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Bash Riprock

Booster 2023-24
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Posts posted by Bash Riprock

  1. On 7/12/2022 at 7:18 PM, FAREASTSIDEWC said:

    just had a discussion about you on FB, found out who you are and i cant expect anything less that what ive seen here. But a few coaches and parents warned me about you before i even got on here and even today said the same thing. Its like a hybrid mix of whitlock, bayless, stephen A and sam acho....

    Not sure the significance of your comment, other than a negative attempt to shut someone up that challenges you or you don't agree with.  Pretty bold for someone that I believe is pretty new to the forum.

    But then again, what do I know?  I think you referenced two schools that some of my family members attended or currently live in the area as "good old boys".....which is a very interesting stereotype.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Indiana Fan said:

    Really Carmel wins in every sport. Usually the top of the state. CG only has football and track. I don’t see them dominating in other sports all that much. Why is there such a reluctance to let them in a conference?

    Carmel and CG consistently finish 1 and 2 in the combined MIC sports overall for both fall and spring.  CG has won a number of girls state softball championships, many state appearances in tennis (boys and girls), and consistently one of the top programs in the state in boys golf...usually with Carmel, Westfield and Zionsville.  But I agree with your comments about Carmel and their overall sports dominance....so is the relunctance to admit Carmel greater than just football?

  3. 1 minute ago, DT said:


    Nice attempt to redirect.  Your countermeasures are misfiring.  Not going down this rat hole with you.  

    You stated both schools “boldly assumed they would be voted in”.  I think he simply asking you for a source to prove they truly made the assumption that membership was a given. 

    My guess is that that is a personal opinion. At the end of the day, does it matter?  

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  4. I think people keep forgetting that a major reason the wheels fell off and Indiana last season was the loss of their first 2 QB's and then going with an inexperienced RS frosh. Who in their right mind would think that last year with that happening would be a banner year? They didn't have the depth to absorb that kind of hit.

    I don't have high expectations this season, but with more depth at QB with the Mizzou transfer and others coming off injury (i.e., Mullen) it should be a tad more interesting this season.  I just hope they can develop and improve at offensive line.


  5. 16 hours ago, temptation said:

    Nah, not as fun.  Challenging each other is what keeps message boards alive, no?

    Speaking in generalities, I think our country would be a much better place if we took the time to challenge one another and sit down and surround ourselves and hold meaningful discussions with folks with different opinions than those we hold.  Far too many people not willing to do so.

    This message board is a prime example.  Far too many times we attack the messenger (myself included) and not the message.

    It’s such an easy trap to fall into.

    And no one is attacking DT personally. Just didn’t agree with his position. Kind of what you are talking about. 

    Piece of advice…just because you can get in the fray, doesn’t mean you should. DT is a grown man. He can handle the discussion without your rush to defend him. These posts are nothing compared to many “conversations” on this board with others. I’m a DT fan…just not agreeing with his comments this time. 

    Watching from the stands sometimes isn’t a bad thing. Great learning opportunity. 

  6. 16 hours ago, DT said:

    I dont see how adding Purdue into my comments would have changed anything nor altered the message.  Frankly PU is on a much better looking course right now than are the Hoosiers.  In this day and age of competitive balance and level playing fields, its a bit shocking when a team goes 0-9 in conference play, and a fair question to ask if they really belong. 

    Be honest…you have a bias against Allen and IU. You find one opinion with zero basis and run with it. And when you do, you leave out the other school mentioned for conference elimination, which happens to be the other state Big 10 school. The same school you’ve been high on their recent recruiting. 

    It’s you prerogative to post what you wish….just accept that not everyone is always going to buy it. 

  7. On 7/3/2022 at 5:49 PM, temptation said:

    Challenge Dodd then, not the messenger.

    LOL....don't think I need to obtain your or anyone else to post, do I?

    I believe I was pretty clear about one man's opinion.  I asked DT for his source for his comment below, and he finally provided it.  DT conveniently left Purdue out of the same opinion quote from Dodd.  I pointed that out.


    Look, we get it...you are a DT fan as am I...but that doesn't mean we can't challenge each other.  I certainly don't need your blessing to post ANYTHING.  Again, stay in your lane...DT is a big boy and he can fend for himself.  You can always contact a moderator or simply put me on block.

  8. 25 minutes ago, temptation said:

    Love what you are doing here @DT…the same folks who are pissing on you for promoting the sport are simply interested in increasing their post count and amount of “ likes.”

    Also love how you are inviting and requesting the help of others.

    Wondering if your critics will step up to the plate and take you up on the offer or continue to piss in your Cheerios while reflecting on their pathetic lives.

    I know where my bet stands.

    Count me in.

    that's just lovely........


    • Haha 3
  9. 5 hours ago, DT said:

    I never said they were.  I simply posted that it was mentioned as a possibility by another source.  You jumped to conclusions.  And I didnt "FAIL" to mention PU.  I omitted them purposely. 

    I know you omitted them purposely. Called sarcasm. Nice media touch. 

    Its an opinion, with no credible research or source to back it up. It’s called hot air.

    2 hours ago, temptation said:

    All he said was that it was “suggested” dude.  Relax.

    And it’s called challenging on a forum. Something you do constantly. 

    DT doesn’t need you to enter the fray. Stay in your lane. 

  10. 16 hours ago, DT said:

    Well, one guy from CBS renders an opinion near the end of an article, it must be true, right?  BTW, you failed to mention he listed both IU AND Purdue.  

    Both schools aren’t going anywhere. 

  11. 15 hours ago, DT said:

    It was even suggested today that with the next round of conference realignment, that Indiana might be asked to leave the Big Ten to make room for other stronger football programs.

    Would love read the comments by your source....please provide.

    IU holds their own in the Big 10 and overall NCAA with their overall sports program....


  12. As the travel increases for teams to compete, do we foresee a future in which a number of lower $$ generating sports could either be dropped or regionalized?

    For example, SEC does not have wrestling.  Oklahoma will be forced to become an independent or join another conference for wrestling.  Missouri a few years ago when they joined the SEC, had their wrestling team compete in the MAC.  Their wrestling program is now a member of the Big 12 conference again as they used to be prior to their SEC membership.  Even the Big 12 wrestling conference is a mixture of Big 12 and non-Big 12 schools as affliate members.  (Missouri, Air Force, Wyoming, North Dakota State, Northern Iowa, etc.)

    I just find it hard to believe that some of the lower generating sports will travel from coast to coast to compete, and during the weeknights.

  13. 1 hour ago, Boilernation said:

    I could end up being wrong, but I think Kansas has no value. Their academics aren't Pac 12/ACC caliber, the only valuable TV market they provide is Kansas City, and they are basically just a men's basketball school. I don't see a place at mega conference table for them. 

    Kansas is indeed a member of the Association of American Universities.  There is criteria that must be met to maintain membership.  I agree about the sports....

    I would think there are more attractive targets such as Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Stanford and UC Berkeley.  (academics, larger markets and more comprehensive sports programs)

  14. 1 hour ago, Irishman said:

    I would think they would go to the ACC. 

    As far as the PAC 12, I think the remaining teams there and the ones left in the Big 12 will combine. 

    I would have thought so as well, but I noticed when the ACC just announced its doing away from divisions in football, they named each schools partner schools they would play annually.  ND was not included.  I realize they could change this quickly.

    I thought the Big 10 said no to ND a few years back over ND's refusal to give up their NBC contract.  Does that seem accurate?  I am thinking ND may no longer hold the cards and I am reading speculation about ND and the Big 10 in the media.....

  15. 23 minutes ago, Irishman said:

    I saw someone post that Washington and Oregon applied as well. Any truth to it? Not sure, but it makes sense. I agree with DT, the conference is looking to get to 20 schools. Lukewarm on Kansas. Honestly, I take OK State before them. Kansas gives you something in basketball from time to time, but the other sports lag behind. 

    I guess it depends on how important the Association of American Universities is to the Big 10.  Both USC and UCLA has it.  The only school in the Big 10 that currently does not possess it is Nebraska, and they lost their after joining the Big 10.  My understanding is that there is pressure for them to get it back.

    After Texas and Oklahoma joined the SEC, only Kansas from the Big 12 has the membership.  So I guess it depends on the importance.  With the Big 10 announcement yesterday about USC and UCLA, this association was certainly included.

    Washington and Oregon are both members.....so is Stanford and Berkeley...both in major metro areas.



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