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Bash Riprock

Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Bash Riprock

  1. We see this differently....as the say goes, "you show me a person's friends, and I will show them their future"......but at the end of the day, I agree with their motive...its always about following the dollars, regardless of the impact. I agree players gambling impacts integrity of the game. Have no issue with punishment...I am just saying how can people not predict that the probability of gambling increases, when its made to be much easier to do? https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-09-10/nfl-draftkings-lucrative-partnership-blurs-lines-between-sports-gambling All of this brings seductive — sometimes addictive — betting much closer to kids, teens and older students while making gambling a more explicit centerpiece of sports. Young men are particularly vulnerable. As I’ve noted before, there possibly will be social fallout, and a bigger incentive for corruption, tied to these shifts. Regulation, meanwhile, will likely be scant and left to individual states. "We've been very open about our position that we oppose legalized sports gambling,” Roger Goodell, the NFL’s commissioner, observed back in 2015. “We haven't changed our position on that, and I don't anticipate us changing that going forward at all. We think the integrity of the game is the most important thing.” What changed? An opportunity for the NFL to feast on fresh revenue streams emerged. The league said it expects to pull in $270 million this year from new gambling deals and as much as $1 billion by the end of this decade. Sports betting companies, freed by a 2018 Supreme Court ruling to operate in states other than Nevada, and given a huge boost by shut-ins looking for fun during the Covid-19 lockdown, have even bigger piles of money awaiting them. A Goldman Sachs Group Inc. analyst recently estimated that the online sports betting market could grow to about $39 billion by 2033, up from about $900 million currently. Goldman, which the NFL also retained to find partners that can help it expand the reach of its media properties, thinks that cord-cutting and streaming have made it hard for sports leagues to attract younger fans. Lo and behold, sports betting skews much younger than traditional casino gambling — and thus offers leagues a way to reel in loyalists younger than 40.
  2. not even close. The conversation about Wentz was about the locker room comments made. My comments with Love was in regards I do not believe he is a strong option for the Colts given their opening at QB. Totally unrelated. He is not ready to be the #1 in GB. And that is not comparing Love to Rodgers...its clear that Rodgers is the preferred option to Love by Packers management. Try again....I never compared anyone, let alone Wentz to Love. 2 separate issues.
  3. Bottom line, if they felt Love (a former 1st round draft pick was ready after 2 years of watching) they would have made the move. They obviously believe that he isn't ready and so they re-upped a great player, that is near the end of his career for a large sum of money and 4 years. Keeping a first round pick on the bench for multiple years isn't desired. Favre wasn't MVP, but he threw for almost 4200 yds and 28 TD's in his final year for the Pack. Bottom line, they felt Rodgers (1st round pick) was ready and made the move. Guessing one too many wine coolers last evening....
  4. Zero disagreement. I am not sure this crime fit the punishment, but not my call. My only point is that when an entity partners and gets involved in the gambling business, how can they not expect their own risks to increase? They are indeed opening the door. But, I guess they manage it by telling their people, "don't do as I do...do as I say..." Awesome example the NFL sets....once again.
  5. Yeah...because Taylor Heinicke is such a better option for him.....🙄 You keep talking negatively about someone you really don't know. I have asked you for some actual firm data to back up your negativity about Wentz in the locker room. Do you have anything other than his Covid vaccine stance???
  6. Actually he has DE...... He's proven that he cannot unseat a 39 year old QB that the Pack re-upped for 4 years for a very, very high price. That tells me plenty about Love. The Pack are not ready to hand him the key to the car. Farve was pushed out when Rogers was ready....same is not happening now.
  7. No disagreement..... Just a lot to ask a top QB to "trust us" to find another one. Not saying its a show-stopper...but when you combine the current state of this position, with no starting LT and the lack of a #1 speed receiver, it does not make the Colts look attractive.
  8. I think we are on the same page.....and your last sentence aligns with my original thought. When trying to attract a FA QB, MAC will not excite a QB. Perhaps the same for Doyle, but he was considered a long-term solid performer at this position. Today, Colts have Cox and the 1 year player out of SMU. (forgetting his name) I believe the lack of a proven LT and no established speedy #1 receiver would be the biggest concerns for a big name QB, assuming the Colts had something to offer their teams.
  9. Yes...while Darius Leonard, Quentin Nelson and other Colts seemed to get a pretty free pass. They received nothing close to the wrath Wentz received.
  10. I have no idea who does Leonard's tweets. Wouldn't one assume that if he outsources his tweeting, that he would have someone tweet in alignment with his personal feelings?
  11. Do you think the former college basketball player turned TE would be a starter for most NFL teams? Not saying he isn't experienced or doesn't have talent....but is he seen as a true #1 across the league?
  12. Well...if the media says so.......take it to the bank!!! Maybe Darius Leonard was an outlier....wait a minute...he wasn't the only one tweeting. Reports I've read is that Irsay was not a Wentz fan. And I am guessing that is what mattered most. My guess is because he didn't conform to the boss's wishes and didn't put up the stats like Leonard and Q. Are those reports accurate? Who knows...as plausible as your link. We do know Irsay missed a meeting with Wentz prior to the deal.
  13. I totally agree....how does one attract an existing solid QB without a starting LT, lack of a speedy #1 receiver, and now no experienced TE? Not to mention what do the Colts offer? They have been hammered giving up draft picks...nothing this year in the 1st round and is giving up more future 1st round picks the answer? What can they offer to get a Jimmy G or D. Carr? Very little unless they offer up their current few studs. Andrew Luck retiring has left a huge hole that will continue to haunt the Colts for years to come.....
  14. Like DE asked, please clarify this statement with some actual basis....and quoting Doyel who hated him from Day 1 for his Wentz' covid vaccine stance doesn't count. Unless you have connections to the Colts locker room, be careful buying everything members of the media may say.... Darius Leonard seems to have a different feeling.....
  15. I think the league is kidding itself of promoting something for their sport that drives dollars, then act like its horrific if their own players engage in the same. One year suspension for betting a total of $1500 on unrelated games? Fine if they want to slap a hand for an undesired behavior that had minor impact....but this? While promoting gambling to others??? I think we disagree about it being shady as well. When you "wallow with the pigs, you are going to get muddy"........ I get it...we see this differently....that's cool. You have the last word....appreciate the positive discussion!!!
  16. I understand the risk of betting on your sport....I am saying the issue starts further upstream. Why partner with betting services in the first place if integrity of the game is so important? As if the NFL didn't open that door a little wider. If its all about cash, then stop trying to pretend you care about image. The NFL showed us that plenty with the handling of other issues over the past few years.
  17. No disagreement there. But the application of quality control by the NFL in regards to their business/brand sure has tremendous variability. Thus my comment regarding inconsistency. The NFL chose to get into the gambling game. But when a player participates with one of its sponsors, unrelated to his own team or play, for a very small $$'s, the hammer comes down. I am not sure its a complete no-brainer for the NFL to partner with gambling. I understand the dollars....but with those dollars comes tremendous risk.
  18. Its no problem.....there is a back up plan...... Colts will run the WingT in 2022......😜
  19. The inconsistency is not in what they "do"....its their applications of what is moral....what consistitutes integrity. You can disagree with that....we will just see this issue differently.
  20. Spot on Irish....the NFL announces exclusive sports betting partners, promotes fantasy football, and even moves a storied franchise to the betting capital of the world, but them goes spastic over a player betting a small amount with a NFL partner on games that are not his. Seem inconsistent?? When you choose to "dance with the devil", then try to convince society that you have morals..... https://www.nfl.com/news/nfl-announces-tri-exclusive-sports-betting-partners https://www.nfl.com/fantasy-football/free-fantasy-football-leagues
  21. MLBPA has has YEARS to focus on minor league players. But the focus has been driving up the salaries of their players....and they have been more than successful. I am very skeptical this is truly about the "little man" in baseball. Don't hear the players crying for higher wages for the beer vendor....the hot dog guy...the grounds crew....the ticketing department....purchasing reps, etc. I am not calling for owners to obtain "sainthood level" either. But most of society has very little stomach for this given what is going on in the world today and also in our country. At the end of the day, any increase in labor cost will be passed onto the consumer...that very same consumer that is struggling right now with the highest inflation in 40 years. My point is that this is horrible timing. If a a player can hit 93 mph slider down and away (Bobref reference), they won't be in the minors for long. There is no rookie mistake....its ridiculous to have millionaires and billionaires fighting at this time in history....over a child's game.
  22. We will agree to disagree.....and don't really need a lesson about what drive labor cost. Not a rookie here. You actually made my point....Americans value entertainment over people that truly make a difference to society. While far fewer may hit a 93 mph slider down and away, there are very few countries on this planet that care. Baseball players are fortunate as well that education isn't necessary to hit a ball. But they can thank their creator.
  23. When one seems to label ownership/management as the problem, that is a common union tactic. Baseball players are not underpaid....not one bit. They play a kids game. And reading "poor" Mike Troutt's tweets during a time when we see what is going on over in Europe, and what inflation here in this country is doing to the average family, it is the absolute worst timing there can be for millionaires to cry. No sympathy for baseball players. If their millions aren't enough to play a game, they are always welcome into the real world. I'm not sure about anyone else, but I believe I could have a decent life living off the minimum salary https://www.baseball-almanac.com/charts/salary/major_league_salaries.shtml
  24. Spoken like a true union man..... Guess an average salary of $4.17MM a year isn't enough playing a kid's game. Clearly the greed is one-sided. 🙄 Meanwhile, wonder how that compares to the average salary of a school teacher, policeman, firefighter and oh yeah...a soldier? What's going on in the world and the impact on people....ridiculous timing to squabbling over $$ with this demographic. Poor mistreated baseball players....my heart aches for them. What's the cost today of a family of 4 to attend a MLB game? Tickets, parking, hot dog, popcorn and a beer. Yeah, lets increase that even more. But MLB will claim they love their fans. What a joke. We will agree to disagree that the greed only comes from one direction. Hopefully, one day America will wake up and start deprioritizing entertainment and start demanding their money goes toward the people that serve them and truly makes a difference.
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