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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by TheStatGuy

  1. As a cubs fan, i'm really proud of the fact they haven't had a single player (only team in league) not to have 1 player test positive (knock on wood). NHL and NBA is making MLB look stupid.
  2. Its not "fake news" https://www.cbssports.com/mlb/news/mlb-tells-broadcast-partners-to-prepare-for-potential-2020-season-shutdown-per-report/amp/ https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2902570-rob-manfred-warns-mlbpa-of-shutdown-if-covid-19-outbreaks-persist.amp.html There's always a potential that it shuts down.. Manfred even warns of it. Covid has NOTHING to do with Politics.
  3. So you okay with Carmel only having 2 games? Its a shame that baseball may get postponed or cancelled.. thanks Marlins and thanks Cardinals.. A terrible choice by a few players...potentially ruined it for the fans and other players... This is why we can't have nice things. Then if baseball gets postponed or cancelled..then whats it due to?
  4. I have plenty of friends that are libertarian and independents and reasonable republicans (who are anti trump) but my life has been so much better since i did that.. I disagree with playing in the fall and starting school because im against putting kids in danger period. The only reason we are starting fall sports is because the ihsaa cares more about cash than it does its coaches, refs and athletes. Same way the NCAA is. Its why I admire what illinois is doing. They are putting kids first.
  5. Yup. I cut everyone out of my life that Thinks covid is a hoax, that doesnt wear a mask, that is for the confederate flag, that thinks that bubba wallace situation was fake, that voted for or will vote for trump in the fall, people that don't understand or care to understand why people take a knee during the anthem and who use the term all lives matter (cause they hide behind that to not understand the black lives matter movement). Its been refreshing not having to put up with uneducated and ignorant people.
  6. Linton doesn't rebuild. They reload
  7. Do you have to have a required amount of practices to have a scrimmage? They are 1 more test positive away from not having a scrimmage and putting game 1 in jeopardy.
  8. Is Pioneer gonna even be able to play week one? They had 3 players test positive.
  9. 20 bucks for whole season? Winamac has rtctv or something. We won't have to pay a dime or shouldn't atleast cuz we've had it last couple years. Knox should be in clear. Rochester, Culver, Pioneer and us for sure do it. I think Triton does as well.
  10. I'm white you fool. Hahaha haha Don't feel sorry for him. He was against masks and social distancing (see his tweets, called it a hoax) and he died from it. Ignorance is bliss.
  11. Does he think its still fake? Oh wait, he died from it.. After getting it at the trump rally.
  12. It stinks Andrean is gonna have a special team this year and the season isn't gonna finish.
  13. you are trying to make me out to be the bad guy but you all are for playin this season when we are clearly heading straight for another surge and then to top it off by finishing in the start of flu season ..so in reality. Who is asking too much of kids that are 14-18?..who looks bad now? And again.. How is that asking too much? Most go right into next season after they finish the previous season and most during the summer are working jobs and balancing 4 to 5 nights a week of 2 sports. I'm sure the IHSAA has a back up plan, im sure the head of the IHSAA is in close contact with Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky and Illinois' high school association's leaders..and as I said before, my spring plan isn't "the plan" im sure their spring plan is way better (as it should) than mine At least im not the guy that's okay with kids playing through a covid surge, then hitting the flu season. SMART.
  14. All our kickers do, we have had a few kids do baseball/track, cross country/soccer, girls golf/volleyball and so on.
  15. To what list? I'm simply asking him if that is his stance because it sure does look like it thats what he's for. Lets play a game , who cares if they, their classmates and coaches along with the other team get sick. That's what you guys sound like.
  16. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1235381? Thats not good.. hurts GOP senators that are running in tough re elections, also hurts the president too.
  17. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1235376? That's not good...less than 100 days till election.
  18. Nope. Its called Donald Trump is a terrible president and it's rallying democrats, independents and moderate republicans.
  19. There are kids that play 2 sports in a season anyway, that's not really uncommon at 1a or 2a level. The kids already usually have football/soccer/cross country Monday, Wednesday and friday (weights in morning, team stuff at night football/soccer wise) then go do basketball/wrestling/swimming on Tuesday night and Thursday night...and some even work 40 hours during that week... They are used to going from sport to sport, they also a lot of times they don't take much or any time off after one season ends My suggestion isn't the gospel, its just an idea i came up with. I'm sure the IHSAA has a back up plan just in case we don't start in fall or we stop (which is likely). No I didn't play varsity sports in high school (as you know) but my friends that did.. went to sport to sport during the summer, barely took any or no time off from sport to sport during the school year.
  20. Let me get this straight. You are okay with our kids playing through a covid surge and then hitting flu season..rather than sitting fall out, starting in January where potentially the nation by that time will have a handle on covid and we only have to worry about flu season? Got it.
  21. No they wouldn't have to choose. Basketball...girls and boys... Jan to early March (7-10 games+ tournament).. Wrestling, swimming similar schedule...as far as months CC/Soccer/football/volleyball.. Late march to late May.. Softball, track, baseball, boys and girls golf in early/mid June to early/ mid july. Pretty sure Iowa plays baseball that deep into the year anyway. Its better than either not starting or shutting down within 4 games. Well if it gets shut down during the fall, they'll be SOL anyway.
  22. On the flip side.. I know there's at least one d2 conf thats playing in spring, same with ivy league.. So the kids that potentially would enroll in january probably wouldn't be able to.
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