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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by temptation

  1. Definitely not the DAC team we all thought would represent the north in 5A back in the preseason. Congrats Vikings!
  2. True David vs Goliath efforts tonight from Adams Central, Luers, Chatard, New Prairie, Lutheran, Whiteland and Valpo. Those 2+ hour climate controlled long bus rides are a bitch.
  3. Love the sport and high school athletics in general. It’s the purest form of competition out there in my opinion. Not sure what this has to do with accomplishments but I’m doing okay in life. We are all here for similar reasons…don’t overthink it just because I like to put numbers to people’s claims and hypothesis. Its healthy debate…for the most part.
  4. I mean, it’s HIGH SCHOOL. If you are still boasting about accomplishments/stories from your high school days, you haven’t accomplished much since.
  5. Seattle high school XC runner… 72nd in the sectional meet as a freshman. 18th in the STATE FINALS as a sophomore. What changed you ask? Competed as a male as a freshman…competed as a female as a sophomore. https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2022/11/17/biological-male-dominates-girls-cross-country-race-after-struggling-against-boys/amp/
  6. LOL. Those are Olympic level times my man.
  7. I’m right here dude. My alma mater hung 57 on yours a couple of decades ago…and it could have been 100 if they wanted. @Bobref, you agree?
  8. Same race, different year. Chicago Marathon, 2:53:26.
  9. I think I agree but it doesn’t have as much to do with “recruiting” as it once did. Don’t wanna go down the rabbit hole and piss @Footballking16 off though so I’ll save it for the offseason. Right after he pays me off for OSU -20.5.
  10. No one in Indy does. Warren’s QB in the tournament played three years at Beech Grove…BD’s QB is from Brownsburg, Roncalli’s QB from Plainfield. I could go on all day. The recruiting argument is as irrelevant as it’s ever been.
  11. Can’t believe I am about to say this, but no…a 4A school does not get the benefit of the doubt when it comes to depth…especially when playing against a school 4 times it’s size. Now that I’ve defended Cathedral, I am going to take a shower.
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