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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Bobref

  1. Never discourage discussion. And that’s a flag you can throw “late” … or wave off, based on the information you get.
  2. @Coach Nowlin is pretty far south … and he’s as “Bears fan” as they come! Actually, he lives in Lake County, but spends a lot of time in Jasper County.
  3. If nominated, I will not run. If elected, I will not serve. 😂
  4. Ever the cynic. I did only cursory research, and found no reference to any such payment. I would be more than a little surprised to find one.
  5. Depends which “Region” you’re talking about. The State divides Indiana into Regions for a number of governmental purposes. Region One is known as “Northwest Indiana,” and is comprised of the counties of Lake, Porter, LaPorte, Jasper, Newton, Pulaski, and Starke.
  6. And just why is it, you think, that the officials favor Valpo over other Duneland teams?
  7. This week the Irish take on the Midshipmen. The series goes back a long way — they’ve played every year since 1927 except for the 2019 COVID season — and is very lopsided in terms of the W-L records. Every year at this time you hear people criticize ND for playing Navy, lamenting the fact that a win over Navy does nothing to enhance national rankings, playoff chances, etc. Those aware of the history, however, know that this game is about something far more important. It’s all about honor, commitment, and a debt that can never be fully repaid. When WW II rolled around, the University enrollment suffered so greatly that they were close to closing the doors. In 1942 the Navy established a large V-7 training program at Notre Dame. Over the next few years, the Navy paid ND the equivalent of almost $8 million in today’s dollars, plus a daily stipend for each of the thousands of midshipmen who went through training there. This kept the University afloat until the war ended. The special relationship between Notre Dame and the Navy continues to this day, with Our Lady’s University producing more commissioned Naval officers than any other institution, aside from the Naval Academy. The debt of honor we owe the Navy can never be fully repaid. We repay an installment every year by affording Navy the national spotlight that comes with playing Notre Dame. For that reason, Notre Dame will play Navy in football as long as Navy wants to play. If you’ve never been to this game, you really should treat yourself. I have been to half a dozen over the years, and it’s still my favorite Notre Dame experience. It is most definitely not like other college football games. If you’re interested in reading about the long relationship between Notre Dame and the Navy, here’s a pretty good article. https://www.si.com/college/notredame/football/notre-dame-football-navy-rivalry-a-bond-forged-in-blood-2022. Next year, Notre Dame and Navy open the college football season … in Dublin, Ireland. How cool will that be?
  8. Do you have any idea how officials are assigned to DAC games? Do you think Valpo is picking their own officiating crews when Merrillville comes to town? They’re not.
  9. Kill me now. So, if I get what you are saying, the fact that Merrillville’s foul count is significantly greater than Valpo’s in games played at Valpo means …. what? Can you spit it out in unambiguous language? Don’t dance around it. If you’ve got an accusation, sack up and come out with it.
  10. Really good Region crew on this game. All veteran officials looking to book their first trip to Indy as a crew this year.
  11. This. When I observe a crew and go in after the game for the debrief, it doesn’t matter whether the crew is trying to get a 2nd week game … or trying to get a 2nd trip to the Finals. Their question is always the same: “How can we get better?”
  12. Every time I worked the Finals, the last thing I said to the crew before we broke to our kickoff positions at the start of the game was “DON’T LOOK AT THE VIDEO SCREEN!”
  13. Harrell’s site has the West Lafayette @ Knox game incorrectly listed as a 7:30 Eastern kickoff. Actual start time is 7 pm Central, 8 pm Eastern.
  14. Saturday is a placeholder whose job is to evaluate the organization and it’s personnel from top to bottom and report back to the owner. He’s not a serious candidate for the head coach position. GM, maybe, but I get the sense that the dissatisfaction was more with Reich than Ballard, who is pretty well-regarded around the League. My guess is when the dust settles at the end of the season, Saturday will be a “special assistant” of some sort or another, Ballard will still be GM, and the coaching staff will be rebuilt from scratch. What’s their draft pick and cap status? That will have a lot to do with who throws a hat in the ring for the HFC position.
  15. I wonder how the wrestling coach and his wrestling teammates feel. Kid walked out on his teammates when the going got tough. Not the kind of guy I’d expect to have my back when push comes to shove.
  16. Yet, we have the Mercy Rule in all playoff games, except the Finals. So, there is precedent for treating the Finals differently, the availability of technology aside.
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