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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by temptation

  1. 1st bold/italic quote: Told ya 2nd bold/italic quote: backwards
  2. If they stand pat, get ready for North Central to win 12-15 conference titles annually. Theyll clean house in swimming, golf, cross country, soccer and tennis. That’s 10 right there.
  3. “Not about sports” but we pay ball sport coaches and strength and conditioning instructors six figures…
  4. Conference titles are simply unattainable in over a dozen sports. Still a tough sell. I see your point though.
  5. Fairly certain that Carmel/CG went 17/18 for 20 on MIC titles last year.
  6. NC (all sports being considered) is the big winner here for the time being.
  7. You are taking football. There are 19 other sports to consider…and in most of them the remaining 6 aren’t competitive with Carmel and CG. Its tough to sell your student athletes and families on your program when you are getting trucked in every sport imaginable. Even the greatest coaches cannot overcome the enrollment and socioeconomic advantages of Carmel year in and year out. Once I saw Carmel and CG were going 1-2 in TRACK AND FIELD, I knew the baton (pun intended) had been passed.
  8. I’m not sure they are sending the strong message you believe they are.
  9. Unless you are sick of losing to them in everything…
  10. I think that FC and Avon have the ability to have more success in the long run if they go to the MIC. Their socioeconomic profile would place them at the top of the MIC as opposed to the bottom of the HCC. They aren’t winning much in anything currently. I’m going to make a counter point here. I think Carmel is the elephant in the room. Though not quite as dominating, a Carmel move to the HCC means that current conference members will have an even steeper climb to the top of the top of the conference in most sports. That’d be a tough sell for me.
  11. Agree but at this point, it’s about damage control. They can’t elevate their profile but they can marginalize damage. I still maintain Franklin Central and Avon makes the most sense.
  12. I could see that theory but it’s really about money, opportunities for their student athletes and competitiveness. Carmel and Center Grove simply clean up in every sport. Add in the fact that some MIC schools are struggling to field junior varsity and freshman teams in the country club sports and it’s a no-brainer.
  13. I’ve heard the HCC principals and ADs are on opposite sides when it comes to bringing in Carmel and CG.
  14. I guess it depends upon your definition of “seeking.” I know they put out feelers but am not sure how serious talks became. “Hey man, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but I saw your wife out with another guy last week.” ”You better divorce her before she files for divorce.”
  15. I’m not sure the move itself is petty but the reasoning given is hysterical. ”Their desire to culturally align.” ”Athletics should not drive our decisions.”
  16. “Hey boss, rumor has it that the two guys who work in the front of the store are quitting soon.” ”Not on my watch they aren’t. They are fired.”
  17. Center Grove and Carmel voted out of the MIC. The principals from the Metropolitan Interscholastic Conference from Ben Davis High School, Lawrence Central High School, Lawrence North High School, North Central High School, Pike High School and Warren Central High School want to share with our communities some decisions we have made regarding the future of the MIC conference. During the 1996-97 school year, 8 schools came together with a clear vision: “The Metropolitan Interscholastic Conference provides a model for interscholastic excellence. Within a framework of appreciation and support of the unique characteristics of member schools, the Conference enhances student opportunities and achievement in all areas of each school’s program.” The 8 schools that formed the MIC were from urban, rural and suburban areas around Indianapolis. Those unique characteristics of the member schools were the bedrock of this conference. The MIC was formed as more than an athletic conference; the founders wanted to enhance student opportunities and achievement in all areas of each school’s programs. Each year the MIC holds an academic banquet where department chairs and administrators from all the schools come together and learn from each other. Many of us who came into administration through our schools learned of the MIC Academic Banquet well before we understood the MIC as an athletic conference. Each year we hold a student leadership conference, a MIC Choir festival, a charitable fundraiser in ceramics entitled Empty Bowls, a MIC brain game, and we were in the process of adding a MIC Jazz festival. The collegiality of the MIC went well beyond athletics. All of our programs, from Performing Arts, to JROTC, from bowling to spell bowl, continue to be competitive statewide and nationally on a yearly basis. The principals have worked together for the past 24 years to create a community of learners. This past fall it came to our attention that for athletic reasons, as well as a desire to “culturally align” (as reported in the media) with surrounding suburban schools, Carmel and Center Grove were seeking placement in a different conference. We value the historical relationships with these two communities, and while this news was sad to those of us who understand the rich history, we also understand that these two schools no longer share the vision that we are more than an athletic conference, that athletics should not drive our decisions, and that our unique characteristics are what make us strong. On Monday, December 13th, the 6 remaining principals made the difficult decision to vote Center Grove and Carmel out of the conference. Article V, section 4 of the MIC Constitution allows for the removal of other schools with a unanimous vote of the remaining schools and just cause. This vote will allow these two schools to seek a conference that aligns with their visions. Over the next few months, we will be in discussions with other school systems who value the diversity our conference offers, who want to engage in a strong community of educators who believe the conference should be more than athletics, but who also, as we have said in the MIC for years, want to “play the best in order to be the best.” The MIC was founded on these beliefs. If we find school districts who want to compete at the highest level, in every sport, and push our students and staff to be the very best in the state, all while helping to create a diverse yet unified community, then they will be considered great candidates. Until we find such candidates, we will remain a powerful 6 and compete against other powerful schools in neighboring states if opportunities should arise. The 6 schools will honor all athletic contracts through the 2022-23 school year; however, during the spring season of 2022, the MIC Conference will comprise solely of the 6 schools listed below. We believe Indianapolis, Indiana and the country needs unification, not separation. The MIC is built on understanding our differences and learning from each other. Our goals, as outlined by the founders of the MIC, are that the conference: 1) provides an environment in which sportsmanship is valued and displayed, 2) recognizes student achievement in a variety of endeavors, 3) raises the level of expectations and competition and 4) provides opportunities for the exchange of ideas, programs and people. Should we find other schools who share our vision and will affirm these goals, we will entertain expansion. Can't wait for folks' thoughts on this one...
  18. The Temp keeps receipts...just a reminder as this week's events unfold. Stay tuned...
  19. Will @hhpatriot04be stopping by to condemn these "personal attacks" or are those just reserved for me?
  20. Guys that win will always land on their feet regardless of circumstances. Someone will give him a shot.
  21. Bryce Young wins the heisman in a landslide. Hutchinson 2nd, Pickett 3rd, Stroud 4th.
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