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Everything posted by BTF

  1. It's hard to defend him when it comes to his shortcomings. And those shortcomings were pointed out by more than a handful of fans and media members over the years. I don't think the masses are wrong. I just think he's going to win a lot of football games at LSU. I'm guessing your friend didn't give ND a second look after that. I know I wouldn't.
  2. Lol, hmmmmm. I thought he looked like an idiot when he quoted another coach by stating "I'm in favor of it," after asked about his teams execution. Any other examples? I'm not saying Kelly isn't a dickhead, I just think he's good at coaching football and winning.
  3. I think you're still blaming him for that kids death. But that's just me. He won at Grand Valley State, Cincinnati, and Notre Dame. He'll win at LSU like it or not. I'll take the over on your 3.5. You keep the receipt though.
  4. To our defense, he didn't start acting like a clown until he was hired by LSU. He's still a great coach. A phony to a degree? Sure. But he'll win at LSU. I don't agree with your "dead man walking" prediction. I hope you're right though after abandoning two different teams before the final game of the season.
  5. And get the hell out of here if you're going to turn this into a "Wayne bashing" session.
  6. Take a chill pill dude. That proves nothing.
  7. I think we are on the same page. Although sports offer kids many life lessons, it's not the end all be all.
  8. It's comparable to saying Pete Carroll was successful at USC. Championships define who is successful and who is not........unfortunately. In life, you're defined by how much money you have instead of your faith in God, a strong family unit, and the impact you have on kids. Laughable, sick, and sad all rolled up in one. That being said, I have no idea what made Warren Central a winning program over the years. But 9-0 in championship games? Damn!
  9. From a 'performance on the field' perspective, the Cavemen are VERY successful.
  10. In all fairness, I think the Chargers have come a long way since 2014. I don't think Luers has to play 6a programs and Snider to be successful in the tournament. I actually love the Knights vs Knights matchup. That being said.........Snider, Homestead, and Carroll will all be fighting to include Bishop Luers in their three crossover games. Unfortunately for Luers, only one or two of those teams are realistic. Fortunately for Luers, there are plenty of other options out there.
  11. Snider, Homestead, Carroll, and Dwenger seem to be booked through 2024. Maybe Ben Davis can ink some deals after that? If the Giants want a taste of the SAC, I'd rather see them go after Northrop versus Concordia. I say this every year and maybe I'm just too much of a glass half full kind of a guy, but I'm still waiting for the Bruins to have a breakout year. The Cadets are just too much of a question mark at this point to want to take on Ben Davis. Concordia has some talent for sure, but no stability at the coaching position.
  12. I thought of it. Didn't we conclude that Delta was the instigators and that they had issues with other programs as well? Wayne's only crime was that they didn't turn the other cheek. (my perspective from the outside looking in)
  13. Wayne is a quality opponent. Any 3a, 4a, or lower half 5a should be breaking down their door. Big score for Dwenger and Homestead.
  14. It depends on what your definition of an upgrade is. Maybe for the casual fan at Warren Central, an upgrade is playing a good program they've never played or haven't played since 2004. Playing the same teams year in and year out gets stagnant. Just the fact that Warren decided to add Snider and Homestead speaks volumes for those two programs.
  15. Wow, lots of factors to think about here. Success means different things to different people. I could right a book on this topic. Anytime a kid can come away from a season learning a few life lessons along the way is a success in my opinion. And that mostly falls on the coaching staff. Teaching kids how to deal with both wins and losses. Teaching kids how to deal with adversity. Kids learning sportsmanship in both victory and defeat. It's hard for me to consider an undefeated team a success if I don't know the first thing about the foundation of the program. The same can be said for a winless team. You could start by looking at what programs give the most back to their communities.
  16. Good stuff Blitz. Keep the updates coming.
  17. Hopefully he's not reading this 😅
  18. Hartley and Whitmer defeated Luers by a wider margin than Snider did in three of those four games. Coldwater is a small school, but I bet they would give Snider, Homestead, and Carroll a run for their money much the same that Luers does. Chatard is on a level playing field with those teams most years and even better on occasion. I'm not sure losing to Snider by 30 points (average margin of victory last 6 meetings) prepares Luers any more than a more competitive game against 4a program like Leo or East Noble. Maybe it does, but I doubt it. I completely understand your point of view and even sympathize with it. But at the end of the day, Luers will be just fine and will benefit from seeing different opponents during the regular season. I don't think seeing the same 9 teams year in and year out does any program any good.
  19. Snider, Carroll, and Homestead, will all vie for the opportunity to get a crack at Luers. I imagine some years they'll play two of those schools and and some years one. Who would help Luers? The beauty for Luers is that they are a 2a school. Any strong 3a program and above will be more than anything they'll face in the 2a tournament. I think there are plenty high level 3a programs that would be willing to schedule them. I can't think of one 4a program who would turn them down. Even a few 5a programs would take a crack at them. We found out how Hartley and Whitmer measure up to SAC schools. I bet they would rumble with Luers again. Coldwater is just across the board and is probably the best small program in the state of Ohio..........I would head out to Luers to see that one. Might even drive to Coldwater. Leo, East Noble, LCC, and Chatard just to name a few. Opportunities abound for the Knights.
  20. I think a showdown between the big cats would be good for both programs.
  21. Ben Skowronek from Homestead will be there too.
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