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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by TheStatGuy

  1. How many schools is this? Warren Central, Lawrence North/Central, Ben Davis and?
  2. Great for Marion county! Ihsaa get smart, do a condensed season in spring. You still have time.
  3. It is. I want to go back to normal but this isn't it. All the ihsaa is doing is choosing money over safety. They are setting the kids up for failure and disappointment. I feel absolutely bad for programs like Knox and South Adams that have 2 once in a life times teams and won't get to finish due to adults letting them down.
  4. And nothing in my tone was factual. It was an opinion, great assumption though.
  5. You think we are gonna finish? Cause every coach I know doesn't think so. You either are lying to us or yourself if you think we do.
  6. Bob. He basically called the ihsaa quitters and when i called him out on it, he didn't answer directly and just pivoted. He'll do that here too.
  7. You never answered my question. Were we quitters when we cancelled spring sports and ended tourney early.? That's right. You can't answer it... Cause you basically did.
  8. Are you new to Indiana? Real question? It was smart, it doesn't seem to bad over there now.
  9. So we were "quitters" last year in regards to winter sports and spring? I think your definition of being a winner is different than mine. I think you replaced the definitions of winner with the definition of idiot.
  10. Thats 3 weeks and 2 days a way.. Long time..gonna suck seeing 1 or 2 games get played then it all shuts down.
  11. Nope. There is 0 chance this season finishes for any team. I bet there will be schools that don't even start. Indy area, region area and South Bend area. Yup, i hate how people are like man.. Quit being a downer. Nah. Its called being realistic.
  12. I'm not at all. Gonna suck seeing potentially 2 weeks of games then season gets cancelled. It could have all been avoided but it's not about kids. Its about the $.
  13. Again. Most Democrat's don't want to defund the police and the ones that do.. Mean not get rid of all cops..but keep pushing that right wing propaganda...and keep being uneducated about the situation, Republican's are banking on it. Again, their brand of socialism is different than the socialist countries the right wing propaganda machine says... But yes keep being uneducated about the situation...its what the Republican party is banking on.
  14. Odd. All our factories had been shut down at one point.. One of them probably that size.
  15. If they do start, Itll be similar to how bball regionals were going to be and it'll be that way until the season shuts down week 3 or week 4.
  16. Nina Turner had been critical of Clinton and Biden. Joe or any Democrat other than Bernie wouldn't get her vote. If you are gonna talk about Joe not exciting his base, might wanna use someone else.
  17. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/29/us/politics/michigan-trump-biden-2020.html#click=https://t.co/M59neQiz6x And it starts.
  18. I'll say 65 percent of all schools that open face to face will move to online learning in the first 30 days.
  19. Where did I say they'd switch seasons? I didn't. Winter sports. January to early early March Fall sports April to mid may. Spring Late may to late june. Condensed seasons... better than playing 2 games and it getting shut down in fall and having zero sports in Winter.
  20. Why? I bet you the IHSAA already has a back up plan to play in spring as a just in case. If the big 10 moves to spring.. No doubt HS will in this state.
  21. Is there gonna be a bigger ref shortage then what there usually is?
  22. I watched some of your guys games on the YouTube. Who are the 4 coming back? I know the announcers made it sound that leach and madden were big losses up front.
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