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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by BTF

  1. Michigan seems to be stuck between a rock and a hard place on this one.
  2. I honestly thought he would be fired. What university wants a coach representing them who strikes another coach in the face?
  3. Thanks for the update. North Side might need Dale Doerffler back on the sidelines for that one.
  4. Sounds like a good matchup if it comes to fruition. I also like the Northrop/Wayne matchup. If both schools are struggling to find an opponent, then why not. Both teams are pretty good, their record just doesn't always reflect it since they play in the SAC. I hope out of conference opponents take a serious look at both Northrop and Wayne. They'll be pleasantly surprised at how good they are. I'm not talking MIC and HCC, but any other school not named Merrillville, Valpo, or Penn, should be on the table.
  5. I'm guessing Carmel and Center Grove dominate the country club sports in the MIC?
  6. I was having a conversation with a Dwenger alumni, feel free to 'c' your way out of it.
  7. No. Wins against Indy are few and far between anymore. It stings worse when your better and still lose.
  8. But they play like a high level 5a program. So the expectation is that rumble with the best teams up north and most Indy teams. It really is a shame that neither the 2019 team or the 2020 team made it down to Lucas. Normally a team of that caliber makes it to the state game. No shame losing to that Valpo team though, they were darn good. Still scratching my head as to how they lost to Zionsville in 2020 though.
  9. Lol. Yeah, you can say that. It's definitely more blue collar than it was 30 years ago. Many white collar families in the area send their kids to Bishop Dwenger, Concordia, and Blackhawk Christian. And for anyone wondering, the money comment about the Snider district is mainly due to the amount of homes in St. Joe Township. Per capita income certainly isn't what it is in the outlaying districts. Back in the 80's, I imagine that Snider was probably in the top half of 5a in enrollment. But as other communities grew, Snider's enrollment shrunk. So they were probably in the bottom half sometime in the late 90's, and certainly toward the bottom their last ten years in the big school division. Free lunch rate was probably in the teens in the 80's and slowly crept up to where we are now in the 40's. That being said, Snider is where they belong at the 5a level, but will gladly compete with the 6a big boys with any opportunity they get. They'll be good in 2022, but whether they are 'Snider of old' good remains to be seen.
  10. Maybe you were just being sarcastic, but the term ghetto is a disservice to those who still live in the Snider district. Not everyone needs to live in the Homestead, Carroll, and Leo districts to validate their status in life. Fun fact: There's more money in St. Joe Township (Snider) than Perry (Carroll) and Aboite (Homestead) even though Aboite is home to the wealthiest zip code in the state. Disclaimer: That stat was from 4 or 5 years ago..........not sure if it still holds true.
  11. Great sports programs at Pioneer. They could make a case for best in the state pound for pound.
  12. Lol, agree with Hammond Morton. I could make a case for Penn though.
  13. An unsuccessful program thumps their chest after pounding an opponent with less resources than they do chanting "we're the best!"
  14. Here's the way I look at it. Cathedral isn't going to have their "best year ever" every year and Penn isn't going to be "down" every year. I could be wrong. Maybe the new trend is that Cathedral is one of the best two teams in the state and that Penn will be lousy every year. I doubt that though.
  15. There were a few blown calls that affected the outcome. Although I was rooting for the Bengals, they were given a 7 point gift when the ref didn't see the facemask that launched the Rams DB to the ground.
  16. Thanks. You would be correct then. Chances are they didn't play each other.
  17. Congrats to Jessie Bates. Although he was on the losing side, he delivered a performance of a champion.
  18. I thought they both graduated in 2015. I believe Snider was 5a in 2013 and 2014, which is why they didn't play one another.
  19. You just assumed that if 25% are white, then 75% are black. In terms of numbers, your mistake was colossal. You pretty much discredited how 17% of NFL football players want to be identified.
  20. I think Deion has an agenda at Jackson State. They seem to be a good fit for some reason. The man's ego is pretty off the charts......in a likable kind of way. Imagine what it would do for his ego if he turned Jackson State into a Top 10 program? Is his financial situation in order enough for him to turn 5m down from Florida State to continue at Jackson State for half a million? We all know money is pretty important to the man. I guess we'll see what happens. It's hard to discount Leonard's accomplishments at Wisconsin. The million dollar question becomes whether or not that success translates to success at the head coaching position. We see a lot of well paid coordinators take on a head coaching position and fail miserably. If I was a coordinator, I would want to be a guy like Dick Lebeua. I'm well paid and my head coach doesn't challenge me because I'm so good at what I do. And less stress. Same with Derek Mason. If I'm making 1.1 million as a coordinator, I'm probably leaving well enough alone. I like Alex Grinch. Unless he's in some kind of a comfort zone, I think he'll be leading a big time program sooner than later.
  21. Good point about Whittingham. I think I said in a previous post that 20 coaches could do with Saban's talent as he does. Whittingham certainly is on the list. His teams ranked in the Top 25 in five of the last eight seasons despite not having at Top 25 recruiting class........at least I don't think they do, I'd have to research it. How would he do in Ryan Day's position with OSU's talent? Scary thought actually. Hell, this guy could be Top 5. David Shaw? Maybe Top 30. I'm sure I could come up with 25 other coaches that I'd rather lead my program. Actually, if you take character into account, I could probably only come up with 10 or 15. He hasn't done enough in recent seasons to qualify as a Top 20 coach in my opinion.
  22. I absolutely agree. How would Harbaugh or Kelly do if they had the amount of 5-star guys that Alabama, Clemson, Ohio State, and even Georgia have? I do like the Top 10 though, but that order could be juggled around given all coaches are on a level playing field.
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