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Everything posted by Irishman

  1. Here is the challenge though; convince those people they are ok, or that things are not as bad as they seem. To maybe counter the claim though; this is a comparison among Western countries. https://www.prb.org/povertyintheunitedstatesandotherwesterncountries/
  2. So, what is the excuse for Roy Moore? Or how about Dennis Hastert? Hell, even Trump, the idol of countless Republicans cheated during each of his three marriages. And one of his biggest fans, Alex Jones was just busted for sending child porn to Sandy Hook victims. I am sure there are others that claimed to be “conservative” that have done some bad stuff too. Yes, there are a lot of people across the political spectrum that do sickening, gut wrenching things; neither side of the aisle can claim the moral high ground, un;like what is being perpetuated in this meme. The sad fact is that a meme like this creates yet another fake division, giving people justification to hate one side even more.
  3. And dad also realized that by doing this, his daughter could easily rule everyone in her generation. 😄 https://www.theonion.com/cool-dad-raising-daughter-on-media-that-will-put-her-en-1819572981?utm_campaign=SF&utm_source=Facebook&utm_content=Main&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&fbclid=IwAR2yy-CL3cDH-RAZj7TgzDDiaKmstP9IUX454EWGxcEhAXeUFNWKPhBZ-2s
  4. That’s odd. You don’t mention a single thing about the one person’s behavior until now? I have never seen you spend an ounce of time here criticizing the President’s behavior. But you focus so much on the other? Interesting You have a higher standard of expectation for a female soccer player than you do the President? Also interesting Never said a thing about previous administrations. Buuuuuut, if you want to go there, let’s do it. As I said, it is a big reason why Rapinoe is even a topic of conversation. The kneeling at the anthem was going to be a thing of the past, well on its way of disappearing....untilllllllllll... Never have seen a president react the way this one does to critics. I don’t recall the very high number of resignations/firings in one administration, especially in the short time span they have occurred. I also don’t recall the number of convictions or indictments in other administrations.
  5. I have to say, the President’s tone in a lot of what he says has brought this on. Calling people sons of bitches is unacceptable from a President, while in close proximity to that time, a matter of days, he referred to many of the people carrying flags of enemies of this nation “fine people”. There is also a laundry list of insults he has directed toward many people. So, I feel no empathy for anyone that Rapinoe has directed her comments toward. It is not like she is holding up the middle finger during the anthem. The fact is there has never been a President of this country who has even come close to the level of pettiness that Trump has. Let's add to it the number of resignations that have occurred in this administration, and the things the President has said about them. We are not even through the first term, and there is what? Maybe a handful of people left? Now, let's talk about the indictments, convictions and guilty pleas. Only the best people, right? lol I have to ask, at one point do people start waking up to what is really happening? and stop making excuses or even ignoring this crapshow?
  6. Well this is odd. Snider is being placed back in 6A due to the changes. Apparently, the IHSAA is going to redo sectional alignments. This article does not say who else is affected, but does say more schools than just Snider will be impacted. https://outsidethehuddle.net/2019/06/14/ihsaa-rules-change-bumps-snider-football-back-to-class-6a/?fbclid=IwAR0SkrQJvD9JgnoHvNmYJ7cKw9QaeJzoGPPnMx6jcGO2mrcZfCQV9YBi_T8
  7. Another observation about the games in general. I see that female players do get hurt, but they don't act like they are on their death bed and wait for some miracle spray to be a cure for them. The ladies just get back up and play. Almost saw a fight in the England Argentina match....great stuff. Sorry IO, but you know us loser teachers are left with little to do on our Summer vacations. 😄
  8. https://aleteia.org/2019/06/07/boy-doing-his-homework-under-a-streetlight-goes-viral-and-a-millionaire-takes-notice/?utm_medium=aleteia_en&utm_campaign=english_page&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR3NHTEB_OAa1Du9Aj__bEu5fHPabSE9b7WuXe3-Uh2mQER_PNRst_WIKiI#Echobox=1559890436
  9. That said, I also think for some reason, advertisers shy away from the women's team and players; even after they won the cup in the US many years ago, those players had endeared themselves on the American public; but little to no windfall resulted. The lack of equity is definitely a thing; always has been, always will be. It is rare to see the best female athletes make the big bucks in advertising. How many titles did Serena Williams have to win before landing the kinds of dollars the top male athletes get? since this is Indiana, watch the Janet Guthrie story that ESPN did for 303 for 30. It is a fascinating story to watch. It never seemed she was as competitive as she was, but the obstacles were many, and there is no doubt she belonged in the mix of the top drivers of that time; but she kept getting the door slammed in her face. I would also argue against the notion that politics has no place on the field; ESPECIALLY for female athletes on this world stage. They don't get the attention or the air time their male counterparts do. In my mind, because of the lack of anything close to equity, this stage is a perfect setting to make a statement.
  10. I would contend that the USNWT has a much larger following than the USNMT; especially on a stage like this. No stats to prove that, but the women's program is FAR more successful; on a much more consistent level than the men's team.
  11. This would have been fun. 🤣🤣🤣 https://www.miamiherald.com/sports/mls/article231447678.html
  12. When I was on the Cathedral staff, one of the dads had bought Cubans for the coaching staff. They were outstanding. Maybe this perspective would help. Could you take a swig of 23 year old Elijah Craig whiskey? It's about $250 for a 5th. and OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY GOD!!!!! 🙂
  13. This is a great summation by Andy Rooney "There have only been a handful of days since the beginning of time on which the direction the world was taking has been changed for the better in one 24-hour period by an act of man." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/andy-rooney-on-world-war-ii-d-day-a-day-unlike-any-other-60-minutes-2019-06-06/
  14. Multiple issues with it. With this being a basketball state, there is no way anyone would really support going beyond Thanksgiving weekend to end the season. So, to start two weeks earlier puts the officially start date for practice in the middle part of July. Not really a fan of that myself.
  15. I would am wondering if the other two are facing charges for distribution as well.
  16. Just how petty can this guy get? I seriously thought this was from The Onion when the headline first showed up on my timeline. https://www.wsj.com/articles/white-house-wanted-uss-john-mccain-out-of-sight-during-trump-japan-visit-11559173470?emailToken=ca887c08f025f5a5b7a01dbde32c838etBzq0FwbTXJrUQ8MUigaUjoAwWzGVOHT66U4wF7JggEVN49VMPJcywDwL4QIC90yIeTde53bioBxoijKFGMKce+lggzjkFmquqfBI+eoiwkN6qJGKPyIRwCj2ZtjqkkRe2VMQFp9bRWUdJs0k7z4QA%3D%3D&reflink=article_imessage_share
  17. I would disagree with the article. Just recording herself is one thing. BUUUUUT, someone else was in the video, AND she shared it. Did she have that person’s permission to share it with her friends? The whole sharing thing is a problem as well. She put her friends at risk as well, without their consent. As for the author’s claim that it should just be a conversation between the parents, admins and her is wrong as well. Sure the parents should have a conversation, but it should have been a conversation that took place long before something like this happened.
  18. Per Warren Central Athletics' twitter; the position is open again. Kendrick took a position on the college level.
  19. https://www.packers.com/news/packers-legend-bart-starr-dies-at-85 sad weekend for Packers fans.
  20. https://northridgehs.rschoolteams.com/page/hot_news/view/106
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