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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by JQWL

  1. Valley could still play Paoli. Everyone would have 4 non-conference games.
  2. How would you lose Seymour with 4 non-conference games?
  3. Valley is more comparable in size to the SW Conference schools than the rest of the teams I left in the small division. There is some traveling there but they already play Eastern Greene, North Daviess, and Tecumseh if they were to move. Having Crawford travel that far just didn't seem to make sense. If you leave them out, I don't know where they would fit at all. I didn't know Madison was actually getting out. Where are they going?
  4. There's not much discussion on this thread so I'll whip out a favorite off-season topic. I think it's time to break up the PLAC and adjust some other conferences in the area. Silver Creek-Moves to the Hoosier Hills Conference. More fitting of a school their size and caliber. MSC-takes a cue from the PAC and forms a Big/Small Division. Big Division: Brownstown, North Harrison, Salem, Corydon, Charlestown, Scottsburg Small Division: Clarksville, East Washington, West Washington, Paoli, Mitchell, Crawford County Perry Central joins the PAC Small Division Springs Valley joins the Southwest Conference along with Tecumseh.
  5. Crawford County and Rock Creek Academy We outscored them 32-6 actually. After our freshman QB scored, they actually scored a fast TD. They went for 2 to tie the game and made it but the officials called holding on a WR which tackled our OLB. We held them out on the second attempt. The ensuing onside kick was kicked straight out of bounds.
  6. I get the humor but let me tell you something, coaching at that place was a very lonely 2 years. I was indeed by myself.
  7. I won a game last year 38-36 after being down 30-6 at the half. The game had everything. Our 300 lb. Punter took off for a 19 yard gain. Our FB hit our QB for a 40 yard bomb halfway through the 3rd quarter. Shortly after that we lost the QB for the season with a torn ligament. Our freshman QB came in and actually scored the winning TD on a 5 yard QB keeper right up the middle. I think there was just under a minute left when that happened. It was his first varsity carry.
  8. Not a lurking SV coach but I do know SV will play at South Decatur Friday.
  9. So, what you're saying is ND's record really is a product of their schedule and they haven't improved. Disclosure: Not a ND fan. Just trying to start conversation.
  10. Is there a chance this game is closer than the 43-6 prediction. I don't disagree Linton is probably better but North Daviess is quite a bit better, aren't they? Weak schedule aside, they are still a solid team.
  11. I'm curious about Salem. I thought they'd be really good this year but then struggled early. Recently they've looked like I expected. Did they have a bunch of kids out early that are back now?
  12. Did Paoli still have all those kids in quarantine or were they cleared to play?
  13. Hate to take the discussion away from the top of the PAC but does anyone know the best way to get tickets for Washington and PC Friday? I assume no sales at the gate.
  14. I'm going to give Coach Joey P some credit at North. He and his staff do a great job.
  15. Could they not have an Offensive At Large spot and a Defensive At Large spot? For the kids that don't fit the open spots but are deserving.
  16. So is beach volleyball the 8-man football equivalent?
  17. Oh sure, they're busy and I bet this has not helped any athletic department's finances. Just hope it eventually goes through.
  18. Our fine leaders of the IHSAA: A motion for approval was made by Tim Grove; seconded by Dave Worland; motion failed 0-19. Because this proposal would require a by-law change as it’s adding a new sport (8-man football), the Executive Committee requested the staff further study this proposal in conjunction with the Indiana Football Coaches Association for future consideration.
  19. Isn't there a kicker or a punter or did that kid already graduate?
  20. I don't know about that but I think TC is really good. 8-1 is pretty likely at this point
  21. Good decision by Mitchell.Bet that extra 7 days will make a big difference in the outcome.
  22. I don't generally look for facts in Facebook memes but, the U.S. tried the herd immunity thing for 2 months before much of the country locked down in March. 180,000 deaths later and it hasn't kicked in yet for everyone.
  23. I do think this a different question. There are teams playing games that are missing a significant number of contributors. Springs Valley is playing with basically their entire Junior class quarantined. Not all schools cancel just because they're in a bad situation. Amazes me some of the big schools that are cancelling. Surely they can play. It may not be with the 11 on the field that you want, but that's not always the point.
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