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Bash Riprock

Booster 2023-24
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Posts posted by Bash Riprock

  1. 18 hours ago, Irishman said:

    No one will ever have these stats when it comes to winning.....ever.  In addition to his 2 NCAA championships playing for the University of San Francisco, he was on the winning 1956 Olympic basketball gold medal team in Melbourne....his team won all 8 games by an average of 56 ppg margin.  

    I didn't realize he was not at his HOF induction in 1975....and only accepted his HOF ring in 2019 some 40+ years later.  He objected to being the first black man to be inducted into the HOF as he felt others deserved this honor before him.

    Such an infectious smile....was glad to see he and Chamberlin (great rivals and friends) corrected their riff and became great friends again years later.  What a legend.



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  2. 47 minutes ago, temptation said:

    Stole?  Fritz Crisler simply took it with him...come on.

    Notre Dame Stadium was modeled after which college football stadium?

    Don't even get me started on the fight songs...lol.



    LOL....just funnin'.....appreciate your loyalty!!!

    Stadium design blueprint?  Yale Bowl?  University of Chicago maybe?  😜

    • Haha 1
  3. 2 hours ago, temptation said:

    Late 80's/early 90's you could watch about 3-4 college football games on TV every weekend in the midwest.  

    Michigan, like Notre Dame was guaranteed to be on each week.

    Notre Dame bored me.

    Michigan had superior helmets/uniforms, a superior fight song, a superior stadium and Desmond Howard made one of the greatest catches in college football history that particular fall afternoon.


    Superior uniforms?  You mean a helmet design they stole from Princeton?  Ugly, boring away uniforms and a boring designed below grade stadium?  

    Desmond Howard?  Now we align....pretty darn special college football player.

  4. 6 minutes ago, DT said:

    Dilley, Streiff and O'Shea were all very big fish in very small ponds when coaching PPs.  They became small fish in very large ponds when they jumped into the MIC Meatgrinder.  It has everything to do with transitioning from PP to public.  You're even more clueless than he is.

    yet somehow the recent coaches that have failed to turn Pike around didn't come from private schools.  Jimmy Graves or Pat Echeverria couldn't turn around that program and neither were private school football coaches.  Echeverria took a Eastern Hancock team to the state championship, and yet had a 5-25 record during his 3 years at Pike.  

    You want to try and make some correlation between regarding private school coaches and lack of success at schools that historically have subpar football programs, knock yourself out.  But my point is that as many, if not more formerly successful public school coaches have experienced the same lack of success at the same or similar programs when trying to turn them around.  Don't get overly flustered with someone disagrees with your half-cocked theories based on your lack of comprehension of basic statistical principles.

    Considering the source, I'll take your immature comment as a compliment.

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  5. 3 hours ago, DT said:

    I am not a coach and never have been. My point all along is that these specific highly successful Private School coaches chose these unsuccessful public school programs thinking they could turn them around and make them successful. None of them achieved that objective.

    beating my head against the wall now....sigh.....

    Mark Haste was NOT from a private school.  He built a highly successful state championship program at Tri-West.  He then went to NC and experienced similar results as Streiff and O'Shea.

    It is NOT just a private school thing with NC....it has to be deeper with football.  Feeder systems, football culture, transfers out, etc.  This is a case with highly successful high school coaches going to NC and not having the same type of results as their previous school.  (in terms of wins/losses and playoff success)

    I know we all like simple, but this case is not as simple to single out private school coaches.

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  6. 2 hours ago, ragdoll said:

    NC-do not recall any major success in postseason except the team Bloomington South beat in 93. That was a very good team. Also, recall NC had some highly ranked teams early 80's with such stars as Gary Thurman, Ray Wallace and Lars Tate, but seemed that Carmel was their kryptonite and then got thrashed in 83 by Washington (in what the media acted like was a huge upset.) Know they had misfortune of playing Warren in 84 regional. 

    Derrick Mayes played for NC in the early late 80's/early 90's.  Had a standout career at Notre Dame. Was an All-American and team captain.  2nd round draft pick and played 5 years in the NFL.

    6 minutes ago, crimsonace1 said:

    They had Derrick Mayes and Eric Allen as WR/CBs in 1990-91 but could never get past Ben Davis. 

    Sorry, posted a few secs after you...I didn't realize Eric Allen was a NC guy.

  7. 22 hours ago, DT said:

    NC is like IU.  When you have to play BD/CA/CG/WC, or UM/OSU/PSU/MSU every year, you'll never get ahead, unless you have a fluke year like IU had in 2020.  


    OK....work with me.  If NC is like an IU, how is the coach a failure if he has a winning record 3 of his 5 seasons playing a monster schedule?  Wouldn't most IU fans live with that??

  8. 30 minutes ago, DT said:

    You are welcome to call his tenure whatever you want.

    I call it a failure.

    It also suggests that highly successful PP coaches struggle outside of the tightly controlled confines of the private school environment.  

    OK...I just gave you an example with Mark Haste, who was not a PP coach that struggled at North Central after having an incredibly successful state championship program at Tri-West.  Did you skip by that one??

    If you call 3 winning seasons out 5 and a sectional title in one of the more tougher sectionals in this state following a coach with a 1-29 record a failure, then all I can say is that you are a very tough grader.  Hope your boss doesn't have a tough as grading scale....

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    • Haha 1
  9. 16 hours ago, DT said:

    O'Shea has followed the blue print of Tom Dilley.  Great PP success, failure at a big public.  I just dont see NC having enough to overcome the MIC 6 plus CG and CA.  I read something here on The GID once that inferred that O'Shea's move to NC was more for financial-pension related reasons than for taking on the monumental challenge of making NC a winner in The MIC.  And for the record, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that choice/decision.  We all make decisions through the course of our careers for different reasons and with different motivations.  After all these years at NC, OSheas teams and his program still have not developed an identity.  That is a big failure in my view, even more so than the won - loss record.


    Not sure I'd call O'Shea a "failure".  Last year was tough, but he's had 3 winning seasons out of his 5 at NC, with a sectional title.  NC has lost 2 sectional games during his tenure to WC, by 7 pts or less.  

    NC recent history is interesting....Rick Streiff, a great coach, didn't exactly tear it up there and went back to Cathedral.  But its not just a P/P thing.  NC was tough on Mark Haste as well.  Haste was very successful at Tri-West, with a winning program and I believe a couple of state titles.  Haste lasted 3 seasons at NC with only 1 winning season.  Makes me wonder what is in the water at NC for football.

    I will say in O'Shea's defense....I noticed much more discipline out of his NC teams during his first couple of years.  I have not seen them play lately to make a comment.

  10. 8 hours ago, DumfriesYMCA said:

    Address change shouldn’t matter imo 


    Indiana is a freedom of choice state the last I checked.  As long as they can get themselves to the school and the school has room for the enrollment it shouldn’t be an issue.  

    Not disagreeing with you.

    Has the barrier in the past been due to people not living in the school district do not pay local taxes that provide the fiscal support needed by the school?  I seem to remember in the past, one had to pay tuition or some type of fee if they lived out of the district.  I believe they might have changed?

  11. 1 hour ago, FAREASTSIDEWC said:

    i cant force you guys to see my reality, as well as make u feel like many on the far east side feel about CG and carmel. these are facts, and experiences ive witnessed since at least 2001....I can remember when carmel had a "ghetto day" for homecoming, and referenced warren and BD and the only reason it got removed or stopped is because a black parent out there caught wind of it and caused a fit. at the end of the day, respect is respect, NO everybody in those fan bases arent like that but to say "it didnt happen" is completely baseless...

    Being around youth and high school sports for a decent chunk of my life, I have personally witnessed the very best and worst of people from many communities....and that includes yours.  One negative example as recent as last fall during youth football.  I could go into specifics, but what does it gain to talk about it...especially on a public forum.  

    I'd rather dwell on the best that I've seen and experienced....great men working with kids, sportsmanship being taught, kids giving their very best, handshakes and hugs between opponents, etc.  Some of the finest people I've been around in my workplace are from far eastside.  That's where I choose to go.

    Every community has knuckleheads....and I guess some do stereotype entire communities based on the actions of a few.  And if that's your choice, so be it.  I have absolutely loved the competition between MIC schools at all levels...loved watching my children compete in this conference.  Love knowing my wife graduated that big school in Wayne Township and proudly has her picture on the wall as a state champion....recognize it when she belts out her fight song and still fits nicely in her letter jacket.  Even with CG moving on, I will continue to watch and cheer for MIC athletes.  You obviously feel differently, but I don't see villains and victims.  I just see a ton of great kids and athletes.  

    Good luck to Warren this fall.  I think they will have a very strong team.

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  12. 1 hour ago, FAREASTSIDEWC said:

    good ole boys, and i meant it, id say it with my chest, and on ppv if i could. everybody knows how carmel and CG is, it aint no secret, its been like that since the early 2000's....

    Are you certain "everybody" feels the way you do, or do you need for everyone to feel this way in order to validate your personal feelings?  Regardless, I am sorry you feel the way you do....but not sorry enough to lose much sleep over it.

    I have very much enjoyed the competition with WC over a great many years. (from youth to through high school) consider the Warriors to be an excellent program, and will continue to cheer for WC kids as they move from high school to the college ranks.  

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