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Bash Riprock

Booster 2023-24
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Posts posted by Bash Riprock

  1. 3 minutes ago, MHSTigerFan said:

    I agree that most kids who transfer either want to go to a team that is more likely to win or they want more playing time.  Personally, I don't see a problem with either one.  If that's what a kid wants to do, it's his life...not his school's, not the IHSAA's.

    But the impact of that kid's decision (especially depending on the kid) may not be isolated to him alone.....and that is the issue.  And that impact always isn't positive....

    And that was my initial comment about people only focusing on their own "needs"  and not accepting that they are part of something bigger than themselves......

    I'm not anti-transfer, but I am not carte blanche about it either.....

  2. 9 minutes ago, Footballking16 said:

    Didn't even see that. Ya wow.

    I get the sentiment at having Cathedral at 3 and if you simply look at the box score of the Brownsburg game I can see how many would construe it as a close game, but the Irish were soundly beaten in all facets of that game.

    I would vote an undefeated Ben Davis team and a Warren team with a better resume win over Cathedral right now. 

    that's debatable....Cathedral and BD both have one loss.  Now BD played Brownsburg very hard and almost came back to pull it out, but they were down very similar earlier in the game.  Warren has played 2 tough opponents and the win against DK looks awfully impressive.

    I can align with you, but I think with the top 7 teams, we are splitting hairs in 6A.  I know the least about HSE.  

  3. 37 minutes ago, MHSTigerFan said:

    I agree with a lot of this.  So I'm not unsympathetic.

    However, each situation is unique enough to not be treated as just being from this or that bucket.  For instance, I can understand a kid who wants to transfer because he sees an opportunity for more playing time elsewhere.  Sometimes you look at the roster of the team you're on and just figure that you're likely to spend a lot of time on the bench...whereas another school has needs and minutes you could fill.  According to the current rule, this doesn't cut it.  So, instead, kids and parents have to go through a charade to explain it some other way.  Why?  Why is it not good enough to just say "I want to play soccer...but the guys who play my position here are better than I am, so I see more opportunity to play somewhere else"?

    If this kid's parents agree, are they guilty of looking for the path of least resistance?  Are they guilty of living vicariously through their kids' sports?  I don't think so.  I think it's just as simple as wanting to see the field -- and I see nothing wrong with that.

    I am not completely one-sided as my last post, but I absolutely align with FB16 hoping to avoid scenario's where kids transfer every year....

    You hope in life that people learn to battle adversity, compete, and realize the victory may not result in being a starter...but learning that the real victory is dedication, perserverance, and being part of something that's bigger than oneself.

    Apologies for being so "preachy"....I'm stepping out the pulpit.  Definitely respect other views and accept one size doesn't fit all.

    Appreciate the dialogue.  

  4. On 8/27/2022 at 7:14 AM, Bobref said:

    Or perhaps it teaches them to recognize and take advantage of opportunities to better themselves.


    Agreed. We can’t have all these kids going to school wherever they and their parents think is the best place for them. Athletic competitive balance is much more important.

    Society today...."its all about me"  If the going gets tough, why stay and compete, when I can simply look for the path of least resistance.  That's beautiful.

    Because meddling parents are always 100% right when it comes to understanding competitive sports.....especially the ones that didn't make it themselves and desire to live through their kids.....

    • Like 1
  5. On 8/26/2022 at 12:12 PM, AG said:

    I'm definitely not about to get my hopes up, but if Purdue gets a few lucky bounces and stays relatively injury-free, I can see them entering the Wisconsin game at 6-1 or even 7-0. If they can use that momentum to end the Wisconsin losing streak, I really like the rest of their schedule. With that being said, the run blocking will have to improve in under to even have a shot at winning the division, let alone the pipe dream of contending for a playoff berth.


    • Haha 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, Footballking16 said:

    I thought they were just ok. Few questionable holding calls each way and I do think they called a pretty egregious PI on a crucial 3rd down on a play with pretty minimal contact on a ball that was well overthrown. They did almost screw Cathedral out of a possession late as they were trying to come back. Never reset the down after a holding penalty and it may not have gotten corrected if it weren’t for a very animated sideline and lengthy discussion. But I’ve seen far worse at this level, that’s for sure.

    I'm not doubting for one second officials don't get all calls correct.  Some can absolutely hurt worse than others.  But as we all know, coaches don't get every play call correct, and players certainly don't execute all plays...or even close to all plays.  

    Comments like the one I referenced, if serious, come off as sour grapes.  They discredit the opponent.  I just had to laugh at a comment that basically states "I am going to whine, but don't anyone whine about my whining."  Whether intended or not, that was funny stuff!  

    Cathedral will come back stronger than ever...and the kids got better last night playing that caliber of opponent on their home field.  Did someone mention about O'Neill being injured?  I sure hope that is not the case.  Special talent.  CG lost all-state tailback Drew Wheat for the season in the opening quarter last week against WC.  Simply sucks when this happens to a young person, especially their senior year.  I know Danny has another season to play, but let's hope he is just fine.

  7. 11 hours ago, Footballking16 said:

    There’s not a team (in my opinion) that can match the collection of talent in the skill department than that of Cathedral, hence my far superior comment. It is quite a statement. And I stand by it, and it’s certainly not without merit. You can make a legitimate case that O’Neil, Tibbs, and Wooten are the three best at their position this year.

    I think its hard to argue the outstanding players for the Irish in the skill positions.  

    Guessing they will keep them out of swampy quagmire fields and feature them on Tech's turf........

    Just kidding....well, kind of.....😉

    • Haha 2
  8. 23 hours ago, Muda69 said:

    Just heart-wrenching.  I think about some of the mistakes I made back at that time of my life....young, indestructable, and lacking vulnerability.  No one should have to pay this kind of price.

    I think about parents and family celebrating their futures, struggling to let go of their children as they headed off to college....only now to be planning their funerals.  I can't imagine....I don't want to imagine.  Truly, a parent's absolute worst nightmare.

    Prayers to the boys that passed...prayers for boys that have survived...and prayers to all of their families and loved ones.  

    • Like 3
  9. Prayers out to the families of the deceased and severely injured, the Indiana State University football program, and the entire university family.  Such a tragic event that is so difficult to comprehend.  I believe ISU has a press conference at 5pm EST.  Universities all over the country have been reaching out to ISU.  








    • Sad 2
  10. 1 minute ago, temptation said:

    In most years at least 80 percent of the top ten ranked teams in 6A are Indy teams and of those, only 4/5 are actually “contenders.”

    Don't let geography and a sectional/regional trophy case fool you into thinking Merrillville is better than they are.

    They could compete and probably win more than their fair share against those 16-32 you mentioned, but the gap is so large from the top half dozen to teams 16-32 it might as well be the Grand Canyon.

    The parallel to college football is the same.  Being ranked 10-15 is a damn fine accomplishment but only 3-4 teams have a realistic shot at the title.

    Not disagreeing with you at all...but that isn't the name of this thread.  It was should Merrillville be in 6A?....not would Merrillville be a contender in 6A.

    I guess its all a moot point.  Enrollment says they are 5A.  If they take care of business in 5A for a couple of years or their enrollment increases, they will move up regardless.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, temptation said:

    Chatard would like a word.  They beat them like a rented mule.

    Merrillville has whiffed the last three times on the big stage in the tourney.  Outscored 127-59.

    BTW:  I think Cody ran away after I exploited his burner account.

    I understand your comments....but it seems hard to say a team can't compete in 6A, when they have won 3 consecutive regionals in 6A.  When I look at teams 16-32 in 6A, I struggle to think Merrillvile cannot compete with them and win their fair share of those contests.  I am not disagreeing with your comments when you stack them among the best of 6A.

  12. 4 hours ago, Footballking16 said:


    Cathedral has an open date already this year and plays Hammond Morton for the second straight year. With Carmel being independent for the time being really, hope that changes and both these teams agree to play each other annually. Sounds like future dates with Cincy GCL teams are going to be few and far between so need schools like Center Grove and Carmel to be on the schedule consistently.

    Totally agree...the options seem to be limited for independents.

    CG travels to Trinity friday night Labor Day weekend....Trojans first 4 games are WC, Carmel, Trinity and BD.

  13. 1 hour ago, Warren Central Warrior said:

    Greetings everyone. I'm back from hiatus and ready for some Warren Central Warriors football. This week, the Warriors travel to Greenwood to take on the two time defending Class 6A champion Center Grove Trojans. Center Grove was voted out of the MIC back in December. This will be the last time Warren Central and Center Grove will play each other as the Warriors will be playing Snider next year. Can the Warriors put an end to the Trojans' 28 game winning streak? Leave your predictions below.

    Rise as One Warriors!!!

    Mariah (Warren Central Warrior)

    Got a feeling CG and WC may cross paths in the playoffs in the future.  Hope its not the last time in the regular season down the road.  What great games over the years!!

    Good luck to your Warriors this season!

  14. Guess Watson and his lawyer are taking a different approach following Judge Robinson's written statement's indicating he has shown no remorse.  Just a few days ago after her ruling, Watson stated he had no regrets.

    Time for a different approach I guess......he finally apologizes to all the women he has impacted.....


    Sit out a year Deshaun....hope it is even longer.....

  15. 6 hours ago, Irishman said:

    As ugly and unseemly as it all is, and everyone involved is dirty…the owners/front office people (especially in Houston), the escor….ooops, massage “therapists”, and of course, Watson himself. The critical piece in all of this is the two occasions that prosecutors tried charging him, and failed to bring a single charge. Something like 45 witnesses testified before the grand jury, and ZERO indictments. So what do you do if you are the NFL? This is likely the most they could do. Maybe an additional game or two? They probably wanted to avoid an appeal as well. Watson got off easy in so many ways (see what I did there? 😂😎) in this whole thing. Not sure if he will appeal this or not, stupid move if he does. 

    Well, the NFL claimed it wanted an indefinite suspension which was a year minimum.  I want to believe this since Big Ben received 6 games for a single alleged incident.  But Bobref may be exactly right....the NFL looks better because they claimed they wanted a stiffer penalty (see what I did there?) but they will settle and make the former judge the scapegoat.  

    I thought the closing in this Yahoo Sports article was an interesting take.....


    Robinson wrote that she believed the NFL’s contention that Watson “had a sexual purpose — not just a therapeutic purpose — in making these arrangements.”

    She wrote that Watson knew “the sexualized contact was unwanted.”

    She wrote that Watson had committed sexual assault as defined by the NFL.

    She wrote that Watson still shows no remorse, acted with “reckless disregard for the consequences,” and that his pattern of conduct is “more egregious than any before reviewed by the NFL.”

    She thinks Watson is such a danger that she wants him, for the remainder of his career, to get massages only through his team or with a team-approved therapist.

    To some of us, that sounds like a predator, someone who knows what they’re doing is wrong, does it anyway and could do it again in the future.

    And yet given all of this, Robinson gave Watson what amounts to a slap on the wrist.

    His non-throwing one at that.

    • Like 1
  16. Well, Watson got a 6 game suspension for his off-field behavior.  What does everyone think? Appropriate? Consistent?  NFL next steps?

    Some recent updates about his "towel"habit.....


    NYTimes report how the Texans played a big role and includes that he met at least 66 women for massages.


    Browns owner says Watson is remorseful, while Watson publicly states he has no regrets



  17. 43 minutes ago, temptation said:

    LOL, ok.  Good for them.  My point still remains and 2021 validates it…on both ends.

    Those “rented mules” just made the CFP and those who did the whipping went 0-9.

    The beatdown administered by the Hoosiers led to rapid development on the part of the Wolverines to go to the CFP.  Heck, UM should be thanking IU for the help!!!  

    Don't forget...IU took the vaunted Idaho Vandal football team to the woodshed last year!!!

    On a more serious note, I was at the IU vs Cincy game.  IU was handling them in the first half...wheels fell off in the 2nd half, yet they still could have won the game at the end.  IU never recovered after that game.  They just didn't have the depth to survive the loss of their first 2 QB's and their line play really dropped.  Hopefully, Allen has an answer for the Hoosiers to be more respectable in those areas, or it will be another long season.

    • Haha 1
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