in the hell does Aaron Henry have to do with BD football?
  9. I’ve got 4…North Central, bye, Southport, Tech.
  10. IU football fans beginning to mirror IU basketball fans?
  11. Tech to the MIC would be an unmitigated disaster.
  12. He’s speaking currently. Pros in the league in 2021 is reflective of the “talent” from the Allen/Kirschner years. Hell, even the 2017 Mr. Football winner hit the transfer portal today because he is struggling to see the field/stay healthy at a 2 win Big Ten team. IU wasted no time on this one: https://iuhoosiers.com/404-1.aspx?url=%2froster.aspx%3frp_id%3d16301%26
  13. About to find out how much of a figure head Dabo is. Lost his OC/DC in the same year.
  14. We will see. You make some valid points but I have my doubts.
  15. Many Mid-State programs are still of the old school mentality in hiring teachers first and if they are great coaches then so be it...the HCC/MIC use the college/SEC model of hiring great coaches and finding teaching positions for them...and the outrageous salary differences bear that out.
  16. And ONE of the MAIN reasons its an apples to oranges comparison conflicts directly with the MIC's virtue signaling of being "more than an athletic conference." The commitment to athletics in the Mid-State is much different than the commitment of the MIC/HCC, no matter how hard the MIC principals and AD's try to spin it.
  17. We will agree to disagree. The ability to compete in the Mid-State versus the ability to compete in the MIC/HCC is an apples to oranges comparison in my opinion. You think the AD's will influence the principals to vote no on Carmel, huh?
  18. NC is the huge winner here. They will now clean up on conference titles.
  19. Avon’s F/R/L percentage (there it is again) is 6x that of Zionsville’s and 4x that of Carmel’s and the gap is growing. If by “fine” you mean bottom half of the conference in every sport, you’re right. They’d have the lowest rate among current MIC schools. They need to make the move.
  20. All depends if Carmel/CG are a package deal. I don't think they are but those I have spoken to seem to be of the mindset its both or neither.
  21. It’s already a grind in the HCC in nearly every sport (even more so than the MIC). In a few of the country club sports ALL EIGHT HCC schools are ranked in the top 25 in the state…and that’s WITHOUT Carmel or CG. I have a theory that coaches at places like HSE/Fishers sometimes get shorter leashes because of a lack of postseason success…due in large part to having to go through Carmel in every thing. Now you are gonna throw the Hounds in their conference too? That’d be a tough sell for me. In most circles, regardless of geography, it’s “Carmel vs the World.” We could see that play out here now that the leverage is on the other side.
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